‹ Prequel: World War V

Rise of The Underworld: A Newly Dead Leader

Chapter 4

Paul was riding in his car going to his own house in Toronto. He had just finished calling the media and the news papers to get the city of Toronto to gather at Dundas square for this rally he was throwing. As he got out of his car and started walking up to his house he started feeling tired. He unlocked and opened his front door and turned on the main light.

He thought he saw a figure in his peripherals and quickly turned to see who was there, but there was nothing but the still and silent air. He went through the hallway door to his left and into the kitchen and put his car keys down on the table, took off his jacket placing it on the chair in front of him and made his way off to bed.

Paul woke up the next morning with an eerie feeling in his stomach. He thought he was going to be sick for a moment, but it wore off pretty quickly after he had a cup of fresh water. After spending most of the morning lazing around and getting ready as slow as he could, he finally was able to put on his suite and put on a tie and start getting ready for the rally that would be going on later that afternoon.

He made his way to his front door and sat on a little stool that sat across from the shoe mat, he then started to put on his shoes, and then his cell phone started to ring.

“Hey Paul, its Mike, listen there is already a lot of people at Dundas Square and more of them are coming, you have to hurry up and get here.” The voice on the other end said to him.

“Alright thanks Mike, I am just getting my shoes on as we speak I will see you when I get there.” Paul said as he was putting on his final shoe and doing up the laces. He walked up to his door and gave himself a moment to think about how much of an important day this is. It will be a day where he will not have to worry about that blood sucking scum that is in his city, and with that thought still in his head he made his way out of his house, and on the way to his rally.

“KARVER WATCH OUT!” Callisto yelled at him, a vampire slayer had just jumped in front of their rental car they bought to get to Toronto.

“Oh fuck, this is going to suck.” Karver said his thought out loud.

“Don’t worry, let’s just see what they want.” Christophe said from the back seat.

All three of them were terrified because there were three vampires in a car heading to Toronto on the day would decide the fate of every vampire in Ontario, and maybe even Canada.

“All of you step out, you do not want to make this worst then it already is.” The one slayer said behind the scarf he was wearing to hide his face. They did not want to make this worst, so they stepped out of the car and put their hands up.

“Hey Joey I thought vampires couldn’t walk around in the daytime,” Another slayer said revealing himself from behind a couple trees at the side of the road.

“Don’t be stupid man, you read too many vampire stories, they can walk around the day just like you or I, there just very pale in the sun.” The slayer who was covering his face, all three of them standing there with their arms up made the distinction that the one covering his face was named Joey.

“Who are you guys?” Callisto asked them.

“We are the MOST feared slayers of all time!” The one exclaimed to the three vampires.

“Well then where are your weapons?” Karver giggled a little, because neither of them looked to be carrying any sort of weapon on them.

“HEY! Don’t get smart with me vampy!” Joey barked at him.

“Ok look, were just going to Toronto, let us by, and maybe you can learn a thing or two from me, you amateurs.” Callisto said to them knowing all too well that these punks wouldn’t even know where to strike a wooden steak.

“HAH! Did you hear that Gus, the girly vamp said we can learn from her?” Joey hollered over to the slayer who came behind the tree. “Who do you think we are, amateurs, there is only a handful of vampire slayers greater than us!”

“Oh well then pleased to meet you, I am Callisto, the most feared vampire slayer to man.” Callisto walked over to Joey who put her hand out to shake it.

“What NO WAY! You can’t be, you’re a... a vampire!” Joey yelled at her.

Karver looked over and Christophe, “This is taking too long.” Karver said to him telepathically, it was one gift only they both could use with each other. No one knew about it except them, they only used it when they were with big groups of people when they were little.

“I know, but look, Callisto is finishing up her conversation with them now. I think they will let us by, I didn’t know she was Callisto, I thought she was just another vampire slayer.” Christophe said in reply.

“Yeah I know right, I wish she was just another one, because I am really falling for her, but now she is a vampire I know I have to take it slow because she has a lot to learn.” Karver said just as Callisto finally shook Joey’s hand and he and Gus ran off down the road.
“Hey can you guys stop talking about me?” The mental voice of Callisto rang out into both Christophe’s and Karvers head.

“AH, yes umm we were just umm...” Karver was at a loss of words at the moment
“It’s ok, let’s get in the car, I told them who I was and they agreed to tell every vampire slayer to meet us at Dundas square as well, they will easily be let into the crowd. They said they would give us three protection while we are there, just don’t do anything stupid.” Callisto said to both Karver and Christophe.

“Yeah, we won’t don’t worry, let’s go then shall we,” Christophe said as he was getting back into the car.

“Alright,” Karver said as he was getting into the driver seat.

“She sure is learning quick cuz,” Christophe said to Karver mentally again.

“Why thank you,” Callisto said in response to Karvers question. They just couldn’t help but laugh a little while Karver started up the car again. But to Callisto, she couldn’t help but think; she has been hunting and killing vampires all this time before she was a vampire.
When really, they were just normal people who needed help with their control of hunger. She knew she did have a lot to learn about being a vampire, but at that moment she didn’t feel like being a vampire was any different from being a human other then the thirst for blood, and of course living for ever.