Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 2

Mikey and I walked to school and when we got there we got in the back of the line for seniors to get their schedules. As I was standing in line behind a girl with black hair and a black t-shirt, I heard her humming the Misfits song Last Caress. I poked her on the shoulder and she turned around, looking annoyed with me. I was surprised at her...punk-esque appearence. She had a bright pink stripe running through her bangs, and an eyebrow ring in her left eyebrow. The black shirt she had on was a Ramones shirt, and she was wearing basically the same belt that I was. The sign of true non-conformity.

"What do you want?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. I bit my lip and noticed not for the first time that I was unbearably short, because she was easily able to look down on me.

"You were humming Last Caress." I said. A smile brightened her face and immediately she became less hostile towards me. She nodded vehemently.

"Yeah! You like the Misfits? Awesome. I'm Kali, by the way." she said quickly. I could vaguely hear an accent, but I wouldn't be able to tell you which one. It certainly wasn't a Jersey accent.

"Hi. I'm Frank. So, Kali, what other bands do you like?"

"Um...Thursday, The Sex Pistols, Green Day, aannndd...The offspring." she said proudly, nodding at the last bit. It was easy to tell which was her favorite. My mouth hung open and I jumped up and down excitedly.

"Wow. I officially love you. Like, totally." I said, realising too late how much of a girl I sounded like. She giggled cutely.

"Um, thanks, I guess." she said. Someone nudged her because the line had been moving slightly, and now it was her turn to get her schedule. She spun around and nearly knocked over the table.

"Oh, fuck." she muttered, rubbing her hip.

"Aww, poor Kali." I cooed, grinning. I put an arm around her shoulders, and she shot me an evil semi-evil look.

"Hey, shut it Frankie, or I'll so attack you, and you won't even see it coming." she warned, pushing my arm away.

"Name?" the teacher sitting at the table inquired with an impatient huff. Kali spun back around and scratche the back of her head.

"Ah, Kali Stanton." she answered quickly. She was handed a piece of paper and skipped out of line. I stepped up to where she had just previously vacated, and the teacher looked at me expectantly.

"Frank Iero." I said before she even had to ask. I grabbed the paper out of her hands and ran off to either find Kali or Mikey. I spotted Kali first, and she waved me over to her spot leaning against the wall.

"What classes did you get, Frank?" she asked, peering over my shoulder. I shrugged and looked down at my schedule.

1. Geometry
2. English IV
3. Art
4. Study Hall
5. Chemistry
6. History
7. Spanish II

I heard Kali's squeal of glee, and she told me that we had our first three classes together.

"Oooh, coolio. Mikey!!" I yelled, suddenly spotting him. His head jerked up and he looked around wildly before finally seeing me and running over to where Kali and I were standing. I threw my arms around him tightly, and I felt my feet leave the ground as he lifted me up.

"Mikey, my love!" I exclaimed after I was back on the ground.

"Frankie, my wife!" he yelled. We got several weird glances, and I heard Kali snort. I turned around to find her grinning widely.

"Um...are you two...?" she left the question unfinished, but I knew where she was going.

"No, no! We're not gay! This is just...what we do." Mikey explained quickly. She nodded like she understood. Finally someone who doesn't think it's freaky!

"Oh, okay. Good." she said. I frowned.

"Are you a homophobe?" I asked, hoping she wasn't. She shook her head.

"Nah. It's just, you're cute and I don't want you to be gay." she said boldly. I grinned and blushed a little bit when Mikey nudged me.

"Ooh, I like a woman who can speak her mind." I told her. Maybe I will have a girlfriend this year after all...
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LoVe comments!! Arigato much! Geez, you people rock.