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She Doesn't Believe In Love

Please Say To Me, You'll Let Me Hold Your Hand

Alex P.O.V.

Today was unexpected. I didn't expect to get in a fight on the second day of school. I didn't expect to have my business put out in front of a girl I have feelings for. And I definitely didn't expect to spend day with her. Ellie is one of a kind, and I want to know more about her. That's one of the main reasons I asked her to skip with me. Another reason was that I didn't want to see Derek again or I might have gotten into another fight with him. But another one was that I wanted to find out about Ellie's past.

She told me the short version, but I want the full version. I want to know the reasons why she can't trust me. I want to know what her parents didn't back her up on and I want to know why. But I don't want to be a bother so I'll let her tell me when she's ready. I had just finished asking her my final question when my phone went off.

I rolled my eyes when I saw that Jack was calling me and picked up. "Yes Jack?" "Hey can you give me a ride home?" He whined. "Get a ride from Rian." "Well you see Rian won't give me a ride home." "Why won't he take you home?" "Because we were talking about how he went to Florida in during the Summer and how he missed Kara and I was getting bored so I said 'Well I missed your mom in my bed every night.' And I kinda said some details." "You did what?" "I did exactly just that but then I remembered that you weren't here so I asked for a ride after wards and he said 'Why don't you call my mom.' then he laughed and said no. So can you please pick me up?" "Fine I'll pick you up when school ends."

I hung up on Jack and muttered dumbass. "What What happened?'' Ellie asked. "Apparently Rian won't give Jack a ride home because he was talking about Rian's mom in a sexual way." I said while Ellie started laughing. "Wow." She said in between laughs. "Yeah so now I have to give him a ride." "Well then we go get on more stuff before we have to go back, shouldn't we?" "Sure, let's go." I smiled as we got up and looked for a ride.

We found the Tilt-A-Whirl and ran up to it. After giving the woman our tickets we got in one of the chairs and strapped in. Ellie looked scared so I wrapped my arm around her. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yes, I'm fine I just get really nervous before any ride." "It'll be okay just think happy thoughts." I smiled. She smiled back and the ride suddenly started. The chair started to spin and as did the platform. At first Ellie grabbed on to me and had her eyes tightly shut, but after a few minutes she opened her eyes and put her hands up.

The ride ended and we got off. "That was so awesome!" She exclaimed as she got jumped up and tripped. She caught her balance and giggled. "I told you it would be fun." I said as she continued to jump up and down. "Wow, I think all the sugar is kicking in." She giggled again. "Oh I'm going to get some Cotton Candy!" She yelled as she ran up to the Cotton Candy man. I chuckled and followed her. "What can I get you lovely lady?" the man asked. "I want the blue cotton candy please." She said as she started to take out her money. I pushed her hand down and shook my head. "What?" She asked. "I told you I'm paying for the whole day today." I reminded her.

"But it's just candy I can pay for it." She said. "No, Ellie I want to." I smiled and she smiled back at me. The man gave her the cotton candy and I paid. I looked at my phone and saw that school was out in twenty minutes. "It's time to go back and get Jack." I stated. "Okay!" She said as she put some cotton candy in her mouth. I laughed and we walked to the exit. While we were walking I looked at Ellie's hand and back at her. I wanted to hold it but I wasn't sure if she would want me to.

I decided against it and sighed. "What's wrong?" Ellie asked. "Oh, I um was thinking about the song that I was writing and how I can't think of the next line." I said quickly. "I could help if you want?" She asked. "That would be awesome." I said as we reached my car.

We got inside my car and headed back to the school. When we got there, we parked and waited for Jack while listening to Blink. "Ellie, did you have fun today?" I asked. "Yes, it was the most fun that I've had in while." She said as she played with her hands. "That's good." She yawned smiled sleepily at me. "You know you can lay in the back seat and sleep there if you want." I said. "Really?" She asked. "Yes." She smiled and laid in the backseat made herself comfortable. "Alex thanks for everything." She mumbled as her eyes closed. "Your welcome I whispered.

I lowered the music down and waited for Jack. Soon enough he opened my car door and sat down. "ALEX I MISSED YOU!" He yelled. "Shut up she's sleeping!" I whisper yelled as I hit him. "Well you don't have to be rude." He huffed. "So what did you guys do today?" Jack asked as I drove out the parking lot. "We went to the carnival and just hung out." I smiled. "Why didn't you take me? I had to suffer and learn!" He whined. "I'm sorry man, I wanted to get to know her and she was sad." "Why was she sad?" "Because of what Derek said. She thought I only wanted her for sex. So I took her out to change her mind."

"Did it work?" He asked as we arrived at her apartment building. "I'm not sure, but I'm going to keep trying." I stated. "Woo Alex!" Jacks said as he did a mini dance. "Dude, you're so weird. Should we wake her up?" I asked Jack. "No, she looks so peaceful." He said. "So what do we do?" "I say we take her with us to practice and carry her into Rian's room and let her sleep there." He said. "Jack that's a good idea." Jack smiled at me proudly and we drove to his house so he could get his guitar.

After Jack got his guitar we drove to Rian's house and knocked on his door. Rian opened the door with a water gun and sprayed Jack. "Hey man what the fuck!?" Jack yelled. "That's what you get for talking about my mom!" He said as he made some hand motions. I laughed and high fived him while Jack pouted. "I will get my revenge!" He stated. "Yeah yeah. Rian can Ellie sleep in your room?" I asked. "Yeah where is she?'' he asked as he looked around. "She's in my car sleeping, I'll carry her in." I pointed towards my car.

He nodded and walked back into his house with a wet Jack. I went back to my car and carried her out bridal style. I went into Rian's room and laid her down and covered her up. I took one last look at her and kissed her forehead, she smiled and I walked out the room and went down the basement to set up for practice.
♠ ♠ ♠
4 Stars?! I love you guys! :D
Alexander Gaskarth;
Yay It's Alex!
Thanks for commenting it makes me smile :)
Thank you for reading I now have 120 Readers! And 20 Subscribers!
Later on in the story, there will be sex scenes, and kissing. I don't really know how to describe any of that (not even kissing, never been kissed) so I want to ask who's up for writing those parts for me?
Tell me what you like about this lovely chapter, what would you like in the next one?
These are important questions!
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Peace Ninjas :)