Status: it gets better :)

The Truth Isn't Always Revealed

School Once Again

*Few Weeks Later*

Ding Ding Ding Uhhhh back to school…..again. It’s been 3 weeks since the shooting and everything was ok so far. Marina’s baby is looking perfectly. Mark is by my side everyday and we’re always together. Daniel and I are becoming closer and we’re back to being besties. Katy seems to be hiding something but she still is with Daniel, surprisingly. No unknown packages came and everything was running smoothly but my war isn’t over. It is far away from finishing.

Daniel, Mark and I were walking to class when we spotted Katy talking to some jock. When I got a better look at him, I realized that he was Devian. Mark squeezed my hand tightly. He must’ve notice or felt my temperature rising. Devian just smirked and he turned around walking away. Oh, he’s soooo going to get it!!! Although Katy was with Daniel, he noticed I got mad and he asked me what was wrong. I didn’t respond I just kept looking straight.

When it was lunch time, Marina didn’t eat anything. Everything she ate, she threw up. The only items she can eat are fruits and vegetables and some other stuff. So I always bring her an apple to eat. Mark was making up for a test so I ate with Marina until Daniel came. We started talking about things when he asked me why I was mad when I saw Devian. Marina glanced at me and her eyes pleaded me not to say anything so I told him a lie. His eyes were so happy when he was around me but when he was with Katy, it looked all discouraged and sad. Katy and I don’t talk to each other but she’s “forced” to hang out with me since Daniel became friends with me. Then out of nowhere Patty showed up and sat in front of Marina and beside Daniel.

“Hey Becca, where’s your boyfriend?” she asked
“Somewhere. Why do you want to know?” I replied in a rude way.
“Oh nothing.”

She saw Daniel and started talking to him. Well, she wasn’t just talking to him but she was flirting! Daniel seem uncomfortable but fortunately Katy came.

“Hey you! What you doing with my boyfriend?!” Katy screamed.
“Uhhh talking Duh!” Patty replied.
“Well back off he’s mine!”
“You can’t tell me what to do!”
“Oh no you didn’t!”

Katy got up and was rushing to Patty. She seemed really mad and she turned red like a tomato. Luckily, Daniel stopped them in time before they started fighting. He decided to walk away before anything else happened. He motioned me that he was going to talk to me later and he left the lunch room.

After school and all the drama that happens in there, Mark, Marina, and I walked home. Well actually a new house since their old house had me holes in them. Anyways, as we were walking, I noticed Devian with this girl. She looked awfully familiar but I couldn’t see her clearly. Marina noticed Devian too and she started crying. Devian saw and I stared at him like a lion stares at its prey. He looked uncomfortable so he walked away and didn’t look at me once. I went and hugged Marina and whispered that it was going to be ok. She stopped crying and I can tell she was becoming stronger every time she saw him. Something also caught my eye as I was hugging her. A girl was running in our direction and I realized who it was. It was Patty. She ran fast and hugged Mark. Mark quickly let go of her and pushed her off.

“Oh Mark! I missed you. Why didn’t you come to lunch?” she asked.
“Because I was doing something,” he replied.
“Mark-y we need to hang out more!”

Oh no she didn’t. She called my boy a nickname and she’s flirting with him oh no. But as “innocent” as I am, I stayed perfectly calm. I just stared.

“You know one of these days we should go eat somewhere. You and me,” she said
“Sorry but I don’t go anywhere without my baby,” he said with a smile and put his arms around me, “She’s the only woman I go out with alone.”

I smiled and she seemed pretty mad. Who knew the person who lives in my own house, well old house, would be my worst enemy. She was so mad but something told me that she was going to fight for Mark. She was not going to give up. This is my second battle. Fight for the love of my life. It may be a long war but I won’t give up until I know I won. I will win.D

Buzz Buzz My phone was blinking and I received a text from Daniel.

Daniel: Hey what’s up!?!?

Me: Not much. LOLZ Is Katy ok?

Yea Shh’s fine, but she was pretty mad. She left her house early though. She said she needed to do something.

WOW! Around what time she came out of the house?

Around 2:45 why?

Oh just asking.

At that moment I remembered Devian with this strange chick. The chick had blonde hair and she was pretty. That’s when it hit me. That blonde chick with Devian was Katy!! Katy is cheating on Daniel!! But I don’t know if I should tell Daniel. I’ll wait for a while then I’ll tell him or I won’t.

You still there?

Yeah but hey I got to go. C ya!

Bye and love you. (brother sister way) ;)

HAHA love ya too.

It was time to sleep so I went to sleep in my room. Mark was already there so I just grabbed my clothes and went to change in the restroom. After I came out, someone knocked on the door. I checked outside and I saw a Mercedes out there. I quickly ran to Mr. Santos and I whispered to him not to open the door. I told him to go back to his room and turn off all the lights and to be quiet. Fortunately, he did as I said and he understood why I told him to do that. I ran to Marina’s room and she was fast asleep. Then I went to my room and Mark was about to put on the light when I stopped his hand.

“Who is it?” He whispered.
“It’s them.”
“The people that want you?”

He quickly held me in his arms when I went outside and checked to see if they were gone. After a while, they stopped knocking and I went to see if they left. Thankfully, they weren’t there anymore. This man is becoming more and more scarier than I thought. He’s more dangerous every time. I told everyone that he left and we were safe again. I went to check by the door if they left anything there. Well, I guessed I fooled them because there was nothing here. I just went back upstairs and fell asleep with the safest person and thing I have; Mark and my stuffed dog that Daniel gave me when I was little. Also with something I haven’t worn in a long time. My bracelet that was give by Daniel.
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First time I made Daniel become more active since a whole bunch of chapters. Also the stuff animal he gave Rebecca. How cute! Anyways, they're still juniors. Also I changed the title of my story.
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♥ ya