‹ Prequel: Wonderwall

Hollywould Fix

Blame It On Adam Lambert

The cashier seemed especially eager to get us ringed up and the boxed up rocking chair (some assembly required) out of the store. Perhaps before we could come to our senses and return the ugly thing but from the excitement on Peter's face that probably wasn't going to happen. He looked so cute on the ride home excited to bring home a gift for his baby mama.

"They thought you were pregnant," Pete commented out of the blue a slight smirk across his face.

"I wasn't sure if I should be offended by that. Were they trying to say I look pregnant? You would tell me if I was getting fat right?"

Peter laughed. "You know you look fine. We were just in there together shopping I could see why they might think we were together. Still..."


"Maybe in another lifetime..."

"Wait who said I'd want to have your baby in any lifetime," I joked.

"We could make some cute kids that's all I'm saying."

"Yeah I guess they would be some good-looking kids. Too bad they'll never see the light of day."

"Well if you find yourself alone in a couple of years and your maternal clock is ticking I would gladly volunteer my services for the sole purpose of helping you out."

I smirked. "Great so first I'm fat and now I'm going to be too pathetic to find someone to be with. Gee you sure know how to make a girl feel good about herself."

"I was simply saying that I'll be here should you need me."

"I'm sure you are and what do you think Ashlee would say about that?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Who says she'd have to know?"

"I think it might be obvious when the baby is born with a swoop haircut, chipped nail polish, and a tattoo on it's stomach."

"Yeah I could see where that would be a problem but we could always tell her it's Adam Lambert's baby."

I burst into laughter. "Yeah because that's believeable."

"Listen I need one more favor."


"Can you invite her out with you and the girls tomorrow night? Just for a little while so I can get the rocking chair put together and set up? It doesn't have to be all night or for hours or anything."



"Would you rather me say no?"

"No I just expected you to put up more than fight."

"I owe you Peter. A lot. I can't say no."

"You don't owe me anything Reina I've told you that before."

"Fine then I'm doing this as a favor to a friend."

"Well that I can accept and I appreciate it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi, everyone. I'm back. Hope you all have been well. I still haven't written any new chapters for this story. I have no creativity left in me lately. I haven't written anything in awhile. I think it's because I spend too much of my time being obsessed with Darren Criss. I'm almost as obsessed as I was with FOB. I'm getting too old for this. When will I grow up and stop fangirling over celebs?