‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming
Status: On Hiatus

Tell Me That You Love Me


Change is inevitable; life is a whirlwind of emotions, a series of happiness and letdowns. I was extremely happy with my life and one party changed that quickly.

I thought Kennedy and I would last forever; he was the only person I could picture myself with down the road. He was the one person I could imagine settling down with, moving in with, and one day starting a family with.

Our relationship started so smoothly, and I did not see the possibility that it would ever change. We were best friends, and we told each other everything and believed each other 100%.

At least I thought we did.

Now, we don’t talk. We haven’t talked for almost a month. I’ve recently started college at ASU, and lately I’ve been throwing myself into my schoolwork to get my mind off the absence my heart feels at all times.

Jared calls me every day to check up on me and ask about college, and some days I can hear Kennedy laughing in the background. It breaks my heart to think that he’s happy when my heart is in pieces.

A week after the tour started (and consequently after Kennedy’s and mine break up), Garrett called me to tell me had a conversation with Kennedy about what had happened.

I was walking to my car from my last class of the day when my phone started vibrating in my purse. I fumbled for it, my heart longing to see Kennedy Brock flash across the screen, but it that thought was quickly released when Garrett Nickelsen appeared instead.

“Hey Garrett, what’s going on?”

“I just wanted to tell you I talked to Kennedy about what happened that night at the party. He says he doesn’t believe me, and that we’re just lying so you two can get back together. I don’t know what’s going on Dakota. He’s acting different.” Garrett stopped talking and John was heard in the background. “We’re putting you on speakerphone.”

“Okay…” I mumbled as I reached my car. I quickly unlocked it and climbed in before sliding my sunglasses off my face and closing my eyes.

“Dakota, I… I just don’t know what happened. It’s like he’s afraid that you really would cheat on him.” John said, a sigh escaping his lips.

“I don’t know why. He knows I would never cheat on him, I l-love him too much.” My voice broke slightly as I held the tears in.

John sighed slightly into the phone before clearing his throat. “He isn’t the same Kennedy Brock that we all love. He’s distant from us all now. He leaves the room when someone mentions your name and when we have free time he just sits there and stares into space.”

“Jared won’t even talk to him.” Pat mumbled as a sigh escaped my lips.

“How are you holding up Dakota?” Garrett asked as I put the key into the ignition so I could turn on the air conditioning. It had been unnaturally warm the past few days.

“I’ve been better.” I grumbled as I gathered my hair behind me and sliding a ponytail holder around it.

“I’m really sorry that I caused all of this to happen.” Garrett mumbled.

I sighed slightly and stared out the window at the people walking across the ASU campus. Did I blame Garrett for what happened with Kennedy and me? Not really, I blamed Kennedy for the most part. Garrett was beyond gone when he kissed me, and Kennedy knows how flirty Garrett gets when he’s drunk. And he should have known that I would never cheat on him.

“Garebear don’t worry about it. If Kennedy is going to be a child about all of this, that’s his fault not yours. I don’t blame you for anything. I just wish Kennedy would actually trust me. He should know that I wouldn’t cheat on him.” My voice broke towards the end, and I heard someone sigh in the background.

“Just know that we all love you Dakota and someday Kennedy will realize how much a mistake this is. I promise you.” John made a kissing sound into the phone causing me to laugh slightly.

“I love you too. You guys are the best. I’d be lost without you all for sure.” I looked out the window slightly and went to turn back to look in my purse for my chapstick when a familiar face caught my attention. “You guys I’ll call you back later!” I quickly hung up and opened my door before sprinting to the figure a few hundred feet from me.

“ERIC HALVORSON I LOVE YOU!” I screamed before jumping onto his back.
Eric’s body shook with laughter as I jumped off him so he could turn around. I noticed Rhett standing behind him with a smile on her face and I quickly waved at her. Eric wrapped me up in a big hug before stepping back and placing his hands on my shoulders.

“How are you?” Halvo asked sliding his sunglasses onto the top of his head with one hand.

“How are you?” I asked looking at the cement to avoid his eyes. I knew Halvo could read me like an open book and he was like another brother to me. He had been friends with Jared for as long as I could remember and he spent numerous hours at my house when we were growing up.

“Dakota don’t avoid my question. I need to know if I need to kick Kennedy’s ass yet.”

“You want the truth?” Halvo nodded his head quickly. “I’m terrible. I don’t sleep at night. Everyone and everything reminds me of him. I just miss him so much.” My voice started to shake and I cleared my throat trying to keep the tears inside.

“You have the weekend off right?” Rhett asked making her way to stand by my side.

“Yeah, I have some homework and I need to find a job, but other than that I have nothing planned.” I answered looking over at Rhett trying to figure out what she was doing.

“Good, you’re coming with us.”

For the past three weekends, I have stayed with Halvo and Rhett at their place trying to keep my mind off everything but it seems like everywhere I go Kennedy gets brought up somehow.

Even though Kennedy and I hadn’t talked in almost a month, I still held onto the hope that somehow, someday we would get together.
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Okay, I know this is a bit late, but school is slowly and painfully killing me. I'm going to try and update this story weekly but I can't make promises. Things are going to happen fast in this story, and I can promise you, you won't be disappointed.

Comments are appreciated! <3