Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 34

Gerard fussed over me as we sat in the doctor's office. And I acted like the constant 'are you okay's to the 'make it better' kisses that he would sneak were annoying, but I loved it. I love it when Gerard pays attention to me. And he was just so fucking worried about me. He even sat on the little table thing with me, holding my hand while we waited. I looked over at my worried boyfriend, and decided to kiss his frown lines away. I leaned over and peppered his whole face with little kisses until he was smiling again, kissing me back. We kept missing each other's lips, constantly giggling about it and making the kisses even more inaccurate. We were still going on, laughing like little girls when the doctor finally opened the door. He gave us a weird little look and took out a little chart. Probably the same chart that Gerard and I had signed, designating him as my 'guardian'. So I could tell the doctor was screaming 'pedophile' at Gerard in his mind, but luckily he didn't vocalize those thoughts. I don't think Gerard would have taken too kindly with being called a pedophile.

", how do you pronounce your last name? I-E-R-O," he spelled out. I rolled my eyes and heard Gee snort. I gave him a sharp little poke in the arm, to which he whimpered.

"Eye-year-oh," I pronounced to the doctor. I heard Gerard mutter something about abusive boyfriends, and barely contained my laughter. "I guess it's a good thing we're in a hospital, then," I muttered to him. He smirked and moved his lips close to my ear.

"Or you can kiss it better," he whispered lowly. I shivered and tried to resist the urge to attack his mouth right here. I breathed deep. Just make it through the next hour or so, and you can jump him all you want... I reminded myself. Yeah, because then we'll be on our way to New York, where we're going to live together!!! I just can't get that off my mind. I'm sure that I have a shit-eating grin plastered to my face right now, but I was just so damn happy. I wanted to turn around and cuddle Gerard. But I had to stay still for the doctor.

As he was examining my wrist, Gerard kept my free hand laced with his the whole time. He'd occasionally shoot me a glance that showed me how excited he was too. It was so weird, him doing something like this. He's always the sane one, the responsible one that tries to keep out of trouble. I sighed, realising how much trouble I've gotten him in. Because of me, he has to leave his family, his job, and all of his stuff behind. He's having to completely re-start his life. Both of us were. But he had more on the line. He could go to jail! Or, when we got to New York, he might not be able to find a job and we'll be left out on the streets. If that happens, I'm sending his ass back. I won't let him end up like that. He's too good for that. He's too good for everything that life has thrown at him, including me, the teasing, even his remedial job at the mall! He's an artist, and therefore should be doing something related to art that he actually enjoys.

Gerard pressed his nose to the side of my own, pressing a soft kiss to the side of my mouth at the same time. The doctor shot us another look, then returned his eyes to my arm. Yeah, you'd better look down...

"What's wrong, Frankie?" Gerard asked softly, his breath ghosting past my jaw. I felt it when he blinked, his long eyelashes batting against my cheek. I turned my head so we were face to face, only inches apart. I took a moment to stare at his pretty face before answering.

"I'm sorry for all of this." He gave me a confused look, so I went on. "For ruining your life. It's my fault you have to leave New Jersey. Every shitty thing that has happened is my fault, and I'm so sorry," I whispered. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the doctor.

"Mr. Iero, your arm is broken," he said sharply, once again giving me a look.

"No shit," Gerard growled lowly, clearly not impressed with the doctor's pissy bedside manners or the fact that he interrupted him. I shushed him, smirking a little bit. Like I've said before, angry Gerard is hot as long as he's not angry with me.

"How did you obtain this injury?" The doctor asked in an authoritative tone, writing something down on his clip board. I really didn't want to say that I jumped out of a window. That makes me sound dumb.

"I fell."

"Out of a moving car? Because this isn't a simple case of tripping over your own feet."

I heard another curse at the doctor come from Gerard, muffled by my cheek. "Out....of a window," I elaborated. He glanced over at Gerard suspiciously and cocked an eyebrow. Gerard growled.

"No, I did not push him out of a window!" he exclaimed indignantly. "I know that's what you were thinking," he added, staring menacingly at the doctor. At the moment, dressed as he was, as pissed off as he was, he did look very menacing. Like, 'lunge out and rip out your throat with his teeth' menacing.

"Okay...well, Mr. Iero, come with me and we'll take an x-ray of your arm."

