Status: Debuted: Friday, January 28th, 2011 & Ended On: June 12th, 2011

Wish You Were Here


The Reviews:


Actual Book Cover That I'm Going To Use:

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First of all, I want to thank all of you who reviewed my story, good and bad. They really meant a lot; I didn't get as many as I kind of wanted, but still, I heard from some readers I hadn't heard from before, so I was happy. :)
So... I've thought about it, and I'm going to add Ryan Dunn to the dedication. It's only fair that I do so. He was in the story, so... yeah. I still can't believe what happened, but... it did. And the ironic thing is... if I had written this story exactly when it had taken place, date wise, I wouldn't have been able to include him. Because he died before Josey and Nick even started their road trip. Or I believe that's about right. :( But even so, I wrote this back in November, so I'm not changing that part. I'm keeping him alive in the story since he very well is still alive to many fans out there.
Shout-outs go to Struckbylove;, tell me a lie;, His. Southern. liar., bumblebee6277, and invisible;;. As you can see, you five are the people I chose to put in the reviews collage. But rest assured in no particular order; though you five did give the best reviews. Thank you. Oh, and you'll notice that I may not have taken everything you said with some of you. That is because in those cases, you didn't point out your review to me, so I just took a part of what you said that sounded like the review part. I realize that's not all of what you said, and for everyone else reading this, if you want to see their full reviews, check out the comments page.
I must also give a special thanks to crazy beautiful; and FangsUpCobraStyle. I thank you two for also giving reviews; I apologize for not putting you in the 'collage' above, but like I said, I was choosing the best five. I still appreciate you reviewing and you both did a good job. :)
Oh, and as you can see... I'm going to be using a different book cover! Isn't it cool? I really like the banner for this story, but chose to make a different banner for the cover. :)
Okay, so... you guys can go back and check the dedication if you want; that's the only other thing that I'm adding to this story. So sorry if you're sent multiple notifications; I'm going back and forth with editing and adding things. Other than adding that and editing, though, this will be the last post. I thank any of you other readers ahead of time if you choose to review in the future; it will mean a lot and I'll be sure to thank you for it personally. :)