Status: One-Shot (:

The Girl's a Straight-Up Hustler.


“I just can’t go this anymore, Ellie. This is it. I’m done.” Alex threw his hands up in exasperation. He couldn’t take the lying, the cheating, the drunk nights. He just couldn’t take it.

“Alex, please don’t. This is the last time. I was drunk. I’m sorry.” Ellie pleaded and pleaded. She only had Alex. Her family had disowned her. Her friends hated what she had become. She was a drunk slut. She knew that, too.

“You say that every time! I was drunk. It was a mistake. It’s the last time. LIES!” He screamed. He was down being calm. “You’re a slut. You have sex with anyone drunk enough to take you. You’re orange. I don’t know what I see in you anymore. You’re not the sweet, innocent Ellie that I fell in love with. You’ve change.” Tears welled in his eyes. He quickly blinked them back.

Ellie was heartbroken. She knew things were rough between her and her boyfriend but she never realised that’s what he thought about her.

“I … I’m sorry. I’ll just go.” Her voice cracked and she ran from the room. She was wishing she would hear his angelic voice yell for her to come back. But only silence followed. Ellie let herself out. There was no point staying. She would go back tomorrow when Alex was at band practise to collect her stuff and take it back to her apartment.

All night Ellie lay awake. Alex clouded her mind. She wanted to change. Stop going to parties and getting drunk. To stop having sex with random strangers. She just wanted Alex back. Although, that was a far shot.

All night Alex lay awake. Ellie clouded his mind. He wanted the old Ellie back. The sweet, funny one. That used to blush when he and Jack made dick jokes. Or yell at him when he made a rude comment about girls walking past. He missed that Ellie. But nothing would get her back. He and Ellie were over. She was probably sleeping with someone else right at that second.

That night for the pair was possibly the worst each had experienced. Ellie left at about ten to go back to Alex’s. She used her key and opened the door. Rushing up the stairs, she stood outside her ex-boyfriend’s bedroom. Even walking back in their would cause memories to resurface.

She opened the door quietly and stepped inside. She never took her eyes of the blue carpet and walked to were her stuff would be. As she collected it, she could smell Alex all around her. It was overwhelming. She hated it. Hated not being with him. Hated that it was all her fault.

A loud thump from downstairs caused Ellie to pause. Was someone in the house? Wasn’t Alex out? If he wasn’t, would he have said anything to her? She was pretty sure he would have. But it wasn’t her problem anymore. She didn’t stay here.

A crash echoed through the house and then angry yelling followed. Ellie rushed downstairs and stopped short when she saw Alex in the kitchen.

“LEAVE!” He bellowed, spinning round and glaring at her. She flinched back and ran back to get her stuff. As she sped round the corner Alex noticed there was not orange line around her face. She had no make up. It was definitely a first for a while.

Alex stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Ellie to come back down. He heard sobbing from his room but was too scared to go up. He was over her.


It had been exactly one month since Ellie had last seen Alex. Over the weeks she had stopped going to parties. Stopped drinking. And stopped having sex. She wore no make up and stuck to skinny jeans and not her usual skirt slash belt she would normally wear. She liked the improvement. And tonight, she hoped Alex would too.

She was going to one of his concerts in Baltimore. They had been touring and this was their first show at home. Ellie had to go. They had a new album out but she was too terrified to listen to it.

When Ellie arrived, alone, the place was packed. She stayed near the back, at the bar. But never drinking. The second ‘All Time Low’ appeared on the stage, screams erupted from everyone. Ellie flinched, she never really liked screaming girls.

“What’s up?” Alex yelled, raising one arm. The response he got was amazing. Screaming. Lots of it.

“Right well, I would just like to say that this first song is dedicated to someone I believe is here tonight. She broke my heart. Cheated on me and lied to me. I hated her for it. I still do. But I saw her at the back there, I see her now. Tears are running down her face and she looks like the girl I fell in love with. THIS ONE’S FOR YOU, ELLIE!” He yelled the last part and the guitar kicked in.

