

The woods were eerily quiet as the young woman known as Amelia snuck out of her tent. She knew she didn’t have much time; night was quickly approaching, and she couldn’t risk being seen by using lumos to light her way.

Amelia slid behind the nearest tree, her boots scrunching the fallen leaves, and looked over to the dainty tent that was pitched right in the middle of a clearing.

The young woman suspected that whoever was in there hadn’t been on the run for long, as he didn’t use any spells to protect himself and thus, was painfully obvious.

She thought that she could have some fun with this one; make him scared for a while, but as she looked over at her pocket watch, she saw that she didn’t have time for that pleasure.

The wind suddenly picked up, making her black hair fly in the wind as she started stalking towards the tent. In a moment, the tent was in shreds on the ground and two young boys were standing up, bewildered.

A quick petrificus totalus and they were both on the ground, shocked expressions painted on their faces. Amelia snickered a bit, kicking at the burnt logs in their pathetic fire pit. Ignoring the two boys still on the ground, she went to inspect what they had in the tent.

It was mostly all trash; she threw almost everything on the ground, smashing numerous objects. Finally, she found a pouch of galleons and a ring that was exceptionally beautiful, and seemed to have been made by goblins. Smirking, Amelia stuffed her loot in the pocket of her leather jacket before going back to see her two prisoners.

As she expected, they didn’t look like they had been on the run for long…maybe a couple of weeks at the most. They had probably run away from Hogwarts; they looked young enough. Probably six or seventh years.

Both their gazes were fixed on her, but she didn’t flinch. A small smile on her lips, Amelia whispered incarcerous, and immediately after ropes twirled around both of them, tying them together.

After that she whispered finite, which revived the two young offenders. They immediately started to struggle in the ropes with the hope that they would get away. The young woman watched them with humor drawn on her face, knowing that they weren’t going anywhere.

“Now.” she said, kneeling down next to them, and checking their clothes. After a minute, both of their wands were in her hand, and she twirled them while looking at the two scared boys in front of her.

“If you want to live you’re going to tell me the truth, alright?” she asked with a sickeningly sweet voice, as she kneeled once more so she was eye to eye with the boys.

“Are you runaways from Hogwarts?”

Both of them looked especially terrified, but one of them managed to nod slightly at her.

“Good, you’ve already got the hang of obeying. Guess they’ve gotten better over there at good ol’ Hogwarts. Now, what are your names?” With that, both boys stopped shaking, looking at her with a slight look of defiance.

“Hm, I see you still have a bit of courage in you. That’s nice. Were you two in Gryffindor? Well, I’ll tell you something. Courage doesn’t take you far, sweeties.” With those words, Amelia whipped out her own wand and stuck it under one of their chins.

“Now, what are your names?”

“Please don’t hurt us. He’s Alrick Hunning, and I’m Derick Hughes.” The boy that she had her wand on said, stuttering a bit as he started shaking once again. His companion looked horrified, which made the witch smirk.

As she looked on the list, she saw that the boy was telling the truth.

“Oh, well you two are both Mudbloods. You’re going to be worth at least ten galleons, and with your wands that makes another five. Come on now.” Amelia was smirking widely at this point. With that said, she took both their arms and with a ‘pop’, they were in the middle of the ministry. Pius had given every worthy snatcher the permission to apparate directly.

There weren’t a lot of snatchers that had been given that permission. Amelia didn’t know many,probably because she liked to work alone.

The only other real snatcher she knew was Scabior and his gang. They were her only real competition, or so she had heard. She had never met them, nor did she want to. She knew she was better than them, and their leader Scabior; it wasn’t even a discussion.

Amelia dragged the two boys down to the Muggle-Born Registration Commission, ignoring the looks of the employees around her. The two boys were absolutely silent, and they weren’t hard to drag along; the witch suspected it was shock.

She entered Umbridge’s office, cringing as she did. She really hated the woman.She didn’t know exactly why, but Amelia couldn’t stand the sight of her.

“I’ve got two more.” She said quickly, trying to end things so she could get away from Umbridge.

“Two more?! You’ve already caught three today!” Umbridge uttered, shock and respect mingling in her voice. The young witch threw the two boys on the ground, and Umbridge cast a spell on them.

“Well, I think I’m done for the day.”
A small smirk appeared on Amelia's face as she told this to the old woman.

“You really are the best snatcher.” Umbridge said, her ugly teeth showing upon her frog-like face.

“I know.” Amelia declared, before turning around and leaving the horrendous pink room.
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I adored writing this. :D
Also,this is what I picture Amelia wearing. And yes, I know it's not really 'handy' in the woods, but I just liked it. :)
Don't be a silent reader. <3