‹ Prequel: Wonderwall

Hollywould Fix

A Goodbye and A Date

The next day Pete and I didn't speak to each other as we got ready to take mom to the airport.

"I'm going to miss you, son," she said as she hugged him tightly. She actually seemed to gush over him as she prepared to say goodbye. "Do call me more often dear. I want to know how my grandchild is doing."

"I'll make sure he does mom," Ashlee offered.

"Oh honey," she leaned in to give Ashlee as peck on the cheek, "you can call me Dale."

I tried to stifle a smirk as Ashlee glowered. Then it was my turn. Mom and I threw our arms around each other tightly. Then she pulled away and look me square in the eye. "Promise me you'll take care of yourself," she said seriously.

I nodded. "I promise." I knew Mama Wentz was concerned about me, about my emotional wellbeing. She had come to talk to me the night before offering me words of wisdom that she thought my own mother would want to tell me if she could.

"And come visit me. Anytime you like even if Peter can't come with you. I'm sure his brother Andrew would have no problem showing you around Chicago."

"Thanks mom, I will," I said before glancing quickly at Ashlee whose face could not possibly look any more sour.

"Okay kids let me board before I start crying." She gave Pete one more quick hug and kiss. Then she was off.

"I have to go to work; I'll you guys later," I said solemnly.

Neither of them spoke. Peter still angry about last night and Ashlee apparently sour over my relationship with Mama Wentz. But that was okay, I didn't need them to be happy with me anyway. As I got into my car my phone rang.

"Hey Beautiful, how'd it go," Alex asked on the other line.

"Well," I lied, "But I'm glad you called. I'm a little sad, I'm gonna miss her."

"I knew you would be. Where are you now?"

"In the car on my way to work."

"Are you all caught up?"

"Yes...why all the questions?"

"Wondering whether or not you can play hooky today."

I chuckled. "I play hooky practically every other day."

"Sure but I'm asking about today."

"I guess I could. What do you have in mind?"

"You'll see..."


An hour later I found myself at the Los Angeles Zoo standing in front of a Crested Capuchin trying to throw feces at me although I was safely on the other side of the glass enclosement. Wandering around the zoo with Alex reminded me of when we first came to California and all of the sites were brand new. I'd never been to the zoo and it was a pleasant escape from my present reality.

"Now what," I asked after we had seen everything there was to see.

"Now you wait here while I run back to the car."

I found a bench in the main part of Griffin Park to sit on while I waited. As I sat I watched one couple in particular that were walking slowly enjoying ice cream cones they evidently bought from a vendor nearby. Instead of thinking about my loving attentive boyfriend I thought about how Peter and I had never gotten to do anything like this for fear of being seen.

"I'm back. Now we can eat." I looked up and saw Alex holding a picnic basket and carrying a blanket under his arm.

"You packed us a picnic," I asked in shock. I instantly felt guilty that during his absence, Alex had not been the one on my mind.

"Yup, I wanted it to be a surprise. So pick a spot."

We walked for a little while trying to find a spot that was shady and not too crowded. Finally we found the perfect spot and settled down. We chatted as we ate and I complimented Alex on his delicious pasta salad and lemon bars. We ended the date with a kiss as we walked back to ours cars. It was one of the few actual dates we'd ever had.

"Do you want to come back to the house with me," I offered as we stood outside of my car.

"Can't I told my dad I'd meet him at his office he wants to talk to me about something."

"Uh oh, is that good or bad?"

"I'm not sure yet but I think he's going to tell me that I'm about to get a 4th stepmother."

"No! Him and Candy? Really?"

He shook his head and chuckled. "This one's name is Muffin," he must have noticed the look on my face because he added, "and yes that's her real name."

I shook my hand and smiled. "Aww my poor baby."

"Just pray for me," he pleaded.

"I will."

It was such a beautiful day out that I want ready to go home. I thought about calling the girls and seeing what they were up to.

"Hey Ang what's up?"

"Well speak of the devil. Were your ears tingling because we were just talking about you."

"Oh yeah?"

"We were wondering if you even still have a job since your never there we tried to call you."

"Oh yeah. We took Dale to the airport this morning and after that Alex convinced me to take the day off. We went to the zoo and he surprised me with a picnic lunch."

"Sounds sooooo sweet," she said sarcastically.

"Do you have a problem with my boyfriend being romantic? Is that jealousy I detect," I asked snidely.

"No I'm not jealous. You know I just think it should have been Pete instead."

I rolled my eyes. "Are we really going to start this again? Can you just be happy for me that I'm back with a great guy that I love?"

There was silence on the other end finally Angel said, "Well I guess I can at least be happy you're not with Ryan anymore. That was a close call."

I laughed. "Where should I meet you guys?"

"Joe's place. We'll wait here for you."

"Alright. I have to stop home first though. I have a huge pasta salad oil stain on my jeans."

"No prob."

We hung up and I headed home to change.
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Thanks again Pauliis I appreciate it. I really want my stories to be the best so I reward constructive criticism and suggestions with chapters. Sound like a deal?