Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Part 17 - The Realization

I cuddled Liz as we both settled down to sleep, but I couldn't sleep so I climbed out of bed and went into Gavin. "Whats up Maddie?" Gavin said scooting over in the bed for me to sit beside him. "Nothing just not really tired." I replied. "I know you Madison you miss him don't you." I just nodded. "Then go get him baby sis and tell him the truth" "No not a hope in hell Gavin!" I said. We talked for awhile and I soon left as Gavin will be meeting the guys tomorrow for Chars engagement party. Who would of ever thought Madison and Charlotte would not be living together for the rest of their lives. Its funny we are two that are really hard to separate from each other we do everything together. I sighed and went back to bed. I drifted of for awhile but was woken up by Liz and Gavin. Gavin said something to me in Irish probably so Liz wouldn't understand. He basically told me to correct translation your man is down stairs fight for him. I just replied back in Irish and tried to go back asleep but Liz and Gavin wouldn't let me. They tickled me and when I got up to chase them I forgot how fast Gavin was since we were kids.

Later on we all got ready to go to Char and Zacky's Engagement Party. I decided to stick to my pencil skirt black shirt and corset. Gavin was going to be my side for when I see Matt I was looking forward to seeing him but as friends. There was a knock on my door and in came Char. "Everything ok babe?" I asked as she sat on my bed while I put the finishing touches to my hair. "Yeah just checking on you" Char said but I noticed her shifting her eyes as if she was up to something. "Your up to something Charlotte Ann." I told her. "God Maddie you know me to freaking well." she smiled. "Spill it" I said looking at her. "Do you think we should give Matt what he wants?" Char asked raising one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me. "Oh no she is not coming with me Char, I am thinking of just leaving the whole suicide girls thing and quit being her." I told char. She understood why I wanted this it was time to just continue being Madison Silver. Soon there was another knock on the door. "Maddie and Char ready to go." Gavin said holding Liz in his arms. We just nodded and I grabbed my bag. We all went in my SUV and met the guys and there dates in Luigi Malones. As we walked in my eyes locked with Matt's and he got up to say hello but sat back down when he noticed Gavin. We all got seated and I sat beside Matt. Halfway through dinner I stood up to make a little toast to Char and Zacky.

"Excuse me everybody can I have your attention, I just want to say congrats to my best friend and Zacky on their engagement. I wish the two of yous all the happiness in the world. Also Zacky I am watching you one wrong move and I will get you." I laughed and raised my glass and my last words were "To Zacky and Charlotte may you have all the happiness in the world." I got up to walk around to Charlotte to give and Zacky a huge hug and sat down with Liz\ on my lap for a few minutes.

Matt POV

I fucked up didn't I Maddie looks beautiful tonight I tried to say hello earlier but she had brought a date tonight guess she is moving on from me. As they sat down beside me I got hooked on how sweet Maddie smelt. My eyes followed her around the table as she hugged Zacky and Char but I noticed her date looking at me. "Hey the names Matt." I said putting my hand out to shake his. " Hey I'm Gavin Maddie's older brother." I felt like a fool instantly that is Gavin who endangered Maddie's life. "Nice to meet you so you here visiting Maddie and Charlotte." I asked. "No I am living with them it was Maddie's idea in her words alone I have lived with out you for a eleven years I am not doing it again." Gavin told me that's Maddie for you she cares alto about her family. I love that smile and her eyes. If it was possible Maddie would be the one for me but I am crazy over Cherry Shadows to be honest her and Maddie look a lot a like, wait a minute I thought as I took out my phone. "Only figuring it out now man" Gavin said to me. "What you mean?" I asked startled. "I was there holding her when you rang her that night in Dublin. You really telling me that you didn't realize that my baby sister is Cherry Shadows." Gavin told me and I shook my head.

"Why did she not tell me." "Because that's Madison for you she wanted you to love her not her alter ego and to be honest stay away from her Matt you have hurt her enough as it is." Gavin was stern. "I didn't mean to hurt her Gavin, please let me make things right with her." I pleaded. Gavin shook his head "Nope I am here now and no way are you going to hurt her anymore than you have, first time my baby sister was truly mad about someone." I felt like a right jackass but I wont give up on her.
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<3 you Hailey