Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 22

I looked down at our intertwined hands like they were foriegn to me. Like it wasn't normal for us to be doing this in public. Gerard looked down at me and smiled, the smile that made his eyes crinkle in the corners and his face light up.

"Gerard, what are you saying?" I asked quietly, almost afraid of the answer. This was so close to exactly what I wanted, something was bound to go horribly wrong. And Gerard wasn't answering me. He'd been in silence for at least a minute, biting on his lip thoughtfully. I tugged on his sleeve and pouted.

"Gee, say something..." I whined. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder. I pressed my nose into his cheek and whimpered. He laughed and turned his face to mine.

"Frankie, I guess I'm saying...forget everything that I told you last night and this morning. You're not too young, and I will try my hardest to make this work, and if it doesn't, this will all be my fault. But I'm taking this chance, and I want you to be my boyfriend. So, will you?" he asked, letting out a loud breath. I broke out into a grin and hugged him fiercely.

"You mean it?" I squeaked. He nodded and laughed, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. But I turned my face so our lips locked instead, and I felt Gerard grin through the kiss. When he pulled away, I whined again and settled for wrapping my arms around his waist. I cuddled into his chest and sighed happily.

"See, you didn't have to ask me what to say. You did brilliantly on your own. But why the change of heart?" The reason wasn't really that important to me, I'd be thrilled if he just continued to hold me like this.

"Uhm...well, Mikey made me feel guilty, if you must know. I always cared about you Frankie, always, and it just killed me to do that, and Mikey just made it worse. Even though he hates us this, he cared enough to make me feel like an asshole, and I took it as some kind of sign."

"Really? My sign was when you kissed me the first time, idiot." I smirked at him. He smirked back and leaned down again. At first I thought it was to kiss me again, but instead he bit at my jaw. I gasped and my hand flew to the spot that was more than likely turning red.

"Ah, you bit me! I'm telling Mikey!"

When I said this, he donned a maniacal grin and laughed to himself. "Hey, you know what we should do?"

"What, Gee? Steal your brother's playstation? Cause I'm up for that." I said. He looked like he was about to bust out with one of his ingenious 'ruin Mikey's day' plans that all brothers have.

"No. Let's go make out in front of him. Betcha he screams." He said, smiling at the thought. I was just happy at the prospect of making out with my boyfriend. Ah, I can finally say it! MY BOYFRIEND. No one else's. Ever. Shit, what about my girlfriend?

Yeah, forgot about Kali for a minute. This was really shitty of me to do, wasn't it? I mean, she's a great person. It's times like this when I wish she was one of those overbearing and bitchy girlfriends you want the hero of the story to dump flat on her ass. But, let us not forget that I'm the villain with a perfectlysweet awesome girlfriend. I sighed and leaned closer into Gerard's arms.

"Yep, that sounds fun." I told him. I picked up the piece of crust that Gerard had discarded on his plate and nibbled a bit at the edges. He didn't like the crust for some unknown reason, which just means more for me. See, we're perfect together.

"Something wrong, Frankie?" he asked, running a hand through my hair. He kissed the top of my head.

"Nope. Just thinking, Gee. Mmm, you wanna go home and try that make out idea?" I asked, a grin forming on my lips. I'll just worry about this whole 'girlfriend' business on Monday.