Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 3

The bell for 1st period sounded, and there was an unneccessary rush for the hallway. Unneccessary because we had ten minutes to get to class before being tardy, and most of these kids knew where their classes were already and didn't need the extra time to search for them. I always hung back away from crowds because they smothered me, and I am really claustrophobic.

"Ugh, what dorks. They are gonna crush themselves, and I'm totally not going to save them." I said, observing the massive pile up. Mikey began to fidget beside me, adn he grabbed my sleeve.

"Hey, Frankie, I want to go home. Can we just leave? It's not like we'll be doing anything important anyway." he said, looking at me hopefully. I bit my lip and shifted my eyes between Mikey and Kali. I knew Mikey really wanted to go, but I wanted to stay, at least for the first three classes. I shook my head.

"Nah. You'll survive, Mikey. It's just one day. Maybe we'll skip tomorrow and annoy your brother until he misses New York." I told him. He looked like I just told him that his mother was dying, or that I ate the last of the Count Chocula.

"That sucks. Well, you can carry me to class if I have to go." he said, then sprawled out in the floor. I looked up at Kali, who seemed thoroughly amused by Mikey's antics.

"Hey, help me with him." I said to her, grabbing Mikey by each of his arms. She laughed amd grabbed his legs. I was really relieved that she was going to go along with Mikey's dumb-ness, because it was, unfortunately, one of the reasons most people thought he was a freak. We both pulled him up, grunting with his weight. Together, we both managed to carry him to our first class. Well, it was probably more like waddling, but we made it there and dumped him in the corner of the classroom. There wasn't enough seats in the classroom, so there was a little round plastic table like the ones back in kindergarten placed against the wall with four seats. I chose the red one in the middle, and Mikey sat in the blue one to the left of me while Kali got the yellow one to the right. I'm sure it was an odd sight, the three 'goth' kids sitting at the colourful table in the back, actually enjoying it. Well, I know that Mikey and I were thrilled about our seats, at least. Hyper active glee was written all over Mikey's expression, and he was hopping in his seat.

"So, Kali, where are you from?" I asked. I really wanted to learn what kind of accent she had. It was attractive, the way that a brit's accent is, or maybe an Aussie. But it was obviously not one of those, since those were very mainstream and easy to spot.

"From Ontario. That's in Canada, by the way." she added, though I already knew that.

"Wow. How do you go from Canada to New Jersey?" I asked. Why Would anyone choose Jersey? Canada sounds a hell of a lot more exotic, and there's probably a lesser chance of getting mugged/murdered. Yes, I know that that is a horrible stereotype, so fucking sue me. Wait, don't, I need all of my money for guitars. Kali scrunched up her nose in a cute way, as if she were actually looking for a reason as to why she was in this hell hole. Nothing is worse than moving to a place you hat. At least if you are born there, then it's not your fault. It's just a hometown. Who fucking likes their hometown anyway? Nobody, that's who. It suffocates you, but it loves to do it because that's its job.

I saw Kali dig in her pocket and produce a pencil, which she handed across the table to Mikey. Then she got a pencil out for herself, and they counted down simultaneously. I felt two sharp pokes in my arms. Mikey had actually stabbed me so hard that the pencil was stuck about two inches deep in my arm.

"Ow! What the hell?" I demanded, rubbing the two spots on my arm that were pocked with small bloody dots.

"Sorry, Frankie." Mikey said, looking down guiltily.

"Yeah, sorry Frank. It was all Mikey's fault. Kali added in a whisper that didn't do much for obscuring her words. I looked down at my arm, then back up at her.

"I think you should kiss it and make it feel better." I told her. She looked like one of those girls. You know the ones, over-sexed? Not particulaly shy with anyone?

She smirked and leaned down to kiss my arm. I grinned then turned to Mikey.

"Mikes, quick, poke me here." I said, pointing to my lip. Kali laughed and leaned further over to press her lips to mine. I heard Mikey laughing behind my back.

"I can't believe that worked! Man, if I ever tried that shit with a girl, she'd knock me out. You must have magical sexy abilities, Frankie." he said. Kali gave him a 'shut up' look, and it worked. Mikey was afraid of her, I could already tell.

I didn't blame him.