Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 29

I felt like skipping to Mikey's house after school, that's how relieved I was that Mikey is a whore with magical sexy abilities. I must have passed them along to him somewhere along the line. He was just as happy as we walked to his house, enjoying every compliment I threw his way. He's a compliment whore, as well.

"Geez, I just wish I could tell Gee how brilliant you are. But that would completely defeat the purpose of having you flirt with Dexter in the first place. one else knows about me and Gerard, right?" I asked, knowing that there wasn't. It stung that I couldn't brag about the fact that I was dating the hottest man in existence, but hiding it was a little exciting. It was bittersweet.

My house is on the way to Mikey's, and since I knew that Gerard wouldn't be there right away, I suggested that we stop off at my house first. I pulled Mikey up to my room and we both plopped down on my bed. Man, I was exhausted. I really shouldn't be, since all I'd done all day was plop my ass down in the uncomfortable desks at school and sleep.

"'s kind of been a long day, hasn't it?" Mikey asked once we were settled. His head was laying in the dip of my collar bone with half of his body crushing mine. Well,not really crushing, since we've already well covered the fact that he's practically weightless, but almost completely covering my smaller body.

"Shit yes. I wish Gerard didn't have to work. I miss him." I sighed, earning myself a sharp jab to the ribs. Obviously we don't talk about Gerard unless necessary.

"Well, call him then. You have his number in your phone."

"I don't want to seem clingy." I said, and got another jab, this time to my stomach. "Ow! Mikey! ...What am I doing wrong now?"

Mikey squinted his eyes at me. I could tell he was thinking about how much of a girl I sound like. Gerard just does this to me. It'll be even worse when I see him later on today. I'll probably grab onto him and never let go. Mikey looked over at me and smirked.

"You know what? I'm going to invite Rebecca over to the house today. That way I won't have to deal with you molesting my brother. I'll just call him and tell him to come over here. Then maybe Mom will see how great life is without Gee and he'll go away..."

"Mikey! You'd be sad if he left. And if you weren't, I'd make you sad. In fact, I'd make everyone's life a living hell." I said quickly. He rolled his eyes and got up. I saw him go into the hall, no doubt to make calls. I sighed and leaned against the head board of the bed, wondering what to do until Gerard got here. Grr, I wish he didn't have to work later than when school gets out. No, I wish he could go to school with me, or I could go to work, something that keeps us together as much as possible.

I do sound rather clingy, don't I? And to think, I've broken up with girls for getting half this bad. But, man, I can't help it. I never thought it would this. This is amazing and scary and horrible all at the same time. To trust someone like this, to practically offer my heart out there in the open for Gerard whatever with, it terrified me. He had the power to destroy me. Not that he would.

I heard a commotion downstairs, and suddenly my door was opened, and Gerard was standing there, looking quite out of breath. He sighed, ran a hand through his hair and looked up at me sheepishly.

"Your mom hates me..." he said. I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head to the side.

"What happened?" I asked, taking his hand. I pushed him onto the bed and sat beside him. I waited for him to get settled, which meant laying half of his body on mine (hmmm, just like Mikey...) and resting his cheek against mine.

"Uhm...well, the first thing I did wrong was show up in the doorway. The second thing...well, you see, we said hello and all that niceties. I thought it might not be that horrid, but then she said that I looked really feminine. It wouldn't have bothered me, since it's true, but then she said it was my fault that you were turning into a cross dresser!" he exclaimed. He tugged on my shirt and shook his head. "You look very much like a boy to me....and a cute one at that." he added, turning his head to peck me on the nose.

I giggled and kissed him back. "Sorry about her... she thinks that I'm gay. Pft, hows that for odd? Oh, but Mikey is a right angel compared to me. Oh, she also thinks you're the devil." I added, grinning at the look he gave me. I know, he was upset, but he just looked so adorable. "Damn it, you're turning me into a woman, Gerard!" I exclaimed.

He scoffed, and of course, bit me lightly on the jaw. "And how am I turning you into a woman, darling?"

" just are, and that's not cool." I said. Yeah, good comeback...

"You've always been girly, Frankie! The first few days I came back, Mikey had me convinced that you had a sex change!" He laughed, poking me in the stomach. What the hell, sex change? I'm gonna kill Mikey! No wait, I'll make him have a sex change, so he can be a lesbian with his girlfriend! Ah, lesbian love...

