‹ Prequel: Wonderwall

Hollywould Fix

Don't We Always

All I really wanted to do was go over my best friend's house, gorge on pizza and ice cream sundaes, and bitch about a break up while watching sappy romantic comedies like a typical girl. Unfortunately, my best friend was a boy who didn't do that kind of stuff and who secondly was in love with me. My second best friend was another boy who also didn't do that kind of thing, was also in love with me, and who had a pregnant girlfriend. So I decided to go with my third best friend, who was more of a frenemy but would have to do. I drove to Angel's apartment which was closer to downtown than home. I parked and entered the lavish building my heels clicking on the grey marble floors, the sound of the fountain in the foyer instantly brought me some sense of calm. I waved to the doorman, who knew me by now, as he called to let Angel know that I was coming up. I took the elevator with it's plush velvet padding up to the penthouse where Angel awaited me with a martini as soon as the doors opened up.

"How did you know I needed this," I asked gratefully as I took it from her hands and kicked off my shoes before walking on the pure white carpet.

"I had a feeling. Don't you know I have a sixth sense by now," she asked snarkily.

"It seems like this sixth sense only applies to me though," I replied as we clinked glasses in a toast.

"What can I say we're bosom buddies we just met late in life. Now tell Ang what's wrong," she said in a motherly tone.

"Alex and I broke up...again," I said with a sigh sinking onto her camel colored leather couch.

She sipped her martini daintly . "What a shocker." She rolled her eyes in case I didn't catch the sarcasm dripping from her voice.


"If you're really hurting then I'm sorry. Kind of. But come on are you going to tell me you're surprised?"

"Yes, Alex and I..."

"Were doing moderately okay in a moderately caring relationship. Come on Rey, Alex was...a good distraction, but let's admit it. His purpose was served when you all broke up the first time. He was here to help you transition to life on the West Coast and get you through a hard time but after that there was no real use for him anymore. It's not like you all had a passionate, romantic relationship where you just couldn't live without eachother. Actually you did live without each other for months while you were broken up and you didn't mention him once did you...Exactly it proves my point."

I laughed since she hadn't even given me a chance to answer but when I thought about it, it was true. Alex and I were comfortable we were good friends and that's what made our relationship work. Then again, Ryan and I were good as friends but I wasn't dating him. It was true that Alex and I didn't have the same passion and heat that Pete and I had. Alex and I were an old married couple, secure, dependable, comfortable but Pete and I were pure fire. Not that I could tell that to Angel who was waiting for a response from me so instead I changed the topic of conversation to her favorite subject. Herself. "So tell me again why you and Joe don't live together?"

"I'm too young to live with my boyfriend. I have a life to live."

"You're older than Lacey and she and Patrick seem to be doing just fine living together. Besides you and Joe have been together for awhile now and you're very serious. Plus you practically live at his house anyway, you drive each other's cars. What's the big deal?"

"Of course it doesn't seem like a big deal to you, you moved in with a guy before he was your boyfriend, but for the rest of us..."

"Pete is not my boyfriend..."

"BUT FOR THE REST US," she continued loudly over me, "it is a big deal. Moving in is like...serious."

"Wait you do love Joe right?"

Something passed over Angel's face but I couldn't tell what it was. Wonder, as to whether or not I knew her true motives? Guilt, about using Joe? But it only lasted a second before she returned to her confident self. "Of course I do. How could you even ask that," she said as though she were truly appalled, "How did we end up talking about me anyway?" She flounced from the couch to refresh her drink in a huff.

"Don't we always," I said with a smirk.
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Hey guys. I actually forgot about this chapter it seems Angel feels the same way about Alex that you all did. Hope you've been well. I still haven't written much. I need a ghostwriter that can come in and take over when I run out of steam