Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 31

Gerard and I sat in his car parked outside of my house, waiting nervously. Well, we weren't really waiting for anything, just trying to stall until the awful moment when we both had to face my Mom, because Gerard refused to just go to his house and let me take all the blame. I really would have been fine with it, I didn't want him to be in trouble, but if he wanted to do this with me, I was willing to let him come. Of course, I protested, that all I would get was grounded, and he didn't need to come, but he insisted. He was my boyfriend after all, and he did love me. I smiled widely when he said that. Then he had to say something even more 'aw'-worthy.

"I'll always be there for you, Frankie. Y'know, even if I know it's not going to turn out well. I won't let you just go in there to face her alone. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I did that? A bad one, that's what. So there. You're stuck with me from now on. Deal with it." He nodded curtly once to prove his point. I giggled and hit his arm softly.

"Good. I don't think there's anyone I'd rather be stuck with. Ahem, now I think we need a cuddly moment before we have to go in there. So…" I leaned over to kiss him. I wanted to make this kiss last, because it didn't look like I was getting any more any time soon, so when I felt Gerard pull away I thrust my fingers into his hair and held him in place until I was satisfied. We both pulled away with sore, swollen lips and matching grins. My happiness was short lived, because a minute later, Gerard reached over to open my door for me and opened his own door.

"Geez, I hope they couldn't see us in the car. Then we'd be in ten times more shit." Gerard muttered from beside me as we walked to my front door. I hadn't even thought of that. What will we do if they did find out that we were going out? Nothing good, I can tell you that. And really, I just wasn't fucking in the mood to deal with drama. Ever since Gerard came back from New York, my life was filled with drama and heartbreak and gay-ness. Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. Being with Gerard is worth all the drama in the world. I swear, he could start a third world war if he set his mind to it. Not that he would, because he was vehemently anti-war. Just one of the many things that I loved about him. He never wants to see anyone hurt, and he's a complete angel until he's pissed off. And of course I have to be attracted to the angry Gerard too!

I stood at the front door, hoping that my mom was at work. Just give me a few more hours with Gerard before she kills me. I stayed still until Gerard nudged me and I felt his hand slip down to mine.

"You ready, baby-doll?" he asked. He didn't sound so eager himself to go in there, but of course he has to act brave lest he look un-manly.

"Nope, not really. I know what's going to happen already. Lots of shouting and cussing and grounding, and then she'll get to you...damn, I don't even want to think what she's going to say to you."

"Uhm...devil-worshiper, kidnapper, how dare you take my gorgeous and slightly feminine son to New York...shit like that." He scratched the back of his head and sighed. He furrowed his eyebrows and glared daggers at the door in front of us. I hoped he was trying to incinerate it like I was, because maybe between the two of us it'll work. Maybe if the house burned down, Mom wouldn't be so anal about me going to New York... And maybe we could live at Gerard's house!! Ah, fire god, please come and smite my house!

I chewed on my bottom lip for a minute. "Well, Gee...just in case we don't get to talk for a while-"

"I love you, Frankie," he cut me off, grinning as he knew that was what I was going to say.

"Damn, you beat me to it. I love you, Gee." I kissed the hand that was laced with mine then let slip from my grasp. It probably wouldn't do to show up holding Gerard's hand. I opened the door and stepped inside.

"Mom? Are you here?" I called. No one answered, so I went to the kitchen, where she would more than likely be waiting with some kind of torture device, or a *gasp* catholic uniform. She wasn't in there, to my relief, but a note was taped to the refrigerator.

Frank, I'm at work, but as soon as I get home, you are in big trouble. Stay here until I get there.--Mom

"Sheesh. Well, we're safe for a few more hours, honey. You might want to get out of here before she gets here. I know that you don't think you should, but believe me, this was all my fault and it's better off this way if you don't get caught in the crossfire of my mother when she's pissed. I don't want her to attack you or anything," I told Gerard. Pft, like I would let her in the first place, she's not getting near my baby, but still the danger is there. And I'm pretty sure it'll just piss her off even more if I tackle her for yelling at my boyfriend.

"What? No way. I'm staying, Frankie. I already said I would, and I can't go back on my word. I am a man of my word, after all." He sighed and left the kitchen to walk into the living room. I ran past him and plopped down on the couch before he could, since I knew that was where he was heading. We are both psychic, obviously, because we always know what the other's about to do or say. I snuggled into the couch and waited for Gerard to come over and cuddle with me. He smirked down at me and laid his body out on mine. His arms slipped around to my back and he nuzzled his face into my neck. I heard him sigh, then felt the sharp pang of teeth against my neck. He drew the skin of my neck into his mouth and sucked, most likely making a hickey. I squeaked at the unusual feeling of being bitten and getting a hickey at the same time, since it wasn't normal that someone bites their boyfriend. Unless that someone is the vampire Gerard Way.

His lips moved down, where he nibbled lightly on my collarbone and made me giggle. I ran a hand through his hair and leaned down to kiss the top of his head. "Hey, Gerard..." I cooed.

He ceased his biting to look up at me with his eyebrows raised. "Yea, babe?"

"You're pretty. Did you know that?" I asked.

"Am I?"

"You are." To back my statement up, I kissed him longingly.

We were so engrossed in the kiss that we didn't hear the footsteps on the porch outside, or the turning of the knob on the front door. Only when we heard someone clear their throat did we full away from each other. I didn't want to look. I couldn't. If it was my mom, we were dead.
♠ ♠ ♠
bum bum bum....