‘Lipstick has a way of leaving more than just a mark on my sheets,
coloring my senses cherry red; at least for this week...
Kisses under starry night skies, talked about in song,
we play along, so bitter sweet by our design.
I'm sick and tired of writing songs about you,
This is it, this is the end…’

Ellie couldn’t take it. He wrote a song about her. And she had a feeling it wouldn’t be very nice. She ran outside. Ignoring the stares that hit her back. She sat outside. She could still hear every word being said. But at least she didn’t have to see him. Maybe coming tonight wasn’t such a good idea, she thought, wiping the tears from her face.

‘Take off your makeup and put down the camera,
choke on the drama that makes me want to,
tear up the pictures, the pages you've saved,
creating a life of trends and make believe...

I've got no place in my heart for a criminal like you to dwell,
in this endeavor, make this last forever...
I'm just delirious,
You can't be serious,
You're so infamous for leaving me a mess...

Take off your makeup, put down the camera,
choke on the drama that makes me want to,
tear up the pictures and pages you've saved,
creating a life of trends and make believe...

She gets what she wants and she breaks what she gets,
get out while you can or she'll tear you to pieces /
"Are you having a good time sweetheart?"

Take off your makeup, put down the camera,
choke on the drama that makes me want to,
tear up the pictures and pages you've saved,
creating a life of trends and make believe...

Carry on home,
I'll be waiting miles and miles away,
leaving you to be forever seventeen,
cleaning up the messes that you've made.’

Screams echoed through the arena as the band stopped playing. Alex said something but Ellie couldn’t make it out. She just sat and cried. Cried for what she lost. Cried for what could have been. Just cried.

“Why are you here?” Alex’s voice caused her to look up. “Why did you come back?” He had matured and looked older. Even though it had only been a month.

“I- I wanted to see you, just once more. Before … I just wanted to see you.” She mumbled.

Before what? Alex thought. Was Ellie going to do something stupid?

“Before what? Ellie?” Alex’s question fell on deaf ears. “Ellie?!” He yelled, trying to get the girl’s attention. She had completely zoned out. The young boy shook her shoulders.

“I’m leaving. I can’t be here and know I can’t have you. I see you at the mall and know I can’t talk to you. Because of what I have done. I know it’s all my fault. No one else’s. I just … I love you. And I’m sorry for causing you so much pain.” And with that, Ellie stood and began to walk away. Only to be stopped by a hand wrapping itself around her wrist.

“I noticed you had changed. Back to the normal you. Skinny jeans. No makeup. I like it.” He smiled and it warmed her heart. But then she remember.

‘I hated her for it. I still do.’ Those eight words raced around her mind, tears formed in her eyes and she pulled away from Alex.

“You hate me!” She screamed. Shock covered his face from her sudden outburst.

“I just hate what you did. I - I still love you.” His voice fell to a whisper. As he stared at the ground, he felt his heartbreak as he heard her feet hit the floor as she walked.

“I’m sorry, Alex. I truly am. And I love you too. But … Meet me at our café round the corner at nine. Be there. We’ll talk.” And then she left.

“ALEX! GET BACK HERE! WE NEED YOU!” And he left to finish his concert.

At one minute past nine, Alex stepped into the café he and Ellie would always go to. Ellie sat in their usual booth at the back by a window over looking a green meadow.

He slid in, the plastic of the seat squeaking loudly at his weight.

“Hi.” Such a simple word, but it made his heart clench.

“Hey.” H replied. She stared out the window, a young couple had her interest. It reminded her of herself and Alex only months before. Her throat tightened and she finally turned to Alex.

“I-” She was quickly interrupted. Alex raised one hand and pressed to over her lips.

“Let me talk. I want you back. You changed but you are the same girl I always knew. You’re back, Ellie. I want you. Need you. Be my girlfriend?” Alex bit his lip as he waited for the one answer that could make or break him.

With a small smile, she replied.

♠ ♠ ♠
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