

The sun hit Amelia’s face directly through the small opening between the curtains, causing her to graon before rolling over. After the events of last night, she and Scabior had stayed up (after kicking out Eric), almost until morning, relishing the fact that even if it was only for one night, they could be together.

With that, it was no surprise that Amelia was completely naked beneath the sheets and that a small smile was plastered on her face. It vanished quickly, though, when she realized that the other side of the bed was empty. Rising in one swift moment, she was immediately wide-eyed and alert. Thoughts that Scabior had ran off once more and had left her looking like a fool ran across her mind a hundred miles an hour. Suddenly, she heard the door hinges creak open and her head snapped around, her hair falling in raven waves.

Scabior was in the doorway of the bathroom, smirking at her. Sadly, he had thrown on some clothes after his shower.
His hair was still damp, looking cleaner than she’d ever seen it. Amelia wanted him- bloody hell, how she wanted him. That feeling only became more enhanced as he looked at her with such intensity she was sure he was trying to burn holes in the sheets surrounding her.

“Mornin’, love.” he whispered, advancing towards the bed. Amelia grinned at him, tugging down on his shirt once he was close enough so that she could press her lips against his. She did not like teasing, except when she was doing it.

“I missed you,” she managed to get out in one of the split second that they both gasped for air.

“Missed you too, darlin’. You know though, we’ll have to be careful with this. Can’t be seen together in front of certain people, if you know what I mean.”

Amelia sighed; it was like Scabior to think of reputations and jobs even when they were in bed together. The young woman knew he was right, though. First of all, Umbridge would castrate them without flinching. Second, every single Snatcher would probably think they were weak. Plus Death Eaters would find something wrong with the relationship and try to kill them both.

No, this was not for the public's eyes, although Amelia knew that that was going to be hard.

"I know, but I don't like it." she sighed. Scabior nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck in approval. "Come on, we have to get ready. The guys are probably walking around like dumb baboons because you haven't told them what to do yet."

Scabior laughed at this before pushing her out of the bed, making her lose balance and fall on the ground with a heavy 'thud'. The young woman glared at him fiercely, but he only gave her a sly grin before winking at her. Flipping him off, she headed towards the bathroom to get ready.

This was going to be a very long, awkward, and sexually frustrating day.

Once Amelia had washed and dressed, she and Scabior walked out of the room together. Their hands brushed together, and the woman swore she felt sparks race across her skin. Regaining reality, she knocked on the men's door only to be greeted by Eric. She knew she would have to face him sometime, but she was hoping that it would be far in the future.

"Hey, Amelia." Eric said darkly, and the young woman fumbled with the hem of her shirt for a moment, unsure of what to do. Eventually though, she came to the conclusion that there was only one way around this; pretend it didn't happen, and act especially like a bitch towards him.

She nodded at him stiffly, making sure to mask her emotions with a smirk as she so often did. Craning her head, she saw Oliver and Greyback standing impatiently behind Eric, probably wondering what the holdup was.

"Let's go, long day ahead. I got a new lead on those boys we were searching for yesterday." Scabior said impatiently, having already started walking down the hallway. The four others nodded, before following him out of the room.

"They're in a lodge close to Mytron Lake, in France." he continued, as they walked out of the hotel into the outdoors. It had stopped raining, thankfully, but everything was still wet. Amelia wondered how he had gotten that information, but she absolutely did not want to ask.

Thankfully, Greyback did for her.

"I have my ways." was all the leader replied, and Amelia decided not to question this.

They walked until they were out of the village, away from seeing eyes. Amelia thought all this was quite futile, but Scabior didn't even want to discuss it, and she was too tired to complain, not yet having had her cup of coffee.

They grabbed hands, and suddenly it felt as if Amelia was going through a tight straw, squeezing her. Since she was so used to the feeling, she did not alarm herself but only waited until they arrived at their destination. When her feet landed softly on grass, she sighed. No matter how many times she did that, she wasn’t going to like it. Looking around to survey the scenery, she saw a huge lake in front of her, with a mountain standing tall after it. There was a forest behind them, and you could see a faint sign that there was a sort of cabin far away to the left.

"That's where were going. Now, hear me out. They've been on the run a long time, and I suspect there's a least one adult wizard with them. We'll have to be careful about this." They all nodded once more, although Amelia rolled her eyes a bit. It wasn't going to be much more difficult than usual. She grinned, though, when she caught Scabior looking at her. She was almost certain that he wanted to ignore his own rules and come up to her, but she only shook her head slightly. It was no use getting killed right now.

They walked slowly to the lodge after Scabior had whispered a spell that had made them all invisible for a while. It wasn't the best place for a fight, or to sneak up on someone. From their position to the lodge it was just a plain field…and there was nowhere to hide.

"I think we should find another way," Amelia said softly, an unusual sense of nervousness in the pit of her stomach.

"No, that's stupid. Let's go this way. Oh, and shut up." he replied snarlingly. She glared at him as soon as he turned around, already annoyed. She was as good of -if not better- a Snatcher than him.

"Oh, fuck you. Don't act all high and mighty with me, wanker." The young woman muttered, making sure it was loud enough for Scabior and the three other men to hear. The one in question stopped dead in his tracks, before turning around towards her very slowly, as the others stopped also. From the corner of her eye she could see that Oliver and Greyback looked quite astonished, while Eric had a smirk on his face. If Scabior hadn't looked like he was about to kill her, she would've wiped it off of his face.

"Did you really just say that to me? You little skank!" Amelia swallowed back a shocked 'oh!' and composed her face neutrally. By this time, both the members of the fight had their wands out, while the spectator’s eyes were wide with anticipation. None of them knew what was going to happen.

Amelia had her wand raised at Scabior's face, and he was in the same position but with his wand pointed at her. His face was contorted with anger, although Amelia was sure that hers had some sadness imprinted in it. This day hadn't exactly been going as she had planned, so far. But, before either of them had time to cast a spell something to their right caught both their attention. They didn't have time to act though before they heard a shouted curse. Amelia couldn’t even form a thought before she was hit by a stunning spell and everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Duh-Duh-Duuun. ;D

Cliffhangers suck, I know. Please forgive me. (:

Here's another outfit I made for Amelia to appease you: lovely outfit

The lovely commenters all get Scabior's love.
The silent readers get stupefied so they can't read the next chapter. ;D
