Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Chapter 13- Big News

Chalotte's Point of View:

I woke up and went into Liz's room to get her ready for school. "Babygirl time to get up" "No mommy I want Aunty Maddie here" I sighed and grabbed her armpits then sat her up. I looked at her eyes and saw tears. I wrapped my arms around my daughter and said "Lizzie Maddie will me home in two weeks it's okay and think about the bright side your birthday is next week" She nodded and crawled out of bed. I smiled and grabbed her hand. We walked into the bathroom and I started a bath for her. I picked out a Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt and a jean skirt. I laid the clothes on her bed and picked out a pair of purple flats then went in the bathroom. "Liz time to get out of the bath and get dressed for school" "Kay mommy" I helped her get out of the small bathtub then got her dressed. I did her hair in pigtails and sput her Yo Gabba Gabba backpack on one shoulder and put Liz on the another. I grabbed the keys and locked the door. I walked to my new Lexus Zacky bought me and put Liz in her booster seat. I hopped in the front seat and took off to Huntington Beach Elementary School. I walked her in school and taught Liz to her classroom.

I got back in the car and saw I had a new text message from Matt. "Char meet me @ starbucks thx" I drove to Stabucks and locked the car doors. I met Matt at a table in the back and then he said something that made me tick. "Charlotte I'm in love with Cherry Shadows and Syn is in love with Synful Vixen. My jaw dropped and I got up and ran to the car. I sped home and called Maddie to tell her.
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I <3 you Amanda!!!!!!!!!