‹ Prequel: World War V

Rise of The Underworld: A Newly Dead Leader


What would you do if I told you I could cure every disease with a single pill and you would never be sick again? And the only downside to this would be you would live forever, would you take it? Well I think any human would be stupid to not want to take the pill, and they would not bother to read the side effects because hey, they will live forever. But then they read the side effects after they are at the feet of their loved ones who they just murdered so they could feel alive by take their life force. Then they turn to who gave them the pill they blame them for giving it to them, but who are they trying to blame when they cannot look in the mirror and look at what kind of monster they agreed to become. So then they turn to hatred to who gave them this monstrosity because they cannot control their hunger for blood.

Now wouldn’t that be nice if it was a pill, and not your own mother, father, brother or sister, and also your closest friends biting you like an animal turning you into a monster. Taking a pill would be a lot better then the hell we have to face day to day. That would be nice.

Deep inside the basement inside the City Hall of Hamilton, laid two dead bodies, as well as many others who were once great leaders, and offered guidance to the lost ones. Most of them were vampires, and leaders to both human and vampires. However two of these bodies were no where near of that stature, in fact one of them was the opposite. The one was a slayer who used to hate vampires, she use to kill them in violent ways. However, she only did this to let there be a balance in the society where Humans and vampires co-existed. This slayer was named Callisto; she was a young slayer, as well as one of the best if not the best. Until her own father turned her back on her for helping a vampire named Karver and killed him, and every other vampire inside of that room in the basement of City Hall.

Callistos father Paul was a Politian for the human party at Queens Park. He vowed in secrecy that he would end the the reign of the vampire kind and have his people in Toronto rise up, wipe out the vampires and go to Hamilton and destroy the vampire problem there. He succeeded that night in the Hamilton City Hall; he killed the vampire leaders, and as well left the body of a vampire slayer in the midst, his own daughter that he trained since birth on how to fight vampires. When Paul got caught doing these teachings to Callisto they took her away from him. Which made him hate vampires even more, why would he lose the one thing he had because of the vampires that were scum to him?

His plan was fool proof, but he was not expecting to be killing every other vampire that was going on their way to the Hamilton City Hall for protection. He had only just one clip of the vampire issue bullets for his pistol, he would have had more but they are hard to come by in the black market. So after he killed every vampire in that room he had to reload, just in case more vampires came down into that room. But unfortunately to him, he only had standard issue bullets to use in his pistol. You could probably guess by now that he had shot a vampire, and a human with just a regular bullet. This did kill his daughter, but it only wounded Karver making him angry, because now he was the next inline of that vampire blood to rule now that his uncle Vampyr, who was the leader of all vampires, was dead. But in order to rule, you need someone by your side and he had but only one person beside him.