Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 11

"So, Mikey my dear wife, what were we working on last time?" I asked. He didn't bother denying that he was my wife. Weirdo.

"Poprocks and Coke." Mikey said. I nodded and counted down from four. We both started playing, and I added vocals where they were needed. It was mainly so Mikey would know which part of the song we were on.

Wherever you go, you know I'll be there. If you go far you know I'll be there. I'll go anywhere, so I'll see you there. I don't care if you don't mind, I'll be there not far behind I will dare, keep in mind, I'll be there for you.

My eyes were glued to my fingers for most of the song, but when I did happen to glance up when the song was near its end, my fingers slipped and I fucked up the rest of the song.

Gerard was leaning against Mikey's door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. The angle he was leaning at made his shirt rise up enough so I could see a sliver of pale skin and the top of his boxers. His dark hair had fallen over one of his eyes, but the other perfect hazel orb was gazing at me intently. He had been smiling, but when he realised I had no intention to finish the song, his bottom lip stuck out in a pout.

"Aw, don't stop, Frankie." Damn, why'd he have to say that? It conjures up sexy images in my head.

"Frank? Hello, are you there? We weren't done with the song." Mikey said, poking me in the shoulder. I bit my lip and looked down at the guitar dumbly. How am I supposed to play with Gerard in here? I just turn to mush when he's around.

"Oh, Frank, how about we play that song you wrote? Lloyd Dobbler?" Mikey suggested.

Yeah, right. Gerard already thinks I'm girly enough. If I play that..

"What? No, it's not that good." I said.

"Oh, come on, it's awesome. It made me fall in love with you."

"No, it's girly..."



"But I want Gee to hear it."

"No!" Gerard stepped the rest of the way in the room, then planted himself on Mikey's bed. He looked up at me and pleaded with his eyes.

"Please Frankie? I'll show you your drawing if you play the song." he bargained. He actually drew it? Awww.

"You finished it?"

"Yep." he chirped. Geez, how could I say no to that?

"Ugh, fine. Don't you dare laugh."

"I won't."

I readied myself to play. I took a deep breath and played.

Why are you so far away, even when you're standing next to me. Your eyes give you away, telling secrets when your mouth don't feel like talking...

Gerard awe. And, if it makes sense, I was in awe of his awe. No, that doesn't make much sense. I was amazed that he wasn't puking from the girliness of it.

And I'll be your Lloyd Dobbler with a boom box out in the street, and I'll be there if you need someone even if it isn't me...Lying in your bed as lights dance across the ceiling. I listen to you breathe, toss and turn in your sleep. And I wish that you'd believe that I'll be your Lloyd Dobbler with a boom box out in the street. And I'll be there if you need someone even if it isn't me. There's a Norman Rockwell painting. Two kids sitting on a bench, It reminds me of all the stupid things that I'd like for us to share, but I don't care.

Gerard had his hand over his mouth, and Mikey was positively beaming. I was just glad I got that over with and no one was calling me a pansy.

"Fuck. Frankie, that was amazing." Gerard said quietly. I blushed and looked at the floor.

"Thanks...I..well, I think it's way too girly, but-"

"I love it. Play it again." he said.

"No, I want to see my picture."

"Okay. Come on, it's in the basement." he said, standing up. I set my guitar down on Mikey's bed and followed Gerard down to the living room. He stopped before he reached the door that went to the basement. He turned to face me and grinned widely.

"Okay, before we even start, do you need me to carry you?" he asked. I glared at him while Mikey burst out in laughter.

"You know what? Yes, since you asked, carry me." I said, holding my arms up. He picked me up bridal style and made Mikey open the door. He stepped into the darkness and I let out an involuntary shudder. His arms went around me a little tighter and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, why do you have to carry him?" Mikey asked, following us down the steps. I looked up at him, and it looked like he was mad. But why would he be mad?

"He almost fell last time."

"Oh. Yeah, he is a bit self-destructive. He gets hurt pretty much every day."

Gerard reached the bottom of the steps, then deposited me on his bed. He handed me the paper the drawing was on. It took my breath away literally.

"Gerard, this is..." ME. He'd drawn me with angel wings. And the way he'd done it didn't make me look like a grotesque creature. It was amazing. He was amazing.

"Well, Frankie is pleased." Mikey stated. I nodded and wanted to tackle Gerard and give him tons of kisses, but I restrained myself. Damn my self discipline.

"What? I don't get a hug?" Gerard asked, pouting. I jumped up and basically crushed him. I have no earthly idea how he was able to remain standing, but he did it. I buried my head in his chest and thanked him, like, fifteen times. He laughed.

"So I take it you like the drawing, eh Frankie?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's awesome. I can't believe you did this. Thanks."

"No problem, kid." he said. Kid? Great, he thinks that I'm a kid. I slumped my shoulders and wiggled out of the embrace. As soon as my feet hit the floor, I darted over to the stairs.

"Are you leaving already, Frank?" Mikey asked.

"Yep. See you tomorrow!" I said, waving to both of them. Going up the steps is a lot easier than going down them. If you look close enough, you can find a metaphor for life. You know, the top of the stairs is the light, and something about going to the light is easier than going to the dark. Dying is easier than living in a dark world...something like that. Pft, I don't know.

I ran to my house with my drawing tucked safely under my arm. When I reached my house, my mom was in the kitchen reading something. I guess she thought that me hugging a piece of paper was odd, because she gave me the look that said 'you are a weird little boy'.

"Hey, honey. What's that?" she asked, pointing to the drawing. I hugged it a little tighter in case she wanted to take it from me and eat it.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just a picture that Mikey's brother drew for me." I told her. She frowned.

"None of that death stuff that he used to do, is it? I swear, that boy needs to go to church."

That was the first time I actually wanted to hit my mom. I hate it when people say stuff like that. It's not like she knows what is going on in Gerard's head. Neither do I, but I don't pretend to.

"No, it's really pretty." I let that slip out, even though I really didn't mean to say it. My mom constantly gives me shit for saying girly things, or acting girly. Ha, if only she knew....
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So, I got 4 comments last time, and that's pretty decent. See, I update more when people comment. The pope is pleased.