Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Part 15 - Leaving the Past Behind Us

2 weeks later

I jumped around my room in glee as I got my visa and passport sorted to go back home to my girls. I quickly dialed Char's number. “Hello” she answered sleepy. “Morning babe” I laughed. “Maddie whats wrong?” Char seemed more alert now. “Oh nothing just ringing you to tell you, you better pick me up from the airport on Friday Morning” I couldnt wipe the smile off my face. “Oh my god Maddie your coming hom untouched told you everything would be fine” She exclaimed. “ well i better go pack and stuffs tell Liz I cant wait to see her and I am going to ring Matt now to see if he misses Madison or is head over heels for Cherry.” “Ok will do babe and cant wait to see you on friday love you bye.” “Love you too bye” and hung up the phone to dial matt's number.

“Hello” Matt answered. “Hey handsome” I replied. “Maddie is that you?” The one and only babe and guess what I am coming home on Friday morning.” I smiled waiting for is reply. “Maddie we need to talk, I think we are best of as friends” he said in a hard voice. “What?” I cant believe this he has actually fallen for my alter ego than Madison Silver herself. “I am so sorry Maddie its just I ave feelings for someone else.” “Cherry Shadows suicide model.” I choked back the tears. Gavin had come into my bedroom to see what was going on. “Yeah I guess Char told you, can we still be friends Maddie I still really care for you” “Drop dead Matt I cant believe you did this to me.” I hung up the phone and cried Gavin qquickly came to my side. “whats wrong little sis?” Gavin cooed. “He has feelings for someone else” I sniffed. “Who is it Maddie, who could be more beautiful than my little sister Madison Silver.” He rubbed my back. “My alter ego is more beautiful I am a model back home...” I began as I grabbed my laptop.

“So let me get this straight your Cherry Shadows.” I nodded “yup the one and only.” “Madison you have to tell him the truth.” Gavin said trying to understand everything. “I cant cause that is all he will want to see is her not Madison.” I cried. Gavin cuddled beside me and just let me cry. Then his phone beeped and he jumped. “Shit” Gavin shouted. “What?” I was worried. “Scott texted me he still wants you and said well hasnt Madison grown up so much.” I felt sick. “How much do you owe him” I said calmly. “ €5000 euro” Gavin said ashamed. “Right your coming home with me I dont care you are coming home to LA with me.” “Madisn I wont get a visa in less than a day.” Gavin tried to explain. “You see big brother remember Stephen?” “Yeah the guard” “ he owes me a favor so I can get you an emergancy visa” I smiled and dialed the number.
“All sorted he will be here in the morning to drop it off so get packing we leave tomorrow evening” I said. “Maddie are you sure about this?” “I have lived for a eleven years with out you Gavin I just got you back and I am not going to let Scott hurt you or me. I rang Charlotte and she is getting the Spare room ready at the house.” I tol him and suenly felt two arms wrapped around me. “Thank you Madison.” Gavin said and I hugged him back. “Any time.”

“Come on Gavin its time to go already.” I shouted at my brother who was saying good bye to my parents. We were on our way to the airport and it felt good to be having the chance to live with my brother he has promised me that he will not dabble in drugs no more and will not cause any harm to me or Char. “Flight to LAX airpoet is now boarding” The intercom announced. “Take one last look Gavin cause tomorrow we will be in LA and you will be free at last.” I smiled and boarded the plane with my brother back to Char and Liz.