"But you already know that it's broke. Why do you need to x-ray it?" I asked. I knew they probably wouldn't let Gerard come with me, and I refused to be in a separate room from him at all. Knowing my luck, one of us would get lost and we'd never see each other again. I tightened my grip on Gerard and he noticed my distress. He reached his hand up to gently smooth down my hair. The doctor noticed my reluctance and sighed. He knew I wasn't going anywhere.

"Okay, fine," the doctor snapped. "You two just wait in here until a nurse comes in, okay?"

When the doctor left, slamming the door shut behind him and making me jump slightly, a string of curses left Gerard's mouth. I giggled at him, and he smiled at me. "What's so funny, Iero?" he said, punctuating my last name sharply, making fun of it.

"You are, Way."

At this, he ducked his head down to nip at my jaw affectionately. He rested his forehead against my cheek and I felt the air escaping his lungs as he sighed. "You don't think we're being idiots, right? About running away. You're not even out of school yet," he said fretfully. The realisation of what we were about to do had finally hit him, I guess. It hit me a while back, but that was only because I had been planning it since before I jumped out the window. I just never thought Gerard would want to go with me. But now he's getting doubts. Maybe I will have to go on my own.

I threaded my fingers into the back of his hair and turned my head to kiss him. "Of course I think we're being idiots. We are idiots. If you don't want to do this, I don't want you to. But there is no fucking way I'm letting my mom send me away. And, as for school, I can just go where ever I end up."

"I'm going, Frank. I want to, I'm just worried." He gave me a crooked little smile, showing off a few of his sharp little teeth. "But it's so damn romantic that we can't back out now. Two idiots in love running away to New York because their parents don't understand... gah, we are turning into stereotypes." He laid back on the table we were sitting on, placing his clasped hands under his head. I watched him doze for a while until my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked warily. I really shouldn't even be answering it, just in case it was my mom or Gerard's parents. But, thank bob, it was only Mikey.

"Frank...where the hell are you?"

"...Haven't we had this exact conversation before?" I asked, referring back to when Gerard and I were heading back from New York and Mikey called, demanding where we were.

"Frank!! You and Gerard are in even more trouble! Your mom knows you're with him."

"How does she know that? How does she know that I wasn't kidnapped by some pedophile who wants his way with me, huh?"

"Shut up, idiot. Now, really, where are you?" Mikey was getting impatient.

"Hospital. Don't tell anyone, though. I broke my wrist jumping out of my window, so that's where we are right now," I told him. Gerard sat up and asked for the phone. I handed it to him.

"Mikes? Hey, it's, we're not coming back. I don't like it there....Yes, I'm aware that I'm an asshole, but you're a deusch bag, so it's even....What? You'd better not!"

I hate hearing just one side of conversations. I can pretty much piece together how it was going, up until the end. But I gathered that Mikey was threatening to tell on us. I kind of get why he would do it, he didn't want his best friend and his brother to run away and leave him behind, but we didn't have much of a choice now. We can't go back now, not if our parents found out that we were gone.

"Yeah, I know it's not fair to you, Mikes....don't be mad. Well, unless you want to come too, I don't know what the hell to do! do? Hold on." Gerard put his hand over the phone speaker and turned to me. "Can Mikey come?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed without hesitation. Hell yes! Mikey was coming with us! And his parents can't say shit because he's already eighteen! Yes!! I get to live with my boyfriend and my best friend in New York! Man, this just gets better and better. I squirmed around in my seat as Gerard relayed the message to his brother.

"Yeah, Mikes, come with us! Because you know we can't live without you....I can't promise that. It's not that disgusting to see us make out!...Pft, I'm sure there's gonna be tons of hot New York girls hanging all over you, okay?....Okay, we'll meet you at the park in an hour....sure, bring what you need. Hey, get my money out of the dresser in my room. It's in the top left drawer. Oh, and grab some clothes for me, too. Don't let them see you, alright? ....Bye, see you in a bit."

Gerard hung up and handed the phone to me. A huge grin was on his face. He hugged me tightly and nuzzled his nose into my neck.

"I can't believe we're about to do this, Frankie," he mumbled, his words getting muffled by my neck.

"I know!"
♠ ♠ ♠
*claps* ...I don't even know why I'm clapping. Ahem, this chapter was inspired by the dulcent tones of Joy Division! Yay! I'm taking a poll. Do you think they are being idiots, or being romantic?