Status: it gets better :)

The Truth Isn't Always Revealed

The Rescuers

There was this awkward moment of silence and it stayed like that for about 30 seconds. Then I was just about to scream when the girl quickly closed my mouth. She motioned me to be quiet and I listened because she might be another one of the workers of this place.

“We are here to rescue you, I just need you to tell me what’s going on?” she asked. I responded with a quiet thank you. She looked at me and she smiled. I looked at the guy and I had to accept that he was pretty cute. But I have Mark who is much better.

Anyways, I told her what happened, “My mom is that lady all the way in the corner. I’m Rebecca and my boyfriend Mark is in the other room. I’ll start from the beginning,” I started with how my father got killed. They listened closely and they kept looking around at all times then I got to the part about Mark, “Now this crazy girl named Patty is going to brainwash Mark so he can love her. Supposedly, they’re doing it tonight. Please save Mark before me. I beg you.”

The girl looked at me and then at the other guy. The guy nodded as if he understood her. “First, you’re going to take a shower. Don’t be surprised at our abilities. He has the ability of water so he’ll spray you with water. Ok?” I nodded and she smiled, “Good. I’ll be right back.” She left and I saw a dragonfly fly in.

“Don’t worry,” said the guy, “She has the ability to become any animal she wants to be. That’s her,” he smiled at me and he stretched his arms out and water sprayed on me. It actually felt good. I haven’t taken a bath in days so it felt refreshing. “Wait here. I’ll go get extra clothes for you,” and before I could respond, he left. He quickly came back with shorts, a t-shirt and some underwear. “Here you go. Let me cut the rope so u can change,” he cut the rope and then I felt free. He turned around and went somewhere so I can change.

When I was done, I sat back down and put my hands behind my back when I heard someone came into the room. It was the man. My abusive unknown father. “Why is it wet in here?” he asked in a harsh voice.

“It began to rain sir,” I said looking down.

“No it didn’t. I was outside the whole time. Stop lying. They must be here by now. I need to call reinforcements. That girl is dangerous. She’ll kill all of us to rescue you guys. But she won’t win,” with that he paged everyone on the pager as he left the room. Oh no! They’ll be killed. Just then, the girl and guy appeared again. They looked worried.

“What happened?” I asked.

“We were almost seen by the man that kidnapped you. Luckily, we got away. This is a harder mission than I usually get,” said the boy, “we need to get way pronto. He’s will do anything. Is there anyone here who you would love to rescue soon?”

“Yes, my boyfriend Mark. They’re brainwashing him tonight. I don’t want him to leave me,” I said and I began to cry.

“We’ll try to save him tonight,” said the girl as she tried to comfort me, “I found his room and he’s trying to get loose but he can’t get out and he ‘s looking for you. He’s desperate,” she said in a sad face. I believed her. I feel this pain and it must be him suffering.

“I feel his pain,” I said sadly, then I busted into tears. The girl came inside and tried to comfort me. It worked a little but then she quickly stood up. Her eyes were big as if she saw something scary.

“He’s behind you,” she said while pointing at the boy. I turned around and saw the man. “What do you want Vandal?” she said harshly. Vandal? That’s my dad’s name?

“Get out of here now! Don‘t let me shoot Seth,” he said while pointing the gun on the boy named Seth. Seth looked quite terrified but something told me that he was on to something. The girl looked at him then she looked up. She then nodded and Seth sprayed water all on Vandal. He sprayed water on the gun first to knock it off his hand. Then he sprayed the guy on the ground and he kept spraying him. The girl picked up my hand and pulled me out the door.

“But what about my mom?” I asked trying to get loose from her grip.

“We can’t right now. You have to get out of here NOW! We’ll have to get her later,” she said and pulled me even harder. I still got loose from her grip and started running back to the room. “You asked for it,” she said and the next thing I knew, there was a tiger blocking the way to the room. I knew it was her but she looked scary. I turned around and continued walking. I know she’s doing the right thing for me but my mother is in there and I know she might not come out alive. I continue walking until she stops me. “Shh… the guards are everywhere now. They’re on the look out since they know we’re here. C’mon follow me,” she became herself again.

We walked quietly and swiftly. We didn’t want anyone to hear us. We then passed by this bright, white room. I peeped inside before the girl tried to stop me. There was Mark, lying lifeless with wires connected to the machine. Beside him was a blonde chick, Patty.
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I'm so sorry this chapter took a long time. Testing until the end of the school year.
Hope you like it!