Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Part Ten-Stand Up for Yourself

Charlotte's Point of View:

I walked in Maddie's room and sat beside her. I rubbed her back and let her cry on my shoulder. "It's gonna be okay it's not like he is going to mess with you" "But what if he does Char?" "Then go to the cops and what's the chances of it I mean you'll be at the court doing all of that" "I guess your right I just don't want to leave you and Liz behind y'all are my family" "Well who's gonna keep Matt from cheating on you or something" Maddie's eyes wided. "If he does I will whip him" I said making a whipping sound. She start laughing and said "Kay I'm gonna start packing Char" I nodded and hugged her. I walked out of her room into the living room to Liz. "Elizabeth What are you doing here baby girl?" "Granny dropped me off because daddy had a date with Kayla" I picked her up and walked into her room. I sat her on the bed and turned on taking 5.

I went back in the living room and sat beside Brian. I put my head in my hands and started crying. I heard somebody get and a door close then I heard someone running down the hallway. "Char Why are you crying?" "Because Chris is going out with Kayla tonight" "How do you know that?" "Lizzie told me cause he got his mom to drop her off here" I looked up at her and she rolled her eyes wiping my tears off my face. "babe it's okay we can just stay in tonight" "NO we had plans and I'm not going to let that asshole ruin it" Maddie look shocked "Whose going to take care of Liz then?" "Chris is" I said getting up and walking to the house phone. I dialed his number "Hello?"
"Your taking care of Liz tonight because if you don't I'll file for full custody and you won't get to see her at all"
"You can't do that Charlotte"
"Watch me now if you not going to get her then I'll call the court next"
"I'm on my way"
I smiled and hung up.

"Liz get your over night bag ready dad's on his way"
I yelled walking into the living room. A couple of minutes later Liz walked out with her Yo Gabba Gabba bag on her shoulder. I picked her up and walked outside to Chris's car. I put her in the back and told him. "Another thing I don't want my daughter around your whores or anyone expect your mom or dad Understand?"
"I can have her around anyone I want" "I'm her mother so I get a choice" "Whatever" He said pulling away. I smirked and walked back inside. 'Let's go get hammered" I screamed. Everybody laughed and replied with yells and other funny nonsense.
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Feedback Please? I LOVE YOU foREVer MANNY!!!!