Swing Life Away

let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words

“…and I got this one riding my bike like a fucking moron. I ran into a tree and Rev wouldn’t stop laughing.” Cor laughed at the failure that was her best friend, her boyfriend and her future husband. The fact that he had ran into a tree didn’t shock her, it was the mere fact that he said it with such subtlety that caused her to crack up. Brian was literally a walking, living storyboard. He’d have the craziest stories; from him and the guys running from the cops to how him and Jimmy always ended up in a jail cell.

“What the hell are you laughing at?! You’re no better from what I’ve heard…” Coraline stopped laughing and looked down, sheepishly. She shrugged as Brian smirked, “Yeah, Ms. I-Am-Twenty-One-But-Am-Actually-Sixteen.” Cor glared playfully at Brian before throwing a pillow,

“Kay, I was in desperate need of booze and I thought, ‘what the fuck’. It was worth a try, I never was expecting it to work.” Coraline retorted, sneering but in a sarcastic and joking way. Brian grinned and took a swig of beer, “Alright, whatever you say oh high and mighty independent Coraline Thor.” Cor glared even harder at the mention of her last name. He was so dead…

Brian screeched—reminded her so much of when he impersonated his mother—and darted for the front door, “I’m sorry! Ah fuck, that’s a bottle!” Cor hissed lowly and ran right after him. In a race to get the hell out of the house, neither two bothered to put shoes on with cause in some groans of pain from the hot tarmac. Lucky for them, they lived 5 minutes from the beach so they were soon welcomed with the warm, tingly feeling of the sandy beaches of Huntington Beach.

It was just before sunset and in Brian’s case, a bit before he got tackled to the sinkable floor. Coraline laughed before she lunged at him as she heard him go down with a grunt. She chuckled as he lay face down in the sand, her sitting on his back, “I so own your ass Haner. Say my name bitch!” She heard a muffled noise and furrowed her brows,

“What!? Speak up man, I can’t hear you.” She heard more mumbling before she figured the reason; she was sitting on him. She sighed and lifted slight weight off of him, “No… I don’t want to. You may do things to me…” Brian used his fake, scared voice with didn’t only cause Coraline to ‘aw’ but also crack a smile,

“Baby, it’s nothing new to you.” Brian laughed before turning around, as Cor shifted onto his stomach. Brown met jade and instantly a warm smile spread across Coraline’s lips, “I love you Bri.” Brian smiled back up at her, winding a hand around her neck ad bringing her down to his level, “I love you too Cor.”

Soft lips met single ringed ones as Cor felt the passion and love flow off it. She bent down and rested easily on Brian, as a hand snaked out and wound its way in his semi-long dark locks. She smiled through it, adding heat and fire to the already ignited fire. She started to mess around with his wavy hair as his hand moved down her neck to the top of her back, making circle patterns between the nape of her neck and back. She pushed at his lips and they parted as their tongues met. At first it was a fight for dominance between each other. Both battling to get the upper hand and cause the other to submit first.

It never worked out that way.

So, both Coraline and Brian settled and allowed each to have their moment of glory. It sometimes shocked them both how much they knew about each other when, in reality, they weren’t that much alike.

Brian worked at his self owned shop, teaching kids how to play guitar. Coraline worked most of her days helped teens going through withdrawal or other addiction problems and sometimes as a barista at Starbucks—don’t asking about that, she’d say to everyone, it was a guilty pleasure.

Brian was a guitar god; Coraline was an advice giving guru. Brian was spontaneous, Coraline liked everything gentle. Brian had a temper at times, Coraline didn’t seem like she had an angry bone in her body. Brian’s life revolved around music, Coraline claimed music could heal all wounds. Brian never thought he’d fall for someone like Coraline, Coraline always held hope. Brian wanted kids, Cor wasn’t ready. Brian hadn’t proposed, Cor was waiting for the right opportunity.

Even after all these difference—they had similarities as well—both these two fit together like breathing and life; soul and body. One was incomplete without the other. In fact, they both had met at Starbucks. Brian had ordered a drink and someone new had messed up the order. Of course, Brian wasn’t always the most patient but even he had more decency than to cause a scene for something so trivial. Just at the moment Coraline walked by and asked if anything was wrong. One thing left to the next and before they knew it, Brian was picking Coraline up after work.

After numerous dates and constant phone calls, both Brian and Coraline made it official. Both found something in one another that they craved. Brian wanted to settle down, Coraline wanted to feel what true love felt like. Funny how they both found it in the most uncommon place; Brian’s tattooed body finding Coraline’s semi colored body at a coffee shop. As clichéd as that sounded…

After the first 4 months, Brian had finally asked Coraline to move in, and she was more than willing to. After previous unsuccessful relationships, Cor finally felt she found that one person who meant the world to her. Someone she could relate to and turn to without fearing for him judging her sanity. Brian felt like he found love in the most unlikely place. He would have never expected himself to settle for someone like Cor. There wasn’t any flaws in her, no, her jade eyes and black hair mixed in with that natural Californian tan and a bit from her families side only emphasized her beauty. And for Cor, well someone like Brian was a prayer from God.

Finally unstitching her lips from his, Cor smiled down and got off Brian. Brian pouted and looked at her with sad eyes. Coraline rolled her eyes and patted his head, “There, there little boy, don’t cry. It was only a small toy car, we’ll get you another one.” Brian raised an eye brow and Cor just sent him a dork grin. Brian rolled his eyes and got up.

“I stopped playing with cars when I was 10. I traded it in for guitars.” He grinned proudly; ah that pedestal of his, she had to knock him down. Coraline patted his shoulder, “I bet you did sweetheart. Just one question,” Brian gave her an inquiring look, “who told you too?” Brian’s confused face changed to narrowed eyes as he turned and started walking down the beach. Coraline chuckled and followed him, bouncing from side-to-side.