"Shut up, Gee! I am not girly! And if I am, it's only around you. You make people act like transvestites, you!" I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest and faking being mad.

I felt Gerard kiss the side of my neck, and he rolled over so his stomach was touching mine. He snaked his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck. "Frankie...I love it when you act girly, you know." he mumbled. He kissed me a few more times until sighing loudly and collapsing on my chest, like he had been doing strenuous activities. I ran a hand through his hair and kissed the top of his head.

"Gee, you are a dork." I announced. He pouted until I leaned forward to lick the end of his nose. Yeah, why I did it is beyond me, but I did. "Aw, I love the fact that you're a dork. You're my dork, and that's the best kind. I wouldn't have it any other way. Ha, Way."

"You are so random, Iero." Gerard told me, smiling despite himself. I nodded proudly.

"And that randomness is what makes my brain work without having to explode. See, there is very sophisticated machinery in there, and if I have to go through the normal dreary shit over and over, it will have a meltdown, and you'll no longer have an amazingly hot boyfriend to cuddle with." I announced.

"Oh my god. Frank, you are adorable." Gerard told me. He leaned down to attach his lips to mine, then leaned back up. He repeated the motion, and soon he was giving me tons of soft little kisses all over my face. I closed my eyes and smiled against the barrage of his lips. I felt it over my closed eyelids, my forehead, my jaw (which must be his favorite place), ears, chin, everything. It was wonderful, and I think I can finally say there is no shitty things going on in my life that can ruin this moment. I didn't have a girlfriend, just my lovely boyfriend Gerard, Mikey was finally...accepting us, somewhat, and I was happy.

I've began to notice that every time I'm happy, something awful happens, and I end up miserable. It's horrible, and I'm almost afraid to let this moment go away. I didn't want Gerard to ever stop kissing me like this, like he loved me. I don't even care if he doesn't love me, I'll suffice with just this illusion of perfection. I just need the aesthetic quality for now.

"Hey, Frankie..." Gerard said softly, halting in his feather-soft kisses. I whimpered. Why did it have to end? Now he's probably going to say something horrible, like....he's not gay, or something. But still, I found myself answering him.

"Yeah, Gee?" I took his hand in mine and kissed each of his knuckles.

He grinned and brushed my bangs out of my face. Okay, he's smiling, so it had to be good, right?

Gerard took his free hand and ran his thumb along my cheek.

"You're too pretty to be a boy. Honestly. Now you know what?" asked. I shrugged and motioned for him to go on. "I'm going to have to show you off. Come on, let's go." He got up and pulled me off the bed.

"Go where?" I asked even as I was being pulled downstairs. I just hoped my mom wasn't in the kitchen.

"Mmmmm, I'll tell you when we get there. But by then you probably won't need to know."

We rushed past the kitchen, where my mom was sitting at the table. I heard her screech at us both when we were just inches away from the door. Dammit, I thought we were going to make it! I trudged back to the kitchen with Gerard tagging along. Mom gave us both sharp looks and stood up, putting her hand on her hip.

"And where are you two going?" she snapped. Man, if this was Mikey I was with, she'd be the loving mom that she acted like around people other than me. But no, it was Gerard, the boy who supposedly turned me into a cross dresser!

"We're just going out for a bit, Mom." I said. I knew that answer wouldn't satisfy her. She wanted to ruin my whole day, didn't she?

"That's not what I asked, Frank. Where are you going? Because it's a school night, and I don't want you out too late with him." she rudely gestured to my boyfriend, who looked like he was just barely biting back a smart ass remark.

"We're going to..." Shit, quick, make up something! I shouted at myself in my mind. But my mind went blank, and it was almost too late for her to believe any excuse I made up.

"Hastings to see if they have the new issue of Emily the Strange." Gerard quipped. Oh, thank bob. She won't have a problem with that, since Mikey and I used to go there all the time. But somehow she turned it into something she can bitch about.

"Frank, I don't want you spending all your money on comics." She told me.

"I'll pay for it." Gerard offered. Oh, the look she gave him was horrible! It was like she was trying to melt his face off with her eyes.

"Fine. Frank, don't stay out long." she snapped, waving us along. We both ran outside and let out sighs of relief. Gerard looked over at me with a smirk playing on his lips. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me square on the mouth.

"You know, we're really not going to Hastings...."