Status: Debuted: Friday, January 28th, 2011 & Ended On: June 12th, 2011

Wish You Were Here


^ Second Banner by Tay3lor

Josey Yates is a fresh graduate from high school. Even before she graduated, Josey already knew what her plans were after high school, and the main thing of that plan was staying close to home like her sister Macy had done. Macy doesn’t want Josey to just stay home like she did, and tries to convince her otherwise, but Josey manages to stay strong...

Until the night after graduation happens. A tragic accident occurs, and Josey ends up losing one of her best friends, who none other turns out to be Macy.

After the accident, Josey is faced with a decision: she can either stay at home like she wanted to, or go out on the adventure that Macy had wanted her to take. And when a surprise from Macy arises, Josey soon realizes what her decision is. And somehow, Nick Hastings, a guy that Josey has known ever since the beginning of middle school, manages to make his way into the mix.

Featuring a road trip filled with many surprises, locations, and at one point, heartbreak, Wish You Were Here tells the story of a young girl who is trying to run away from reality, even though it eventually ends up popping back up in her face. Wish You Were Here is the story of a young girl... who just wants her sister to be there with her along the road trip to the rest of her life.

The girl ends up finding out, however, that her sister... has been there all along. And that forgiving is sometimes better than forgetting a person you eventually grow deeply to care for.

I mean this now, more than ever... I wish you were here.

Inspirations: My own thoughts and feelings, personal experiences, and I found a lot of inspiration in a few Hey Monday songs. I will give credit to them when needed, and have made sure to also do so with my actual book.
Disclaimers: I do not own any of the Hey Monday songs that are used as inspiration. I also do not own Hey Monday or any other celebrities that are possibly mentioned in this, and they are going to be given rightful credit when I have my own copy of the book. I must also mention that at the beginning of this story I get inspiration from the movie Raise Your Voice. I do, however, basically own the whole main plot line, and all original characters. The only thing I don't own about the characters are their looks; as I realize I made them look like celebrities. That is simply for the reader's advantage only. One last thing I own is the banner; I made that, so I'd appreciate it if no one stole it. As for the second banner, like I said above, that is fully credited to Tay3lor.If you notice that someone does steal either of those banners, I'd appreciate it if you told me. But the background image is not mine; I found that when searching on google images, so, rightful credit goes out to whoever happened to make it.

*Oh, and this is just a sidenote, but... I also featured some fellow Mibbians in this story. So if you are mentioned, I will be sure to give you a shout-out or dedication where necessary. So be on the look out, because if you talk to me on here... you may very well be in this story. :)*
  1. Preface
    Nothing Like The Big Bang
  2. Reminscing On Memories
    The Before, Part I
  3. It Ends Tonight
    The Before, Part II
  4. Waking Into Reality
    The Beginning of the After
  5. The Funeral
  6. The Notes
  7. A New Idea
    The Detour
  8. No More Goodbyes
    The Start of an Adventure
  9. The First Location
    Hershey, PA... Along with Another Town on the Way
  10. Here's My Heart in a Postcard, Darlin'
    Facing Fears
  11. The Nation's Capital
    What Could Go Wrong?
  12. Elizabeth City
    A City To Remember
  13. The Truth
    A Revealing Memory
  14. Josey
    The Song Dedication
  15. A Fair In Amarillo
    The Phone Call Followed By The Next Location
  16. I'm Gonna Drive
    Hitting The Highway Again
  17. She Thinks She's So Tough
    Tonight Is Different
  18. Hangover
    Wish You Well
  19. Choices
    Understanding The Truth
  20. Epilogue
    Wish You Were Here
  21. Reviews