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She Doesn't Believe In Love

Here's To Us Fools That Have No Meaning

Ellie P.O.V.

"Pink promise?" I asked. Alex smiled at me and wrapped his pinky around mine. "Promise." He said. He hugged me one last time before letting go of me. I wasn't really sure if I should trust him but he said he was going to make me trust him so I took that as a baby step. "You want to ditch?" He asked. "Sure but what about Jack?" "He'll be fine he can get a ride from Rian." He smiled.

I smiled back and we made our way out of the building. We made our way to his car and we left the school grounds. "So where do you want to go?" He asked me as I picked a song. I landed on Basket Case by Green Day and looked up at him. "Well I don't really know the area so why don't you pick someplace?" "Do you like carnivals? There's one in town." "I love carnivals." I smiled. "To the Carnival it is!' We drove to the Carnival and I smiled as I saw the Ferris Wheel.

Alex parked the car and we made our way towards the entrance. We ordered our tickets, I was about to pay when Alex shook his head. "It's okay I can pay for my own." "No, this whole day is on me okay?" He said as he pushed my money away. "Are you sure?" I asked nervously. "Yes, it's fine." He smiled. We got our tickets and tried to decide what to go on first. "How about that ride?" He pointed at ride that went up high and then dropped really fast. "Um well, I um." "You don't want to?" He asked. "Well it's just I'm scared. Maybe later." "Ellie there's nothing to be afraid of, why don't we play get on the Ferris Wheel?" "Sure."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the huge wheel. We were the only ones there besides a couple of other people. After giving the man two of our tickets we got in our seats. "So, Ellie what was the real reason you were tired earlier?" "I told you." I snapped. "I'm not trying to be nosy or anything I was just asking." He said as he put his hands up in defense. " I just don't want to talk about it." I sighed. "Does it have to do with what you told me at school?" He asked.

"Yes, and like I said it's not the time or place to talk about it." "Okay well then lets play twenty questions." "Okay you start." "Alright, what's your favorite movie?" he asked. "I have a lot but I think my favorite is 'Say Anything'." I smiled. "Ahh eighty's fan." "Yes, what's your prized possession?" "My guitar that my older brother gave me. What's your favorite band?" "It's a tie between Blink and New Found Glory."

"Really?" he asked surprised. "Really, really." I smiled. Five minutes later we were off the Ferris Wheel and we each had two questions left. We were sharing a Funnel Cake and it was my turn. "Okay Alex, if you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?" "
Hmm probably going out with Carrie, but then if I didn't then I probably wouldn't have ran into you." I blushed and looked down. "Your turn." I whispered. "What do I have to do in order for you to trust me?" "You have to be there for me, prove to me I'm not like the others and just make me believe that it does exist.'' "What exists?" "Love, I'm not sure I exactly believe in it." " I'll make you believe." he stated. "Okay final question. Why am I different?"

Alex stared into my eyes as he answered. "I'm not sure, there's just something about you. When I saw you something just clicked. For the first time I wasn't thinking about sleeping with a girl for no reason. I actually wanted to get to know you. That's what makes you different." I stayed quiet, I didn't know what else to say so I looked down and ate some more cake. "Your turn." I said. "What made you emancipate yourself?" I bit my lip and played with my hands. "Short story, I had a fight with my parents about something and they didn't back me up. Life was becoming hell so I decided to leave."

"Are you ever going to tell me the full version?" He asked. "Maybe." I answered. "Okay." He answered. We ate in silence when suddenly Alex's phone went off. He looked at the caller ID and rolled his eyes before he picked up. "Yes Jack?" I laughed slightly as I listened to Alex talk to Jack. "Get a ride with Rian.--Why won't he take you?--You did what?--Fine I'll pick you up when school ends." He hung up his phone and rolled his eyes. "Dumbass." He muttered. "What happened?'' I asked. "Apparently Rian won't give Jack a ride home because he was talking about Rian's mom in a sexual way." I bursted out laughing. "Wow." I said in between laughs. "Yeah so now I have to give him a ride." "Well then we go get on more stuff before we have to go back, shouldn't we?" I asked. "Sure, let's go." Alex smiled as we got up and looked for a ride.
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Boring! Right?
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Alexander Gaskarth;
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Ballad For The Lost Romantics
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