Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Chapter Eleven - The Dublin Truth

We watched the guys from side stage rocking out and I couldn't help smile at how great Matt looked. He really knows how to get the crwd going. “This next song is for two girls we met recently, I know its only been a few days but if we ever lost them.” matt was silent for a second. “I would vow revenge on woever took them away from us. Madis and Charlotte this song is for you.” Matt said looking over at me and Charlotte. “This one is Sieze the Day” Matt announced. I fet my heart flutter when he started singing the song but I was soon saddened I have to leave in two days back to Ireland. I felt two arms wrap around me and I guesss Char new I was upset. “Everything is going to be fine babe” she said as I wrapped my arms around her resting my head on her head. Soon the show was ver and the guys dragged us down to Hell.
We sat around a huge table laughing and joking. “May I have this dance” Matt asked producing his hand out fr me to take it. “Of course” I smiled. November Rain by Guns N Roses came on Matt held me tight around my waist and rest his forehead against mine. “So when are you leaving?””Two days”I replied. “I am going to miss you Madison even if its for a few weeks.” Matt whispered. “I am ging to miss you all too, mainly Char, Liz and you.” I sighed. Matt gripped me tighter to his body. “why are you afraid to go home Maddie” he asked. I hesitated for a moment, I never thought of telling him. What if he thought after I told him I wasnt worth the bother anymore to be with him. “Excuse me for a moment” I broke away from Matts grasp and went to get Char. She know how to help me right now. I saw Char sitting with Zacky maing out. “Ehm.... sorry to interupt but Zacky can I please talk to Charlotte in private.” Char Knew by the lok on my face I needed her. We walked to the bathrooms.

“What's up?” Char asked. “He asked, the one question I am not ready to answer.” “ He asked you to be his girlfriend?” Char ased confused. “Ok no the second worse question why I am scared to go back.” I said. When Char has a few n her she cant stand properly it is kind of funny when you end up sitting on the bathroom floor cause we always fall over. Lying there giggling like we did in highschool when we had been asked to prom by the guy we liked at the time. “You know Char we have had the best years of our life together.” “Hey dont go all soppy on me, we are gonna be just fine and you will be home before you know it.” Char smiled and hugged me. “Oh and Maddie dont be afraid to let him in, I missed that smile and I know it's Matt who put it back there.” I smiled just thinking about him. “Go tell him babe” Char said smacking my ass. I stood on the balconey and looked down at the crowd. I spotted Matt at the bar, I went down stairs but not stopping to look at my reflection. I looked at myself in my pinstripe dress and heels to match. My hair cruled and hanging over one shoulder and there she was someone I was waiting to see. Madison Silver was looking at me again not Cherry Shadows just me. I smiled at my reflection and head towards Matt. “Hey can we go out to the beach I want to tell you somthing” I asked flashing him a smile. “Sure babe, come on” He kissed me softly he took my hand and lead me out of the club.

As we walked down to the beach we were in a comfortable silence. As we walked by the shore, Matt spoke first “So what did you have to tell me?” “Basically I want to thank you for everything you have done. I love how good you are with Liz and I want to ask while I am away to help her out and make sure nothing happens to them.” “Dont worry Maddie your making it sound lie your never coming back.”Matt told me. I gulpped. “You are coming back” Matt asked. “Hpefully you see Matt I have an older brother in Dublin Gavin, he gt involved at the drugs scene from a young age. I still remember the Garda coming to my front door and telling me that cause Scott was in so much trouble they advised us to move to here, so we did. We baced up didnt say goodbye to anyne just left but after my mom's mom died, my mom wanted to go back home she said she was sick of runnin and that Ireland was her home. She told me to stay hear cause I was close to Gavin he was my protective big brother, which this drug lord knows simply cause it is his mate who took over after his dad got killed. So when I go back and he spots in Dublin, I dont know what he will do to me.” I began to cry and I felt Matt wrap me in his arms. “I have to go and I knw I do” I cried in to his chest. “And you will come back Madison and you will be back here with Char and Liz also Ill be counting down the days until you get back.” matt kissed me softly. “ s wipe away them tears and lets go get wasted with your family and friends.” Matt took me by the hand. “You mean my family” I grinned. As we walked back up to the door, there was a fight going on outside. “Charlotte” I shouted running over to her as Matt tried to pull Brian off the other guy whse face I couldnt see. When the guys had been seperated. “Chris what the hell are doing here.” “Well Madison same as you's. I am here with my girlfriend Kayla.” He smirked. I seen Brian wanting to hit him again. “Who is taking care of Liz then?” I asked. “Dave is such a shame you never gave him more of a chance Maddie, but I will guess your best of being alone. Yu dont have a heart you dont deserve love our just like her Madison you will always be her.” Chris told in a mocking tone. I turned my back to Chris until I heard cheers which made me spin around. Matt had punched Chris and was holding him against the wall. “Don't you dare speak to my girlfriend like that you waste of space scumbag, you dont deserve to be a father to Liz. You never deserved them three girls in your life.” Matt said through the grit of his teeth. “Matt just leave it” I said pulling Matt's arm. “He aint worth it” I said calmly. “Stay away from the girls and if you dont I will kick your ass” that was Matts final words to Chris. We all got into the car and went home. On the drive back to our house I asked Matt to take me to Dave's house. “Maddie dont do anything stupid” Char asked me. “I wont I am just getting Liz.” “Matt go with her” Char pleaded with Matt. As we got to the house I kncked on the door to dave in just his boxers. “well maddie what do i owe this pleasure.” dave said cockily. “You dont i am hear for Liz.” “Whose this?” dave questioned Matt. “A new toy for me t play with as you told the tabolids before. I heard someone cal dave's name and it wasnt a males voice well I would doubt it with Dave. I opened the living room door a practically naked woman on the couch. “Where the hell is my god daughter.” I screamed. “Uncle Matt” We looked up the stairs to see Liz, I culdnt help but smile. Matt went upstairs to grab all of her things and brought her out to Charlotte. “You are sick Dave” “Meaning I remember that was us at one time” He smirked. “Yeah but I never slept you when Liz was in the house.” With that I left, I climbed back in the car. “Thank you guys” char said holding Liz who was falling asleep. When we finally got home Brian carried Liz to bed. Matt came to say goodnight to me. “You not staying with me tonight?” I asked with puppy dog eyes. “Sure I am only a play thing to you” I stood there shocked at what Matt said. “You are not you mean more than that to me babe. I only siad that to grind daves gears.” I sighed pulling matts face towards mine. “You make me the happiest girl alive.” “Madison be my girlfriend then, I dont want us to be nothing but together so will you?” “Can you wait until I come back to make this offical please.” “Fine but for now your all mine” Matt said lifting me and carrying into my bed.