Telegraph Avenue Kiss

chapter 6

After that mention of starving, Mikey's stomach gave a loud rumble, and he groaned. He looked down at his non-existent middle, then back up at his brother.

"Damn, I'm hungry. Gerard, I think that you should take Frankie and me out to eat." he said. Gerard raised his eyebrow in a 'yeah, right' look and waved Mikey's sugestion aside with his hand.

But Mikey Way was not that easily deterred.

"Gee, I'm hungry!! Take us out to eat somewhere! It's your fault we're missing lunch in the first place!!" he whined, starting to jump around.

"How is it my fault that you both skipped school? I know you'd like me to believe that you only played hookey to see me, but I know you too well, Michael, and I'm guessing you just didn't want to stay. Now, where do you want to go?" Gerard asked. Mikey got ready to protest his brother until he realised what he'd said at that last bit.

Mikey looked over to me, biting on his lip. I was a bit picky about where I ate because I was a vegetarian. I knew what was running through his mind, though.

"You want to go to Burger King, don't you?" I stated. He stuck out his bottom lip, trying to be cute, and nodded. The bad part is it worked. Mikey is cute. He's like a little kid, and although I am younger and smaller, I'm always falling for his little act.

"Yeah. I'll just get a salad." I said. I ended up saying that quite a bit. My mom didn't really care that I didn't eat meat. Sometimes she would drag me to steakhouses with her friends. I can't stand it in those places...they hang dead cow horns on the walls. What the hell?

"Oh, are you a veggie?" Gerard asked. I nodded, and he said he was as well. Wahaa, finally someone to back me up on this.

"Ha, that means we're not going to Burger King!!! They put needles in their food anyway. It's disgusting." Gerard said with a shudder. I laughed at face he made.

"Ugh, I'm starving!!! We can go to th waffle house, alright? There's no meat in waffles." Mikey groaned.

"Bacon waffles." I stated. He gave me a death glare and I stepped back just in case he felt the urge to lunge at me and rip my throat out.

"Okay, we'll go to the waffle house."Gerard said.

"Fuck yes! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a piss." Mikey said, bolting up the steps. That left me alone with the creepy yet renovated and oddly attractive older brother of my best friend.

Gerard walked to the kitchen and got one of Mikey's precious diet cokes out of the refrigerator. I didn't realise that I was following him until it was too late and I was standing in the middle of the kitchen with nothing to do. I started to mess with the sleeve of my shirt and tried to look as busy as possible so I wouldn't have to actually talk with Gerard. But I could feel his eyes on me.

I risked a quick glance up and saw he was staring openly at me. Doesn't he have any manners? How can he just...stare like that?

"What?" I asked, frowning. Maybe there was something eating my brain and he was too stunned to say anything.

"You look like a girl." he told me. I bristled a bit at that. I don't look like a girl.

"And you can say that with a face covered in make up." I snapped. He nodded.

"I can. I just did. It doesn't hinder my ability to talk. It's just for beautifying myself." he said smartly. He took a sip of his diet coke. I muttered something along the lines of how he looked more like a girl than I did, and glared at the can in his hand. I know it didn't make much sense, but I was mad at the fact that he had a drink and I was now thirsty.

He shruggd at me and took another sip. I licked my lips and looked down at the ground.

"Frankie.." Gerard said in a sing-song voice. I looked up and he was holding the can out to me.

"Want any?" he asked. I took the can from him without answering and drank half of it.

"Thanks." I said, handing it back. Feeling slightly wronged because he was reading my mind, or something. And that wasn't fair.

Mikey came bounding down the steps a few seconds later, and he attached himself to me and Gerard.

"Food. Now. Please." he said. He was the first one out the door, and once Gerard and I were, he turned and locked the door.

Gerard took a deep breath and pretended to choke.

"Ah, good New Jersey air. How I have missed you!" he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. He's a bigger dork than his brother. I didn't think that was possible.

He was walking in front of me, talking animatedly with Mikey about cartoons. How did I end up behind them? No clue, but I liked the view. Gross.

Gerard didnot have a hot ass.

Gerard wasnot hot.

He is a boy.

I am a boy with a girlfriend.