‹ Prequel: World War V

Rise of The Underworld: A Newly Dead Leader

Chapter 3

Karver was walking into Christophe’s house until he felt Callisto’s hand grab his jacket sleeve. He looked back to her; he could see fear in her eyes.

“I need to speak with you for a second,” she said to him, “It is very important.”

“Ok, Christophe we will be in just a minute.” Karver said to his cousin.

“Oh, take your time, take your time.” Christophe replied to Karver.

Karver took Callisto’s hand and brought her to a tree at the front of the lawn to see what was bugging her.

“What’s bothering you?” He asked her.

“That vampire, your cousin, he is the vampire who got me ended up in jail.” Callisto said to him.

“What, how? I don’t understand what happened?” He asked.

“I was at this house before; it was just when I got into Hamilton. I went up right to where that body had been found, you know the one that you got arrested for. I was after the vampire who had just killed him. And I chased him here, where we fought for a little bit and then he attempted to bite me that was when I shot him.” She answered him.

Karver could not believe what he had just heard, but he and Callisto could both sense what she was feeling, he had no choice but to believe what she had just said to him. He knew that his cousin was on a shaky road, and also needed up to control his hunger, but he didn’t know that he was the vampire who killed that man. Karver was sent to jail over this just for being a vampire for calling the police about that dead body.

Karver looked over to his cousin’s house; he was looking out of his window staring, not at him but at Callisto. He felt their eyes meet, and he felt Callisto feel his senses, so she looked away from Christophe and at Karver.

“Ok,” Karver started to speak, “we will go in, try to act calm and get this sorted out. If you kill him it will just make the war the humans and vampires are fighting right now worst.”

“Alright,” Callisto said as they both looked toward Christophe. They then started walking toward the house and let themselves in. They walked into the living room and started to sit down.

“Well is there anything I could for you to, a glass of blood perhaps?”

“YES PLEASE!” Callisto yelled out in response, she had been craving blood for so long when they left City Hall, she needed it. Christophe was shocked to hear her say that.

“Were you not the slayer who chased me down and attacked me in this house?” Christophe said to her.

“Look, I am here with Karver, I would really love to talk about this, but because of Karvers request I will stay calm, for now, besides as you can tell I am not exactly a slayer anymore.”

“Alright then, we will talk over a glass of blood, I will get out the finest blood I have, AB positive a rare blood type, but considering the fact I have not seen my dear cousin in some time I find it cause enough to pull it out.”

Callisto was confused, she knew about blood types, but she didn’t know vampires would rate the blood on blood type. She first thought they only drank blood because of the blood, because it was their life force.

Christophe came out of the other room with three glasses of blood, Callisto’s eyes widened as she could smell the aroma of the blood. She took the glass slowly, this would be the first time she drank blood other then when Karver turned her into a vampire.

“Callisto, I know you want to just gulp that glass down, but trust me. You need to sip it or else you will lose control of yourself.” Karver advised her in a very calm soothing voice.

She took her first sip. It was amazing to her, she could feel her body just rush with energy, and she wanted to just finish the whole glass right then. But she took Karvers advice and sipped it, just like he was doing.

“Now Christophe you are the only person I can trust right now,” Karver started speaking after he took his first sip and started sitting beside Callisto on the couch. “If you haven’t heard already the vampire council is dead. Yes, your father, my uncle is dead and also every body else that help us grow up and learn our way’s.” Christophe seemed to be distraught by this, so he went and sat down in his chair facing toward the couch they were sitting on.

“What, you mean, father? He’s dead!?” Christophe did have an agreement with Paul, Callisto’s own father about who would have been killed. And his father Vampyr was not on that list. This hurt Christophe, he did have a deal, but that was not part of it.

“Yes unfortunately he is, I was there to see it with my own eyes, Callisto’s father Paul, one of the MPs at Queens Park was there, he was the one who shot them, and he also turned his gun on me and her, I changed her just so she did not have to die by the hand of her own blood.”

“I… I have something to say…” Christophe replied to Karvers words. “I knew about this, I knew all of this was going to happen. Paul, your father,” he pointed to Callisto while taking another sip of the blood. “He came to me for help; he needed someone to do a little bit of dirty work to keep his hands clean, he knew that if a human was found dead in Hamilton then it would give him a reason to start a war between humans and vampires.”

Karver and Callisto both looked at him in shock; they could not believe what he had just said to them. He has been working behind his own kind to start a war against the vampire race. Callisto did not like vampires to begin with, but she could see that vampires could be just as crooked at the best Politian. She knew all to well about how crooked her father was, and she knew she hated vampires, but she could not believe he was working with one, especially a low life one like Christophe, who most likely did this for money.

“Are you saying my father is having you work with him just to start this war?” She had asked.

“Yes, I am afraid so, I feel terrible now, knowing my father’s life was ended over this, when he has done nothing to no human, except ask for respect in return for his.” Christophe felt so ashamed of himself he could not bear to look Karver dead on in the eyes. He knew Karver hated him now, but he was not prepared for what he was about to say to him.

“It’s ok Christophe, I am here for you. I know you have been going through tough times financially and emotionally.” Karver said to him. “But we need your help, there is no time. If Paul get’s a hold of the media and then tells the media what apparently we have done in city hall the war will just get worst. He will be able to get the RCMP, the OPP and who knows who else he could bring in to wipe out the vampires. Look, I know you fucked up big time on this, but you didn’t know. I am offering you guidance right now and asking you to tell me where Paul is going right now.”

Callisto was shocked just as much as Christophe was to hear this. They didn’t know that he would have let it go that easily, but then again Callisto and Christophe thought about what he had just said, there were bigger things to worry about then the betrayal of one vampire, to the murder of tens of thousands of vampires.

Christophe’s shock was a strong one though, he didn’t know what to say, he was just awarded a second chance after all the he had done. He took a moment for himself and took a big gulp out of the glass of blood.

“I know where he is going,” He said and then took another moment staring into the glass of blood and then just finished it off in one swale. “He is holding a public gathering, he invited all the news media and news paper, also as well all humans to gather in Dundas Square in Toronto.” Christophe said.

Karver was relieved that he knew where he was going now because now he could stop Paul from wiping out the vampire kind.

“Alright, well now all we need to do is get there, I will take Callisto with me and we will drive up Dundas Square.” Karver said, and then started thinking if it was just the humans invited then the roads would be blocked to vampires. He knew there was only one way then to get there. “We will take the roof tops when we arrive there. Christophe tells every vampire you know and tell them to round up as many vampires you know. I this might not turn out pretty but it is the last chance we have at getting our rights back.”

Christopher got up in excitement he could not wait to see Paul’s reaction to this. “Yes Karver, I will call my best men and women, I will tell them to meet you on top of the AMC building overlooking Dundas Square.”

Karver was walking over to the door and then looked over at Christophe and said to him “Then let’s do this, see you in a better world.” Callisto followed and then she realised she didn’t finish her cup of blood; she quickly ran back into the living room to finish it off, it was the greatest thing she could have ever tasted before going to go finish what her father had started.