‹ Prequel: Wonderwall

Hollywould Fix

As If I Could Ever Resist Those Eyes

It had been a few days since Alex and I broke up and I had skillfully avoided Peter ever since. It had always been slightly easier for the both of us to stay away when I had a boyfriend. It was when I didn't that things got dangerous. I spent the weekend with the girls going to brunch, and hitting a few clubs. Even when the boys came with us and Pete was around I simply didn't give him a chance to be alone with me. Unfortunately, it couldn't last long. On Sunday night, he came to my room looking sheepish. He looked so cute like a little kid who knew he had done something wrong and I instantly knew he was up to something.

"What did you do Peter?"

He cracked a grin. "Why do you think I did something," he asked trying to look innocent.

"Because I know you, and you have that look." I raised an eyebrow daring him to keep up the charade.

"Okay I need your help and I know you're not going to like it but I'm going to ask you anyway because you're my friend."

I knew from the way he introduced it that I was going to be mad that he was asking me. But I also already knew I would be unable to say "no" to whatever it was.

"Get to the point Wentz."

"Okay so tomorrow I'm going with Ashlee to her doctor's appointment and we're going to have an ultrasound to look at how the baby is doing."

"Okay," I said slowly still not sure what this had to do with me, "Will you be able to find out the sex of the baby?"

"No it's too soon for that but I do want to get her something. I was thinking you could help me find something?"

"You want me to help you find something to give to your pregnant girlfriend for the baby," I repeated just to clarify.

He nodded returning to his sheepish grin. "I told you you wouldn't like it."

"So you're asking me why exactly?"

"Because you're a girl and I don't know anything about babies. I should probably start reading a book or something," he added thinking outloud to himself.

I wanted to shout, "NO YOU DON'T! YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ ANYTHING OR GET HER A GIFT BECAUSE IT'S NOT EVEN YOURS." But instead I simply said, "Okay but I'm not spending all evening doing this so decide what store you want to go to before I get off from work."

He smiled. "Thank you Reina. I knew you'd say yes and I'll owe you one okay." He gave me an innocent kiss on the cheek and grinned at me happily as he pulled away. "Really thank you."

As if I could ever resist those brown puppy dog eyes. "You're welcome."
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Hola everyone! How you are guys doing out there in mibbaland?