Status: Debuted: Friday, January 28th, 2011 & Ended On: June 12th, 2011

Wish You Were Here


Once I returned home, my mom was beyond happy to see me. I had only been gone a little more than two weeks, but she acted as if it had been years since she last saw me. Once she let me out of her never-ending bear hug, I told her the news.

“I've decided that I'm going to Julliard,” I said, handing her the acceptance letter so she could see it for herself, before walking away from her to go up to my room. She became even more happy upon seeing that, which I didn't think was possible.

That fall, I headed to Julliard for my first semester with Nick by my side. Wendy, thankfully, was able to join us in New York the following semester. She managed to heal quicker than the doctors had predicted, and I'm glad she did. It was nice having her around, especially without having any remains from the accident noticeable on her except for a scar on her arm. Or that was the only thing visible, anyway.

Miraculously, Cassadee was able to write and record the new song that she wrote for me and Macy. I say this because I didn’t really think mine and Macy’s life was song-writing material. But it was, and I was the first person, outside of the band, that got to listen to it. I had recently received the burnt copy in the mail, and I was currently waiting for Nick to come pick me up so that we could listen to it together. I was at my apartment, which I'll be honest and say was paid for with Macy's help. I didn't want to overwhelm the charity with too much money at once, so I gave the majority of the money to them and kept the rest for myself. Even so, I made note to myself to give the money I took back to another charity in the future.

Fortunately, he was there soon, and I didn't waste any more time as I rushed to the car and popped the cd in.

“Nice to see you too,” he said to me, giving me a smile. I laughed.

“Sorry, I just really want to here this,” I answered. I pressed play on the music console, and Nick started to drive throughout the streets of New York, as the song’s sweet melody filled our ears.

Here's my heart in a postcard, darlin’,
Just one step from the edge,
Sleep alone and it's so hard, darlin’,
You're next to me in my head,
But it's too late, too late to call,
'Are you out there?'
Too late, too much to say,
Wish you were here,
Wish you well,
If you'd only share this hell,
But you leave, and the stains are left on me,
I wish you, I wish you were here,
I wish you, I wish you were here.
Here's my Hollywood ending callin’,
Every day fades to black,
Sick and tired of pretending, darlin’,
That you'll ever come back,
But it's too late, too late to call,
‘Are you out there?’
Too late, too much to say,
Wish you were here,
Wish you well,
If you'd only share this hell,
But you leave, and stains are left on me,
I wish you, I wish you were here,
I wish you, I wish you were here,
To tell me something,
Talk me down, down again,
I'm broken,
I'm frozen out,
Wish you were here,
Wish you well,
If you'd only share this hell,
But you leave, and stains are left on me,
Wish you were here,
Wish you well,
If you'd only share this hell,
But you leave, and the stains are left on me,
I wish you, I wish you were here,
I wish you, I wish you were here.



