‹ Prequel: World War V

Rise of The Underworld: A Newly Dead Leader

Chapter 2

Paul quickly left the conference room that she just shot Callisto and Karver. He jogged up to the elevator and made it up to the main lobby; he looked over to the person at the front desk and started telling her in a frantic voice, “Please, help!”

“Why sir, is there something wrong?” the women at the front desk asked him giving him a puzzled look.

“That vampire and the girl came in and killed everyone! I was barely able to make it out of their, I had to shoot them both just to get out a live!” He shouted out to her, “Please, call security and the police, maybe even the army this is serious, all the vampire leaders have been killed!”

“Yes sir I am on it right away,” she said to him while quickly picking up the phone to call security and then the police right after.

He didn’t bother to wait any longer so he left out the front doors and ran over to his car. As his heart started to beat almost out of his chest he put the keys in and started it and continued on his way to meet up with an old friend of his that he hasn’t talked to in a long time, but had has kept contact with him. He knew that he had to go see him because he was the one who made him rethink the possibility of humans and vampires ever co-existing.

He drove up to the old abandoned type looking house; he got out of his car and walked up and knocked on the door. As he was listening to the sounds coming from the inside of the house, he couldn’t help but notice a strange scent emanating from the cracks of the door and windows. It was the smell of the musty air, and also a scent of blood coming from the small house. He would have been afraid of what was what to come, but he knew what was coming so he did not fear it.

Listening still Paul heard someone slowly walking up to the door and opening it slowly. He looked into the crack of a door and looked to see who was opening the door; he only saw a hand holding onto the side of the door. “What do you want?” the voice behind the door asked.

“It’s Paul,” he replied, “Have you done what I have asked?”

“Ah, Paul yes come inside, let’s talk about it.” The voice said, then opened the door to reveal his faced.

The man’s face looked bruised and swollen around the eye; he also has what seemed to be blood stains on his shoulder of the sweater he was wearing. He also looked as if he was leaning to the one side to keep weight off of that shoulder.

The man welcomed Paul inside and led him down a hallway into his living room. The smell of blood was a lot stronger in Paul’s nostrils, he felt as if he was going to gag, or be sick because it was so strong.

“So I can smell that you have made the kill not to long ago, was it a good meal?” Paul started saying as he went to go sit down onto his couch.

“Yes sir, just as you requested, everything went as planned,” The man said staying as still as a tree, only his eyes and hair seemed to move.

“Yes, everything went as planned… Is that why I had a slayer meet me in city hall basement as well as with another vampire!” he asked almost yelling, but as well as staying calm. “But also at the same time the same vampire I made get sent to jail so that he could be locked up while I took over this government!?”

“Look I tried to kill the slayer as you requested, I lured her into this house and attacked her, but she managed to get the better hand and shot me on the shoulder!” he screamed at him revealing his fangs.

“Look I know you tried, but I told, over and over again I told you to not underestimate this slayer.”

“I know Paul, I know, but luckily the police were just passing by while the gunshot went off, they were partner, one was a vampire and the other was human. I was able to leave before they came in and they arrested her on the spot because she still had the gun, and I was sitting on the couch, wounded.” The vampire said to Paul.

Paul started looking puzzled and thinking about how the hell did that happen, his daughter did not seem to fail him, although he wish she did so he didn’t have to shoot her in city hall.
“Oh well what ever,” Paul said, “I have done the other part of our deal for you, so you shall only receive half of what I said, I would give you, I think for failing me I don’t that that is to bad of a deal.”

The vampire looked at Paul right in the eye and said “Thank you sir, you will have my vote guaranteed in the next Provincial election.”

“Yes, that is good, but I must go now, I have lots I must do due to these inconvenient circumstances.” Paul said as he got up off of the couch and walked toward the door. “Goodbye my old friend, I still miss the days you weren’t a vampire”

“Me to Paul, me too,” The vampire nodded his head as Paul left the blood scent infested room.

As the vampire started to go sit down on the couch to go watch the news he heard another knock on the door. He first thought that it was Paul and that he might have forgotten something. He then opened the door to see if it was Paul, but it was not. However to his surprise he was stun by seeing the sight of his cousin, standing beside the slayer who he attacked just the other night.

“Hello, Christophe, I need your help, I know I can trust you.” Karver said to his cousin, at the same time Callisto met eyes with her attacker.