Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 30

Okay....I'm in serious trouble with my mom. I mean...she's gonna mutilate and destroy any trace of life in me that is left. Why, you ask? Because I'm in god damn New York on a school night with Gerard. Being with Gerard at all is like a sin to Mom, a different state with him? Blasphemous! But this is all my fault to begin with. I was the one who asked if we could go see Times Square, and put on the Frank-ific charm that I possess so he couldn't say no. So we're here, in Times Square, at about one in the morning. But it's worth it just to be able to hold Gerard's hand as we both look up in wonder at the skyscrapers surrounding us. I mean, just seeing how small we were compared to the buildings was amazing. The world just slows down when you come to the realization that the little things shouldn't matter if they bother you. Like...if I were to get grounded for this, which I defiantly am, then it doesn't matter. A few weeks in my room is nothing compared to the night we had driving here, the stereo blasting with both of us singing loudly and out-of-tune to it. It was one of the best days I've ever had and no one can take that memory away. Ha, let them fucking try.

Gerard squeezed my hand and bent down to plant a kiss on my cheek. "...We're so fucked, baby." he muttered. Yet he could still have a smile on his lips, like it didn't matter to him that he had work in a few hours, and I was probably going to be grounded until I'm eighteen. It took me moment to realize I was smiling as well.

"Yup. It was worth it, though. Thanks for taking me, Gee. No one's ever done something like this for me just because I asked." I said. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. He hugged back and we stood like that, in the middle of Times Square with almost no one else around, cuddling like I always wanted to in New Jersey, in public. After nearly half an hour, I broke away, not able to just stand there.

"We should probably get going, baby." I mumbled into the sleeve of Gerard's jacket as I gave him one last hug. He nodded and walked toward where he parked the car. We got in, and he cranked it up. As soon as he did, the radio started blasting one of my favorite songs in the world, and I thought it was the perfect song to commemorate our night in New York City.

"K-I-S-S, I'm in dis-tress, I need someone to spell it out!" I wanted to jump around, but unfortunately I was sitting, so I settled for head banging while Gerard looked on in amused silence.

"Ahem, excuse my obvious...addiction to crack, but I'm hyper right now. And I don't want to go home. Can we in New York forever? It's so pretty, and you can work at...Marvel!!! Dude, no, we should make our own comic books!"

"Oh, and what, the heroes are gay?" Gerard asked, laughing.

"Pft, yes. And the main hero's name can be Pumpkin-face. And he can look like Billy Corgan. Like you. Wait, no, then people would know of your sexy-ness and steal you away, then I'd have to put the beat down on some ho! Grr...Okay, the hero can look like me. And his name can be Frank. In fact, it should be me, only a ninja. Or maybe I should be a ninja-" Gerard stopped my insane ramblings by pressing his lips forcefully to mine. His fingers wound around my hair and he pulled me closer, like he was afraid I would get away. When we parted, his face hovered over mine. He touched the tip of his nose to mine and smiled.

"I love you, Frankie. I know it's too soon to say it, since we've only been together for a few days, but it's felt like a long time and I can't help but love you. You're all I think about at work and at home. And I don't even care if I sound like a world-class pansy right now." He bit down on his lip and studied my face. But, of course I was ecstatic about this news, that my boyfriend loved me and that I loved him back, and everything was perfect. We are in love. Yeah, it sounds girly and gay, and whatever, but ha. I have Gerard. Everything's going to be alright from now on, no matter what. I could almost feel my heart lifting out of my chest.

"I love you too Gerard! And no, I'm not just saying it because you did. That would be dumb. I really do love you." I said. I found his hand in the darkness of the car and laced it with mine. It was just a holding hands moment. We both leaned in to kiss each other and our lips met somewhere in the middle. From there on, it was just a mess of teeth, lips, hands, and whispered 'I love you's until the sun came up, marking the end of our perfect night. And no, before you get any pre-conceived notions, we did not fuck in his car. Not that I was exactly against the loverly sexy idea, but it just wasn't the time.

Somewhere around eight o'clock and the state line, Mikey called me, sounding positively terrified for my life.

"Frank, where the hell are you??!!" Mikey screeched loudly enough for Gerard to hear. I winced and reached out to turn the radio down a bit.

"Geez, not so loud! I'm in...leaving New York. We went to Times Square, Mikey! We saw the TRL studio! And the skyscrapers! It was so pretty."

"Frank...oh my bob, you are the biggest idiot in the world! Your mom is on the war path. She knows you're with Gerard, and she called my mom, so now you're both going to die when you get here. I hope you have an invisible force field, sweetie, because otherwise I'll have no brother and no best friend." he said. I frowned and looked over to Gerard, who was busy trying to drive. But he knew what was going on, and he had a matching frown on his pretty little lips. I reached over to put my hand over his on the gear shift. I began tracing circles on the top of his hand.

"What's the worst they can do? So I'll be grounded for a...well, forever, but big deal." I rolled my eyes just trying to compare this night to the small price of getting my stuff taken away for a while. It was pathetic how much I didn't care.

"But then you won't be able to come over to my house. Sure, we'll see each other at school, but there's no way you'll get to see Gerard after this. This is the last time you'll get to see least until you're eighteen. Can you handle that?" he asked. My heart dropped. No Gerard. What the hell, they can't do that! I'll find ways to see Gerard, I know I will. I could skip school and go see him at work.

"No. I won't let them keep us apart. I'll attack them. Or scream, or cry, whatever. They can't do that." I said. I looked over at Gerard. He nodded at me and returned his eyes to the road.

"S'right. We'll sneak around if we have to. It makes it even more forbidden, and that's cool." Gerard said. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, while keeping the phone in the crook of my neck on the other side.

"...Frank....well, tell me how it was. I've never been to New York. Was it fun?" Mikey asked with a defeated sigh. I knew he didn't think it was over. He didn't believe Gerard and I would be together. Maybe that's what he wants, but bleh. I just can't be bothered with worrying right now. I was tired, and Gerard's shoulder was unbelievably comfortable, and I was busy going into a detailed story of where we went and what we saw.
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Aha, the name finally comes into play for a whole sentence!!