‹ Prequel: I Must Be Dreaming
Status: On Hiatus

Tell Me That You Love Me


Six hours and two and half movies later, Halvo appeared at the house wondering why there was an empty ice cream container along with three empty icing containers.

“I have a broken heart Halvo. That’s why.” I answered tossing a pillow at him while he laughed slightly.

“Nick was wondering if he could stop by for a little while. He flies back home in a couple of days and he hasn’t seen you for a few weeks.” Halvo sat down in one of the chairs and looked over at me. “I think he’s about ready to kill Kennedy.” Eric shot me a look like he was afraid of how I would react.

“Oh?” I asked grabbing the quilt Jared always had on the back of the couch and wrapping it around my body.

“He’s so pissed at Kennedy. You have no idea. Nick called him a couple days after tour started and tried to talk some sense into Kennedy, but you know how he gets when he’s upset. He just ignores everything and he has to come to the decision himself. No one can help him.” Eric looked at me before clearing his throat and starting again. “I guess he said something along the lines that it was sad that you were in love with someone who didn’t know how wonderful you were and took you for granted when he’s been in love with you for years.”

I felt my breath get trapped in my throat before looking over at Halvo. “Wh-what?” I mumbled, confusion taking me over. Nick couldn’t like me; we decided to only be friends, that we were better off that way. But wait, didn’t he say we broke up because he knew my heart wasn’t his? Oh god, what if he did still have feelings for me? What was I going to do about that?

I sat there looking at the floor mulling everything over when Rhett stood up and put her hands on her hips. “What am I missing? Because there is surely something that I don’t know about.”

Eric laughed slightly before answering. “Nick and Dakota dated for a few months, if that, and ever since then Nick has been wrapped up in her like no other. I swear when we go on tour or he goes home to Massachusetts he misses Dakota more than he ever misses his mother.” Eric laughed once more before he looked over at me.

“This cannot be happening.” I muttered looking at my feet. Eric opened his mouth slightly, attempting to come up with something to say before the doorbell rang. Rhett sent me a small smile before walking towards the front door. Seconds later, I heard Nick’s infectious laughter, and against my better judgment I let a smile spread across my face. It didn’t matter if I was in love with Kennedy; a small part of my heart had always been Nick’s.

“There’s my girl.” Nick exclaimed before kneeling in front of me and placing his hands on my knees. I smiled slightly at him before throwing my arms around his neck. I slowly slid off the couch so that I was kneeling on the floor in front of Nick and his arms wrapped around my waist. I felt my body shake as I tried to control the tears that were threatening to spill onto my cheeks.

“Dakota don’t you dare start crying. Kennedy Brock is not worth your tears or your time. He may be one of the people I’m closest to in this world, but sometimes the boy forgets that he needs to use his brain. You’re way too pretty to cry.” Nick was whispering into my ear as he ran his hands through my hair and placed his forehead on mine.

I smiled slightly before laughing. “You’re ridiculous Nick Santino.” He smiled at me slightly before kissing my forehead. He grabbed my hands in his and pulled me to my feet. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my head.

“Who is ready for an all night movie marathon?” Nick asked looking over me to Eric and Rhett. They quietly muttered an excuse for having to go home and get ready for Rhett’s family coming from Ohio.

Nick loosened his grip from around me and I walked over to Rhett and gave her a quick hug. “Sorry these two losers ruined our girl’s day, but I promise we’ll have another one soon.”

She laughed and agreed before Eric walked over to me and gave me a quick hug and a kiss on my cheek. “I promise next time I see Kennedy I’ll punch him in the nose okay?”

I smiled slightly before Nick showed them to the door. I sat on the couch quietly and a few seconds later Nick walked back into the living room and sat down next to me. “So are we talking about it or are we watching movies?” He asked wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

“Movies.” I mumbled and he smiled slightly before getting up and walking to the entertainment center. He picked out a few movies and placed one in the DVD player before walking back to the couch and sitting next to me.

“Just know Dakota, we are going to talk about this.” Nick said looking at me from the corner of his eyes as the beginnings of Up came on the screen.

“I know Nick. We always do.”
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This is long overdue. I apoligize, I am so worn out from school. My AP tests start a week from today, and I'm about dying from all the cramming I'm doing. After May 11th though, I'll be updating a lot more.