“Aw, is Bri-Bri hurt? Did I hurt you feelings Bri? Aw, no need to be all fussy, it was just a simple, honest truth.” Brian full out glared at her now and took a sharp turn that caused Coraline to trip and fall down. Brian stopped walking, turned, point and laughed. Coraline huffed and threw her arms up in the air like a little kid. She pouted as Brian was now in glory,

“Yeah, now who’s the fussy one?” Coraline flipped him off as he just smirked wider, “You already do that.” Cor glared, mouth opened wide and lunged at Brian again—it really was a problem—and clung around his neck, legs wrapped around his torso, trying to drag him down,

“You’re such a perv Bri! If this is what our kids learn, I’ll personally kill you!” Brian chuckled and pried Coraline off —very easily—and wrapped his arms around her waist, back up against him,

“You’re no fun Cor.” He huffed as Coraline chuckled and rubbed his arm, “I’m kidding, you teach ‘em whatever you feel, kay? I know they’ll be fine.” She did a quick turn and pecked him on the lips. Brian smiled and rested his chin on the top of her head.

Californian sunsets really were a beauty. The oranges, pinks and yellows that set a glow on the water almost mesmerized you. It was like an enchantment, a force that drew you to the place and fixed you there. It held a secret feeling, warmth, a feeling of belonging. It melted you to the bone and promised of happiness and love forever and always. It was the ideal spot for any couple to come. It also just happened to be Cor and Brian’s ideal place to come.

Walking, hand in hand, down the shoreline Cor smiled to herself. This was all she had ever asked for. To be loved and to return it, to settle down, to have a decent income and to live a life full of happiness and memories that would last her till the afterlife.

“You, know walking down here never gets old to me.” Cor smiled, turning to face Brian, swinging their arms back and forth. Brian squeezed her hand, caressing the outside of it,

“Trust me; I know exactly how you feel. California sunsets have that pull over you.” Cor grinned wide at him and nodded. Still walking, feeling the nice smooth feeling of the sand under her toes, Cor sighed. It wasn’t an aggravated or angry sigh; it was a relaxed and calm sigh. She was finally at home.

“In all honesty, I wouldn’t have ever imagined myself strolling down a shorelines, hand in hand, with the one person who means more to me than my own self.” Cor turned and looked Brian straight in the eye. Brian stopped and faced her,

“What do you mean?” He truly sounded confused. Cor sighed contently, “A couple of years ago, I wouldn’t have ever imagined myself being “in love”. It always seemed like a make believe fairytale to me, and I didn’t want any part in it. But now, after knowing you for so long, spending a good 5 years with you, I’ve learned that there is such a thing called love. Brian, you’re what I call love. You signify the meaning to me. Your patient, at times, and you understand me in a way that no one else has,” Cor paused as she caressed Brian’s cheek, “you’ve shown me its okay to take chances and make mistakes. It doesn’t matter how many previous bad relationships you’ve had, it’s the ones your in at the moment that truly matter. And you, Brian Haner, have shown me that.” Cor smiled as she softly drew a pattern on Brian cheek with her thumb. Brian merely stared at her for a while. A loving smiled appeared on his face,

“You know Coraline Thor, you really are something else. Your words, your actions everything about you is the reason why I am the way I am. You bring out a good, the crazy and the real in me. You’re also one of the only people who can stay calm in my worse times. And all your previous relationships,” Brian’s eyes darkened a bit, “were just tests. And you passed them all. Not every relationship is meant to work, and in all honesty, those guys missed out on one of the most extraordinary people. You’re beautiful Cor, your soul, your mind and your being just gives out light.”

Coraline was at a loss of words. She and Brian had tons of romantic talks. You know the cheesy ones they have in the movies. She and Brian went through them all. There were times when it get so deep that Cor was shocked they both had it in them.

“Brian, you’re the good in me.” She smiled.

“And you’re the beauty in me.” Cor gasped slightly at his reply and stopped in one position. Brian chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist bring her closer to him. He kissed her forehead, rubbing her sides. “I love you Brian.” Brian bent down so he was ear level to her, “I’ve loved you from day one.” Cor bit her lip and wrapped both arms around his waist.

So who need big, rich mansion houses when you had a comfortable, medium sized home? Who needed big, expensive, flashy cars, when you had a vintage, pop hood convertible? Who needed cash when you had love? Who cared if you got by on minimum wage? For Cor, all these things didn’t matter. She was more than willing to live the way they were. As long as they had love, that was all they needed.

Sometimes, both Cor and Brian enjoyed just sitting out on the porch and watching the sunset or the afternoon turn into night. How the bright, vibrant morning sky would turn to a mysterious, warm dark. They enjoyed just sitting out there and thinking. Thinking about how far they’ve come and how much further they were going to go. Brian knew without a doubt that she was the only person he’d propose to. Cor knew she couldn’t imagine wearing a band given to her by anyone else.

When you had love on your side like that, who need cheap thrills and money bags?

Cor and Brian returned back home, glad that their feet had to no longer endure the pain of the hot tarmac. Cor ran and jumped on the sofa, grinning like a fool. Brian walked over, sitting down next to her, letting his head fall in her lap. Cor absentmindedly started playing with his hair, smiling to herself. This reminded her of the time everyone got together and just talked, drank and had fun.

These were the memories she wanted to stay with. This was what she always wanted. Brian all of a sudden moved and stared at her. Coraline’s hand was still mid air as she gave him a questioning look, eye brow raised.

“Marry me Coraline Thor.”

How could she say no to that?
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One-shot. Felt like making a mushy Brian story.
This song just stuck out so much :D