Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 36

"Name?" The clerk at the desk in the front lobby of the hotel asked politely. I was playing with the pen that was chained to the desk. Why do they do that? I mean, yeah, I would have stolen the pen if it wasn't chained to the table, but so what? They should just start getting pencils and not giving a fuck if anyone stole them. You can get like, fifty pencils for a dollar at the dollar store! Geez!

I eyed Gerard's hand on the table, lightly drumming in the nervous way that he has. I’ve already been on my rant about how much I loved his nervous habits, right? Good.

I grinned mischievously and grabbed his hand and pulled it closer to me. He didn't even really notice, since he was busy giving his information to the person at the counter. I don't think he should have given his real name, just in case our parents decide to go looking for us, but I wasn't going to argue with him. It took enough persuading just to get him to stop off here. He wanted to drive the whole night until we got to New York, but I wasn't about to let him do that. He needed rest. And I love hotel rooms. They are like rooms you can mess up as much as you want and won't have to worry about cleaning later.

I licked the end of the pen, because of course it wasn't going to work unless I did that, and ran it over the back of Gerard's hand. It worked! There was a small black line that appeared on his hand. I started drawing circles on his hand, eventually making them into flowers. Then I put smiley faces in the flowers, adding on stems and flowers. When I got tired of that, I wrote Frank loves Gerard below the flowers in cursive. Just because I had a girly moment, I must admit. But Gee claims that I'm girly on a daily basis, so I wasn't too distressed by it.

Soon, Gerard finished with checking in and looked down at what I was doing. He raised an eyebrow in an amused expression and leaned down to press a kiss to my forehead. I tilted my head up to meet my lips with his. I closed my eyes and dropped the pen back onto the table, leaning into the kiss.

The man at the counter wrinkled his nose at us but stayed quiet. I could tell it was only because of his job. If he met us away from the hotel and we kissed in front of him, he'd probably beat us up. Like a lot of people. I know, I'm playing the poor gay boy card, but it's true! Just the way he was looking at us, that withering glare that made it known he did not approve said it all.

When the kiss ended, our lips making popping noises with the motion of pulling apart, Gerard pulled on my arm, dragging me to in the direction of our room. I giggled out of excitement and stopped right in the middle of the hallway to throw my arms around Gerard. We both nearly fell down, instead just running into the wall and laughing about it. I saw an older couple give us that look that I hated. Both of them had their noses wrinkled and were going out of their way to walk around us so they didn't get too close. Like they could catch being gay! Pft, man, if was a disease I'd infect everyone so that no one would give a fuck that I love Gerard.

I snuggled into the crook of his arm as he pulled me along with him to the room. My legs just weren't working the way I wanted them to, and I kept bumping into Gerard's side, or nearly tripping over my own feet and giggling about it. Gerard stopped right in front of the elevator and gasped.

"O em gee, Frankie, you're turning into a blond!" he exclaimed, his hand flying to cover his mouth. Ha, he is so dramatic when he doesn’t need to be. Aw.

“Gerard Way, that is a stereotype and I think you should apologize to the karma lord right now before he comes down and smites your ass! Because then I’d have to kick his ass for messing with my boyfriend, and then I’ll end up on the shit list and it’ll all be your fault,” I told him, nodding curtly to show that I meant business. He smirked—he fucking smirked in that way that made him look like sex walking and leaned down. I knew that meant that I was supposed to kiss him, so I did. Oh, the obligations of being a boyfriend!

Yeah, they are pretty great.

His lips pulled away from mine and instead found a place on my neck that they seemed to like. And then he decided that a hallway in a homophobic hotel was a perfect place to give me a hickey, as he began softly biting and sucking on my collarbone. He ran his tongue over the skin softly and tantalizingly, pausing at the hollow between my collar and throat. I let my head roll back to give him more room to work in, but it seemed that he was done.

He stepped back and wiped at his mouth. “What were you saying, sweetheart?”

“I…um..” I was saved from having to think by the elevator. The doors slid open with the little ping noise that they make, and several people filed out of the small area. None of them gave us a passing glance, but I’m not complaining. After the crowd of about ten people was out of the way, Gerard dragged me into the elevator against my will. I hated elevators, I really did. They were worse than buses. I clung tight to Gerard before the doors even closed, and he hugged me tightly right back.

“Scared of elevators?” he asked softly. He wasn’t making fun of me, he would never do that if he actually thought I was afraid, he was simply being a good friend and asking. I nodded and snuggled into the dip in his shoulder, gripping him tight enough to cut off his circulation. I felt his hand run through my hair and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

I kept my eyes shut tightly until I heard the obnoxious ping of the elevators once again and felt Gerard pulling on my sleeve. “C’mon, Frankie.”

“Ha, you suck at this game, Gee!!” I exclaimed, dodging one of the little soaps that Gerard had just launched at me. We were embattled in a fierce game of ‘ping whatever you can find around the hotel room at your boyfriend’. And I pwn at this game! Gerard swears it’s just because I’m so short and it’s hard to hit me with anything, but he’s just a sore loser.

“Well, you’re mean, so there!!” Gerard exclaimed back, chucking a pillow at me, since I had acquired all the mini-sized goodies from the bathroom and hid them in my blanket fort under the table. I scurried out into the open and grabbed the other pillow from his bed.

We had separate beds, unfortunately. The clerk said all he had left were double beds, but I think he just wanted to defy me. Gerard didn’t seem to mind the double beds, so maybe he didn’t feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed as me. I won’t hold it against him, since we hadn’t been going out for very long, but it still stings a little. I was comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed as him, that was part of the reason that I wanted to stop off in a hotel in the first place. I knew that when we got to New York, we would be staying with one of his friends, Jeremy, and that we were going to be on his couch for a while, until we could afford our own apartment.

I was exhausted, having beaten Gee in a horrendously embarrassing defeat, and now all I wanted to do was curl up in bed with him and snuggle for whatever little night we had left. It was about three in the morning, at least, and check out was at eleven, so we couldn’t sleep half of the day away like I wanted.

Gerard was already sprawled out on top of the blankets on his bed, looking over at me with a little smile on his face as he watched me struggle out of my blue jeans.

“Like what you see?” I asked smartly, cocking my hip to the side and putting a hand on my waist. He giggled and nodded.

“Very much so, Frankie dear.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m about to just drop dead right now. Ugh…two days without sleep. Remind me never to do this again. Unless we have a good reason, like…an Iron Maiden concert that lasts forever, or something awesome like that.”

He crawled under the blankets and curled up into a little ball, with his head resting on his arm.

“Aw. You look so cute like that,” I told him.

“Like,” yawn, “what, honey?”

“Just…like that, Gee.”

I watched as he closed his eyes, wishing that I could crawl under the warm covers with him instead of jumping into my cold empty bed. But I didn’t want him to push me out of bed, which he just might do if he didn’t want me there. He’s done it before. Well, we were actually on swings, but whatever. The principle remains that he pushed me.

“Mmmm…Frankie?” His soft voice broke through the silence just as I was lifting up the covers on my own bed.

“Yeah, Gee?”

“…Come lay with me.”
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hmmhmmhmm. Hi there! Just wanna thank all my readers (especially commenters) for staying with this story. Ah, my first ever frerard...