Secret Manor

Lady in the Rainwater

"Dude, it's a chick!" Ray yelled, crawling and landing next to the bus window beside frank. "Does she have like, anything on? Dude!"

They strained their eyes, all except for Gerard who for some odd reason could have cared less.

"Guys, it's probably just a tree or something..."

"No, check it out- she's walking towards us!" Bob kept his eyes plastered to the window.

"What is she- AHH!"

Frank along with the other band members who had their noses pressed against the window were now on the bus floor. The woman that they had been watching was now pressing up against the window. She wasn't the girl they thought she was-- on her draped was a tight body wrapping of black cloths held together with silver and crimson thread. She bared no expression on her face other than eyes focused on the band.

"Shit! She's gonna like, eat us or something!" Frank quivered, rolling into a ball on the floor.

"It's probably just some fangirl in a Halloween costume," Gerard implied, rolling his eyes and walking to the window. He tapped the window and flipped the girl a pretty birdy.
"Cut it out, man. You're scaring the shit out of Frank," He ground out, opening the window.

The woman seemed to stare. She cocked her head in the rain, revealing beneath a wad of hair two bright slitted eyes. She smiled, making her flat nose flare, sharp teeth barred.

"Hello," She spoke in a whisper. Her hand glided slowly through the window to where Gerard was holding it up. He stood for a moment, watching her.

However, the instant her thumb found its way to the vein beneath his wrist, she jerked back with a loud hiss and caressed her hand in her arms. Her eyes sat solely on Gerard.

"You are of our descent," She said, cocking her head, and moving quickly to the window, examining him through the glass.

"Uh yeah..."

But in a flash, she was gone.