‹ Prequel: World War V

Rise of The Underworld: A Newly Dead Leader

Chapter 1

Karver woke just a couple minutes after he had been shot in his chest. He could not believe what had just happened. He had never witnessed such hatred toward a vampire! To be able to just shoot one, because of whom they are. He then realised that something was holding onto his hand. He lifted his head up and saw Callisto’s hand loosely holding onto his. He quickly got up onto his knees over and he checked to see if there was a pulse. To his surprise there was one, but it was very faint.
“Don’t worry Callisto, I will fix this,” he said to her dying body. “I know you will want a second chance at this, to make things right.” Karvers heart started to beat loudly; he couldn’t believe what he was doing. He was going to break so many laws right now, laws that his dead uncle in that room had created.

He took a hold of Callisto’s head and raised it up to his lips. He then looked over his shoulder to his dead uncle who was lying dead in a chair, “I am sorry uncle, for breaking your laws, but it is a time for change.” With that said he put his lips to Callistos neck, he could feel his teeth grow longer and hunger his hunger was at an all time high, for this would be the first time he had ever turned someone into a vampire.

He quickly dug his teeth into Callisto's neck, he could just feel the blood of her rush into his mouth, and he tasted the pure iron taste of the blood. To him he had never tasted blood so pure. He then let go, he knew if he stayed on her neck to long he would not be able to get off of her. As he pulled away he saw Callisto flinch a little bit, that showed that he had bitten her long enough for the transformation to proceed. He then bit his own forearm to get his poisoned blood into her mouth. Just as he put his wounded arm against Callistos soft lips he eyes opened wide. He could see it in her eyes that she was accepting of what was happening to her. She then ferociously started biting his harm. He could sense that she was completely transformed and now craved real fresh blood.

“Stop! That’s enough now, anymore and you will be uncontrollable and as well kill me in the process,” Karver said to her as he through her head back revealing her freshly blood soaked fangs.
“Wha- What have you done to me!” Callisto asked in a little horror, but was also intrigued about what new senses she was feeling.

“I saw you lying there, nearly dead, due to your own father betraying you!” Karver said to her, knowing that she would not accept becoming a vampire right away. Considering he did not have consent to do it, if any human found out, or if she wanted to report him to the humans, especially in the midst of a war, he would be executed on site.

“So what, you decide to turn me into a monster!” Callisto barked at Karver. Karver could start seeing tears rolling down her cheek, and for some reason this hurt him.

“I did not agree to this!” She looked away from him, she thought to herself for a moment. She then took a big long breath and looked back at Karver as she started to get up. “I did not agree to this, but I do accept the fact you gave me a second a chance, I also agree with you doing this to me because of my father’s betrayal.” Callisto then put out her hand out to help Karver up.

“So do you forgive me for changing you, to give you a second chance to make things right?” Karver asked her looking away for he felt truly bad for what he had done.

“Yes I forgive you,” she told him “but now where can I go to satisfy this horrible craving? I am starved!” She giggled a little bit as she went to the door.

“I would not go that way if I were you!” Karver yelled over to her.

“Oh really and why would that be? We are in Hamilton are we not? There could be plenty of blood banks we can go to.”

“Yes there is, but we cannot go out the front door, especially when there are all these dead bodies here, we will end up to be blamed for this act.” Karver told Callisto knowing all to well that there were security already on their way down there.

“Oh ok, well then how do you plan we get to the surface and get to a blood bank?” Callisto asked him

“The same way my uncle and your father got here, through the tunnel.”

Karver knew that the entranced to the tunnel had to be inside of the conference room that they were currently inside. So Karver started to look for any kind of crack or line in the wall and floor.

“Are you going to help me or what?” He asked Callisto who was just looking at the conference table.

“You are wasting your time looking; I already know where it is.” She told him while still looking at that table.

“Please don’t tell me it was right there under the table the whole time?” Karver said with a breath of humiliation. How could he be so stupid like that?

“Well I would be lying if I said it wasn’t, ha-ha,” She giggled to her self, trying to hold in a little bit of a louder laugh. Callisto then walked up to the center of the table and moved the conference phone off to the side, right under it was a button that was the same colour and texture as the conference table, the only way to see it was the crack between the button and the table.

Callisto quickly pressed the button as soon as she located it, after she did that they felt the ground vibrate and then to their surprise the floor beneath the table split into two as the table lifted onto its side. The floor opened up like an automatic door you see at the supermarket. This revealed a stair case and one by one the lights on the sides of the wall turned on.
“How did you know that it was there?” Karver asked her, he was very curious how she just knew it was there.

“I don’t know I can’t really explain it, it is like I saw an image in my head of me doing it just while we were talking about how you changed me.” She said to him, questioning her own words that she just told him. The moment Karver had heard that he knew what her gift from becoming a vampire was, and was the ability to see into the future.