Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 28

Mikey got in his story telling position, which meant that I was finally going to get to hear who Dexter is. I looked over to where the blond was sitting one more time. He looked back at the both of us, cocking his eyebrow slightly like he knew that we were talking about him.

"Okay. Well, this one day, I was walking along minding my own business..." Mikey started. I rolled my eyes. This was the way he started every story, even if it wasn't how it goes. I hit him lightly in the arm and smiled at him.

"I'm sure...go on, Mikes." I prodded, because he had stopped when he saw me roll my eyes. He nodded.

"Mhm, well, I was in the bathroom one day..."

"Oh my god, let me guess!!! He pushed you up against the wall and started making out with you right there in the bathroom, in front of all those judgmental toilets!" I joked. He frowned and flicked me on the jaw. I pouted and rubbed at the spot. Honestly, Mikey and Gee are abusive to me. First Gerard bites me, then Mikey flicks me...I'll end up in a bob damn hospital by the end!

"It's my story and you can't interrupt, you asshole!" He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. I waited for a minute, thinking that maybe I'd annoyed him so much that he didn't feel the need to continue with the story, but eventually his mouth opened and he continued. "Any way, I was in the bathroom, and he just pushes me up against the wall and starts making out with me!" He exclaimed, throwing up his hands for added drama.

My jaw dropped open and I just gawked. I can't believe I was fucking right! I didn't want to be right! That Dexter guy has no business making out with my wife, the bastard. I felt a little flash of anger at the kid, and joined Mikey in his glaring.

"But wait...why did you tell him about Gee....don't tell me you were trying to get them hooked up!!! Mikey, what the hell?!" I demanded, punching him in the arm. How dare he? After all that shit he told me about not wanting people to know Gerard was gay, he goes and tells a guy who practically mouth raped him! Then he wants that guy to date his brother!

"Ow! I...well, this was before I knew you liked him! Geez! What did you expect me to do?" He inched away from me. I raised an eyebrow and tried to look menacing.

"Well, you had better be glad Dexter didn't go after Gee, or I would be forced to kill him, and then I'd go to jail, and you'd be alone at school." I said. The sad part is...I was being serious! I am a really jealous person. I don't know what it is, but I'm protective of Mikey and Gerard. Especially Gerard, since I had to work to get him.

"Um...Frank, darling, I think you have bigger problems to deal with right now. Look." Mikey pointed to Dexter. Kali was playing with his hair and talking with him. I was about to ask Mikey why this would bother me until I realised that Dexter knew about Gerard. I didn't know whether he would tell Kali about it, but really he had no reason not to.

"Oh, shit...." I breathed. I felt the tightening in my chest again, and thought I would pass out. I couldn't handle two of these panic attacks in one afternoon. I looked over to Mikey desperately, and he reached over to pet my head.

"Don't worry, Frankie. I think I have a plan." he said. Mikey stared at Dexter until he looked up at us again. When he did, Mikey beckoned him over. Dexter smirked and got up, leaving Kali in what appeared to be mid-sentence. She scowled and watched his progress as he made the slow walk from his table filled with people who looked eerily similar to him, over to our table of just me and Mikey. He pulled out the seat next to Mikey and sat down, seeming to know exactly why he was here. Stupid know it all.

"Hi, Mikey." he greeted warmly, smiling. Mikey smiled back politely.

"Hey, Dex. I guess Kali was asking you about Frank, huh?" Mikey asked. Dexter nodded and looked over at me briefly before fixing his gaze once more on Mikey. Ha, it was pretty obvious that he liked Mikey now that they were sitting so close. He looked almost dreamily at Mikey.

"You didn't tell her about my brother, did you?"

Please say no, please....

"Nope, but I was going to." he said.

"Well, could you not?" Mikey asked softly. He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and started chewing on it. He seemed to be leaning ever so slightly towards Dexter... That whore, he's flirting with him! Ah, god, gotta love Mikey. He's a freaking genius. I could kiss him, really.

" there a reason why I shouldn't?" Dexter slid his hand across the table to cover Mikey's. He didn't even flinch. I could almost believe that Mikey was gay. Or that maybe he manipulates gay boys on a regular basis.

Mikey took his free arm and propped his chin up on his knuckles. He looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully for a moment. His tongue poked out to graze his lips slightly. He was doing wonderfully, because I could see Dexter gulp. It took a lot of will power not to start giggling and ruin their little moment with each other.

"I don't want you to." Mikey stated. A little smirk played across his lips. Dexter looked convinced, but wasn't saying anything. Maybe he was going over the fact that Mikey wasn't gay. I think...

Mikey pouted and turned his hand over so their palms were laying flat against each other. "Please?" he breathed.

I could feel my lips twitching, but kept them closed. I couldn't mess this up after how well Mikey is doing.

"Yeah, okay sugar. I won't tell." Dexter said. He squeezed Mikey's hand, then stood up. When he had returned back to his seat at the other end of the cafeteria, I collapsed into a fit of giggles against Mikey's shoulder.

"Oh my god, that was beautiful, Mikey." I said, wiping my eyes after I had settled down. Mikey shrugged and grinned.

"What can I say, I'm hot."