For my new little cousin, Macey Yates, who I am happy to pronounce represents Josey. May you one day discover the free will and ambitiousness that Josey does. And for another one of my cousins, Lindsay Yates (1986-2003), who represents Macy in the story. Hope you’re doing well up there Linds, you will always be missed. May this book illustrate the adventure that you two were supposed to take together.
Oh, and it’s important that I add Ryan Dunn to this dedication. He’s featured in the story, and sadly passed away soon after I finished editing this. Rest In Peace, Ryan, you will be missed. (1977-2011).
♠ ♠ ♠
So... there you go. The very last update to Wish You Were Here. I'm sad you guys. :(
First of all, I cannot say thank you enough to all of you who have read, commented, and subscribed. Honestly. I would mention you all individually, but there's so many of you. lol. So I'm just going to thank you as a whole for this last update, so that none of you feel left out for those of you who have been silent readers and all. But still, even though you never commented, you still read, and that means the world to me. :)
The link at the end of this update is to the song Wish You Were Here by Hey Monday. It's the song that really inspired a lot of this story. I must disclaim that Cassadee Pope and whoever else helped write the song was surely not for Josey and Macy. That's just in the story. Oh, and in the lyrics for the song, ^, I didn't include the 'oh's' that Cassadee says in the song. lol. Just wanted to let you know in case some of you are particular about like, every single lyric. lol.
Wendy's okay, Nick and Josey are staying strong, Josey and her mom made up, and... Josey is starting to cope with the accident. As all of you who have lost a loved one like that know, she still isn't completely healed, and hell, never will be, but she's on her way to being okay. :) And I've decided that yeah, this is where it officially ends. Because remember in an earlier update I said about maybe doing a short sequel or something? Yeah... I changed my mind about that after rereading this. I think this is a good point of ending, and you all can just predict what Josey's future will be like on your own terms.
Okay, now is the time where I ask you guys for comments! You knew it was coming! Now, I gave you guys an option to comment throughout, but now, I WANT TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS! And I'm taking any measure with doing so. Let me explain:
What I want from you guys... is a review of the story as a whole or about me as a writer for this story. Confused? Maybe... but I've thought things over and decided to give you guys an example. :)
Okay, so I read this book recently called Five Flavors of Dumb. It's a book by Antony John. So anyway, after I read it, I decided to write a sample review so you guys would know what I was talking about for what I meant by a review. The review can go something like this, if you're talking more about the story:
'I wanted to rock out throughout the entire book. Five Flavors of Dumb creates a new genre in books just waiting to be heard.'
Or, if you want to review me as a writer, it can go something like this:
'Antony John is able to capture a girl's perspective better than many male authors. He writes and his words just make you fall in love with his characters.'
Get the idea? Now, whichever way you choose to review, it shouldn't look like the two I have above. lol. Because Antony John's story is completely different than this story, and he and I are clearly two different people. He's a professional writer while I'm not. lol. But you guys get what I mean? Your reviews can just be one sentence; one WORD even. A review is a review. It's beneficial to me, but it also is to you guys as readers because it gives you the experience of reviewing a book. :)
You can send me the reviews in a few ways:
1) You can leave a comment on this story's comment page, or send me a message here on Mibba if you'd prefer to just let me see it and don't want anyone else reading. Either way works.
2) You can Tweet to me on Twitter. Sure, I'll know who you are on there, but if you'd prefer to be annoymus on here, I won't know what your username is on here. And feel free to send me more than one tweet. :)
3) You can send me a message on Tumblr. This kind of applies with the Twitter thing, I'll know who you are on there, but won't on here. Or if you just find it easier to do on there, that's fine too. :)
4) Lastly, I believe you can send me a review ANONYMOUSLY on Formspring. You're a bit limited with characters, but like I said, the reviews don't have to be that long anyway. And plus, you can send me more than one, like continuing, in another message in the question box. I accept all anonymous questions unless they're not appropriate.
Okay, so... send me your reviews! They can be as honest as you want to make them. Although, if they're downright negative, such as 'Your story sucked! No one liked it!' or something like that, lol, I'm just going to ask in return, if I can, why did you even bother reading it? But feel free with honesty, though.
The reward? Top... five? reviews will be put into this like, collage I'm going to make. That is, if I get that many; it depends on how many of you choose to review. But say, if only five of you do, it will be changed to like top three or something. The first runner up, though, I will put in the short description view on my stories page, under like the title... you know where I mean? Hopefully you do. lol. Runner up will get that position. But anyways, those who win, I'm going to make the collage and post it under this story as an additional chapter, that will be labeled, reviews. And then in the author's note, each of your links will be featured. On the collage, I will put word for word what you put, and then your username under it to give the credit. Or, if you prefer, your real first name, if you tend to change your username a lot like I do. lol. Whichever you want, okay. Just let me know in the review you send me. :)
Hm... I believe, that's it. I hope you all enjoyed reading this story! I know I enjoyed writing it. Any last minute mistakes I should know about? Let me know. :)
This is probably my longest author's note. But it's necessary, since it's the last update and all. :)
Oh, and one last important thing! The dedications! I decided to add it at the end of this, to make it a little longer. You now know who the story is for. :) Just so you know, Yates isn't actually the last name of my cousins. lol. It's actually each of their middle names; my other cousin decided to give it to Macey in memory of Lindsay. But I made it Macy and Josey's last name in the story. You may be wondering why Macy isn't for Macey, and that's because I originally had that planned, but changed it around so it fit better. Because Macey is still here like Josey is while Lindsay was killed in a car accident like Macy in the story. :( So it applied more, and unfortunately, Macey wasn't able to meet Lindsay, since she was just born back in December while Lindsay died back in '03.
Okay, anyway, send me your reviews! Deadline for Reviews: around June 20th. Maybe a little longer in case it takes some of you longer to read this. But I have to have the story sent into NaNoWriMo by the 30th, and I wanted to put some of your reviews, a.k.a. the top ones, on the back cover. That may or may not work out fully, but we'll see how it goes. For now, the only thing fully determined is that the book review collage will be put up on here. It may also be put on the back of the book if I get enough reviews and can make it on time. :)
Thanks again for reading! I am going to miss this story. I am now going to go check it off as complete. :')