Secret Manor


"Sire," Came soft whispers from beneath the chair. The warm carpet lay stretched in front of the fireplace as her master sat quietly.

"Yes?" He asks with a whisper.

"I smell fresh blood.."

"Go hunt what you seek...." He replied. "This is, afterall, the anniversary of my worst failure. My largest mistake. Return before the rain stops, you're better hidden with it."

"Yess, my master," came her sharp reply, as she slithered out of the room and out into the cold, stormy, Halloween night.


"Happy birthday, Frank!" Gerard sang with a smile. Frank sat up with an alarmed look on his face as Gerard and the rest of MCR chucked large, well wrapped boxes at him. He had dozed off several hours earlier, and was slightly disoriented. He hadn't expected to see his bandmates sitting in the bus dressed in Rocky Horror costumes with vampire teeth.

This, however, was not abnormal behavior of the band.

Dressing him in Rocky Horror outfits while he slept WAS abnormal.

"No wonder I'm so cold-- hey, thanks guys," he smiled, unwrapping a gift Ray threw at him.
"I've always wanted a pair of white chucks with....fangirl pee on them?!"

"They colored in highlighter and outlined it, saying 'Give this to frank from his devoted fanbase! He's so awesome he makes us piss ourselves.'"

"Uh.... ok then..." Frank smiled, but before he could open the next gift, he noticed something strange out the window....