Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 13

Have you ever been held hostage by Gerard Way? Nope, didn't think so. If you answered yes to that question, *grr*. Back off, he's un-officially mine.

I was currently laying on the couch on my stomach while Gerard was sitting on my back, reading a comic book. It's very entertaining to watch him read one. His facial expression changes so much in the span of just one page. Happy, confused, sad, suspenseful, *turns page* starts laughing.

"How cliche." he said, giggling. He flicked his head to the side to get the hair out of his eyes.

"What's cliche, pumpkin-face?" I asked. He frowned and jumped up a bit, then back down, making my breath rush out.

"The hero always wins against the odds." he said. He looked down at me with a half-smile.

"Hmm, then I must be a villain." I never win. If I was the hero of this story, I'd be...under Gerard. Ha, funny. Sad funny, but funny nontheless. I turned my attention from wishing I was under Gerard to anything else in front of me. It wouldn't be good to get too happy with Gerard right on top of me.

Gerard's hand was on the arm of the couch, tapping lightly on the fabric. He seemed to be deep in thought, looking at the blank TV screen. He'd turned it off earlier when he fetched the comic book from Mikey's room. I pulled my arm out from under my body and glided my fingers over the smooth skin of Gerard's hand, stilling it instantly. He looked down at me, startled.

"Oh, was the tapping bothering you? Sorry." he said. I gulped and shook my head. How can I tell him that I just wanted to hold his hand without him being completely grossed out? I wasn't asking for much. Just this one thing, just holding hands for a few minutes, and I'll be happy.

Liar, you'll just want him more until you can't stand it anymore and do something retarded.

I closed my eyes and laid my head down on the couch, letting out a low groan as I did. To make matters worse, I felt Gerard slip his hand out from under mine. Next, he'll get up and go to his room and I'll never see him again. Fuck holding his hand, all I wanted to do was just be around him.

Suddenly, I found my fingers laced with his.He was holding my hand. He was even running his thumb along mine. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His eyes were still fixated on the non-existent TV show, but he was biting down on his lip fretfully. His featured were pulled into a frown, and the look didn't suit him at all. I wanted him to be happy. So, against my better judgement, I spoke.

"What's wrong, Gee?" I asked. I tightened my grip on his hand just a little. I really didn't want him to pull away. It's pretty pathetic. But, instead of confirming my fears, he began to trace little circles with his thumb on my hand. He didn't look down or anything, and when he answered, it just made me more worried.

"Nothin', Frank."

He called me Frank. He never does that, it's always Frankie. Or, more recently, Francis. What's wrong with him? I want my fruity Gerard back right this instant!

"I'm not hurting your back, am I?" He disentangled our hands and started rubbing my back. It popped in several places and I let out a moan.

"Nope, feels fine, Gee." I said brightly. I decided that I liked the back rub better than holding hands. "Mmm, Gee, I'm gonna make you rub my back all the time now, I hope you know."

"Okay, Francis." Yay, he's back.

"Ugh, if I didn't absolutely adore you right now, I'd tackle you and make up a worse name than pumpkin-face. Because that could easily be taken as a compliment. I love the Smashing Pumpkins. Especially Ava Adore."

"Geez, me too. My favorite is Bullet With Butterfly Wings...or maybe Zero. I used to think that song had such a hardcore chorus when I was younger. Before I discovered metal, of course. Wait..if you love the Smashing Pumpkins, does that mean you love my face?" he asked, grinning down at me. I nodded.

"Of course."

"And is that because I'm still rubbing your back, Frankie?"

"No." I mumbled into the couch. There was a loud thump from somewhere, and suddenly Mikey appeared before us. Gerard's hand stopped rubbing my back and fell to his side.

"A-ha..I'm not even going to ask. Gerard, you forgot my birthday." Mikey said accusingly.

"So did you." I said.

"Shut up. Anyway, I think that you should make me a cake." Mikey told his brother. I perked up at the mention of cake.

"Chocolate cake!!" I chimed in. Gerard looked down at me unbelieving for a moment.

"Mikey, the couch is talking to me." he said.

"I'm not a couch you dork!"

"See, it talked again! Mikey, our house is haunted by the ghosts of dead couches. Call ghostbusters." he said. Omibob, he is so cute.

Mikey didn't think so, however, because he pushed Gerard off of me. Gerard just laid on his back next to the couch and looked up at Mikey.

"What did I do?" he asked innocently. He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout that made me feel bad even though I didn't do anything.

"Gerard, I want a cake..." Mikey whined, pouting too. Ugh, getting caught in the crossfire of a two-Way pout.

Gerard gave up first and stood up. He brushed imaginary dirt off of his black pants and put an arm around Mikey's shoulders.

"Alright, I'll make a cake. Geez. One day, you're gonna be old and your puppy face isn't going to work on me." Gerard warned.

"Well, you are four years older than me, so you'll be even older." he retorted.

"Hey, make sure the cake is chocolate, cause everything else is pretty nasty." I butted in. Both of them started laughing at my blatant childish-ness, but it didn't bother me. I got up from the couch and started pushing them both into the kitchen.

"Hurry up or I'll die of chocolate cake deprivation." I chirped, hoisting myself up on the counter. Mikey sat next to me and put his head on my shoulder. I laid my head on top of his and watched as Gerard searched around the kitchen. At one glorious moment he bent over and I got a nice view of his arse.

"Ew, Gee, I don't want to see your butt." Mikey said.

"Liar. You're just jealous cause you don't have a butt."

I started laughing as Gerard said that, and both of the brothers turned to look at me oddly. They should know me better than this by now. Especially Mikey.

"Hey, I know I'm pretty, but you have a cake to make." I said to Gerard, nudging him in the hip with my shoe.

"Frankie, I swear you are the weirdest person I've ever met." he said to me, running a hand through his hair. Mikey put both of his arms around my middle.

"He's not weird, he's unique."

I hugged him back and laughed.

"Does this have anything to do with the PS2?" I asked. He grunted in response and kissed my cheek.

"Yup. Oh well, at least someone loves me, even if I do have to buy them videogame consoles..."

"Next time you can get me an XBOX." he said, knowing damn well that I dreamed of having an XBOX. Sue me, I loved to play HALO. My cousin had the game, and I wanted to attack him and steal it.

"Hey, if I didn't love you so much, I would have an XBOX for myself, finally. Y'know, my birthday is next month..." I watched Mikey's eyes grow wide as he realised this fact.

"Hey, you're right! Are we gonna go trick-or-treating again? Even though I'm like six feet tall now?" he asked. I nodded. Last year, we went as Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. It was dorky, but fun.

Gerard finally got done with the chocolate cake, but I decided that it needed something else, so I took a packet of skittles out of my pocket and arranged them on the cake in a swirl.

"There. Most awesome birthday cake ever." I announced, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"So, you carry skittles with you all the time, Frankie?" Gerard asked. He was cutting the cake into three even pieces. I don't know how he managed to do it, but he just said something about taking a class where he had to divide circles into an odd number of even pieces in art school.

"Yes, I do. Want one?" I asked. He nodded and held his hand out. I gave him a purple one because they are my least favorite. Gerard pouted and popped the skittle in his mouth.

"I was hoping for a green one." he said. I looked in the pack and fished out one of the precious green ones, which happened to be my favorite as well.

"Hey, try to catch it in your mouth." I told him. He opened his mouth wide and I threw it at him, and it freaking worked. He caught it in his mouth. That has never happened with anyone else. I count it as a sign.