‹ Prequel: Wonderwall

Hollywould Fix

A Lady Doesn't Kiss and Tell

"Oh my god! You have to tell us what happened afer we dropped you off home last night," Tessa gushed at lunch the next day.

"Ugghh! I really don't want to hear about how Ryan rocked her world when we all know it should have been Pete," Angel lamented, "But I wouldn't mind finding how big he is, he's so skinny."


"What?! Oh come on like you guys haven't wondered the same thing," she said looking back and forth at Tessa and Lacey

"You guys, what if Reina doesn't want to spill the details about her night with Ryan. A lady never kisses and tells."

"Okay can we please stop the madness for one second? There was no night with Ryan, he did not rock my world, and I'm sorry to tell you Angel but you'll have to find out how big he is on your own," Angel pretended to gag, "We started making out and then Mama Wentz came and interrupted us. She made him take a cab home."

"Thank god for Mama Wentz," Angel interjected.

"Mrs. Wentz is in town? I'm surprised Patrick usually tells me when she's coming. We usually all go out to dinner."

"Yeah I think Pete planned it that way. He wanted her to himself at least for one day so that he could tell her about the b...," I paused.

"Tell her about what," Tessa prodded.

"Nothing forget I said anything."

"Oh no you don't Reina Vasquez you know something now spill it!"

"Honestly I can't. I promised I wouldn't besides I'm sure you'll find out soon enough."

[img] http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/mcrafipatd/default/ryan-and-hobo--large-msg-119949360072.jpg [/img]
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I just saw the thing about Ashlee and Pete. I don't know how to feel. The 23-year old me feels sorry for them and Bronx and realizes that divorce is a sad thing...but the 2008 me is happy Pete will be single again. It feels so wrong! Btw, Pauliis was basically right. Hobo is Ryan's dog so I gave you guys another chappie. I can't figure out how to get the image to show up but the link below is to a picture of them together (Ryan and Hobo not Pete and Ashlee lol)
