A Year Without Rain

I'm Missing You So Much

“You BUTTHEAD!” I yelled throwing a stuffed penguin at Devina. She glared, throwing a pillow at me.

“YOU...BUM!” Devina screamed and I gasped, picking up another pillow. Right when I was about to throw it at her, her crush walked in and he went to greet us. He walked in front of us. I threw the pillow and it hit his head. He fell to the floor with a THUD!

“What was that for?!” Zach asked us and we looked at each other, then burst into laughter.

I replied with, “I tried hitting this JERK with the pillow, but then you walked in front of me!”

“WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO PELT HER WITH PILLOWS?” he asked and we shrugged, then started laughing again. “You guys are so weird!”

“Us? Weird? What about you?” Devina asked, crossing her arms.

“I'm not weird!” he protested, and I laughed, walking away.

“Just keep thinking that, Zach!” I yelled to him, getting into the tour bus's kitchen.

Before we go on, I must introduce everyone. My name's Natalie Hope Colon. I sing, dance, and play a little bit of guitar. I'm in a band with my best friends Devina, Glydel, and Samantha. Devina was that random, awesome girl that everyone gets along with. That's sort of what we have in common. She plays the electric guitar in our band. Glydel, she's positive no matter what, she has a HUGE imagination and can kinda tell what people are thinking. She's super nice and I love her! She's also the drummer in our band. Samantha, the bass player, is super sweet, but then she's really shy. But that's why everyone loves her! No one loves Devina. JUST KIDDING.

We're on tour with the SWEETEST guys ever. Allstar Weekend. Zach Porter, Cameron Quiseng, Nathan Darmody, and Michael Martinez. Zach, he's really funny and really REALLY weird. I mean, he's obsessed with water...it can't get any weirder than that. He sings in the band. Cameron, he's super sweet and my best friend! He plays bass. Nathan, oh gosh, too much to say. He plays guitar in the band, and he has a cheeto obsession. And last, Michael Martinez. He's the biggest flirt alive! He's like so gee. He's so gee he can be an h! He plays drums.

“Nat!” Zach yelled, trying to get me to come back. I shook my head, rolling my eyes. I took out a bowl and started making cereal for myself, even though it was five o'clock.

“Nat, Nat, Nat, Nat,” Glydel sang, walking in. I smiled and she sat down next to me.

I chewed on my cereal and when I was done, I said, “What's up?”

“I have to tell you something, just don't freak out,” she told me, and I nodded, taking another spoonful of my cereal. “I sorta like Michael as more than a friend.” When she said that, I spit out my cereal and started choking.  

“WHOA? What's going on in here, babygirls?!” Michael yelled walking in. I looked at Glydel, who was now blushing. I got up while coughing and took a bottled water. Zach walked in and took it from me, then walked out. What the heck?


“So why were you choking, girl?” Michael asked when I was done coughing. I looked at Glydel, who gave me a knowing look, and I shrugged.

“Uhh, Glydel just told me the funniest joke EVER. Tell him!” I stated, and she looked at me, then Michael, then at me again.

She wasn't good at making up jokes. “Okay, uhm. Once there was this guy...he found a llama...and named it Bill. ISN'T THAT LIKE THE FUNNIEST JOKE EVER? I MEAN WHO NAMES A LLAMA, BILL?” She burst into laughter and we both stared at her like she was crazy. Then I smacked my head with my hand.

“That's a very funny joke, but I gotta go, do stuff, over there..” Michael said running away. I started laughing and she turned red again.

“Please don't tell anyone!” she said and right when I was about to say something, Sammy walked in and sat on a chair next to her.

“Guys! I took a water bottle from Zach...but he doesn't know...Sssshhh. And don't tell anyone what?” Sammy asked, taking a sip from the water bottle.

“I like Michael as more than a friend,” Glydel repeated, and Sammy spit out the water, but didn't choke like I did.

She gave her a big smile. “Awwh that's so cute, Squirt!” We called her that because she LOVED Finding Nemo and that little turtle!

“You think so?” She giggled, picking at her nails. We both nodded, smiling.

“It's totally adorable. It just caught me off guard because I didn't know you'll be liking your best friend like that,” I stated, eating more cereal.

“What do you mean? You do like Cameron, right?” Sammy asked and I spit out the cereal again, but this time not choking. I probably turned red. I mean Cameron was a very cute guy and super nice, but he's my best friend. It wouldn't work out.

“I don't like him!” I protested and they both smirked.

“Of course you don't...” Glydel sarcastically said. I mean I didn't...I think?
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new allstar weekend storyy .
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