Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Part 21 - A new era is about to begin

As I watched my brother walk my best friend down the aisle. I couldnt help let a few tears escape from my eyes. As I stood with my black cocktail dress on and hair
done up make was flawless bar the few tear smudges. I watched as Gavin gave Charlotte away, I looked at her smile and I couldnt but smile with her.
I glanced over at Matt and he gave me a wink and mouthed you look stunning. I winked back at him and turned to face the bride and groom.
I remember still when I first moved here i was only twelve. Ever felt like you never belonged in a place felt like the
wierd person the freak even. Thats how I felt I was the Irish kid who had a strange accent. I had such a strong accent nobody understood me.
I lived next door to Chris Liz's dad and Char was just accross the road. I was already in to rock music from a young age so this didnt help matters.
I remember going to school that wasnt much fun either. Not till I stopped some girls picking on Charlotte in the girls bathrooms. I hated that crap
the girls who think they can bully ppl in to doing things making them feel superior it is was revolting. I ended up in the fight with them and ended up up gettting
detention with them and Charlotte.


"tut tut Miss Silver your first day and all I dont think thats making a good first impression is it now??" Ms McGuire said to me.
I Just rolled my eyes and sat in a desk at the back. I am not a bad kid usually but nobody understands in my home town to survive you had to be tough.
Sorry but I really miss my old life and my brother Gavin its tough when your twelve. I noticed the the three bitches walk in I noticed my fine work.
CHarlotte sat next me. "Hey I am Charlotte." she smiled. "Hey Madison but my family calls me Maddie." I returned the smile. "Thank you for earlier, i think
your the only person that would do that for me." Char returned her eyes to her homework. "What you mean?" I asked. "I dont really have many friends here."
Char sighed. "Hence why I get picked on all the time." She still didnt look at me. "Oh" I said and stayed quiet for the duration of detention. As I began
to walk home Char shouted to me so I stopped and waited. "Mind if I walk with you?" I shook my head and continued walking. "You live far from here?" Char
tried to make conversation. "No live on East way estate. You?" I asked. "No way I am on the same road" Char smiled. "What number?" Char asked again.
"245 you?" I smiled. ""275 accross the road practically." She giggled. As we walked home we laughed and talked finding out we had a lot in common.
"Well this is me" I smiled. "Hey Maddie want to come over and hangout in mine later." Char asked and graciously I accepted.

*End of Flashback*

Ever since that day we have been best friends. Yeah we have had our fights in the past. I still remember Charlotte telling me she was pregnant.
At the time I was seeing Lee who was best friends wit my next door neighbour Chris. I was 17 they were both 19 and Char was 16 when she fell pregnant with Liz.

* Flash back*

"Hello" I answered half asleep it was 10 am on a saturday and i never usually rose untill after one. "Maddie can you come over to mine please." Char sobbed down the phone.
"You ok babe? Whats wrong?" I asked pulling myself out of bed and getting dressed. " I will be over in a minute" I hung up and yawned trying to fix my hair.
I threw on my flat black shoes and ran over to charlottes. Her mom let me in and I ran to Charlottes room. "Whats up babe?" I hugged her.
"Maddie Im pregnant" CHar whispered to me. "Wait! what" I tried to stay calm. "Remember Lisa Landly's party when I ended up with Chris cause Jared broke up with me"
I nodded remembering the party. "I wasnt entirely truthful to you I ended up getting wasted and sleeping with Chris." Char cried again. "I am so sorry for lying to you
Maddie" Char hugged me and I couldnt move I stood there in shock. "What has chris said?" I asked a few minutes later. "He doesnt know yet only you know."
I rubbed my temples trying to keep calm. "Ok you are going to tell him and i will kick his ass if he doesnt stand by you. Also were gonna tell your mom now." I sighed
Charlotte protested but I wouldnt listen and soon she eventually agreed to tell her mom. I sighed and left the house, there is only so much you can d help
a person.

*End of flashback*

I have been there through it all and i never regretted a single moment. Its just all real now that Char and me have grown up but never grown apart.
From school to liz from liz to bad relationships and to working together. I guess I can say I am lucky but still kind of scared of change too.
I wakeup I am alone, Gavin will find someone next and what will I o then. My eyes wandered to Matt and I soon realized life is short an I shoul stop denying
my feelings but is he the one I want to settle down get married to, have his children. There is one bit advice I will never forget giving Chaarlotte listen
to your heart it is the only organ tat knows you best. My heart screamed for Matt we only know each other awhile but I have never felt this way about anyone.
This is all new to me but can i handle the touring and being away from him for months on end. All I can say is I woul do anything to be by his side every day.
I want to be his everything. I want to be his the girl he wuld tell friends she is mine. Am I asking to much? I dont know but he is leaving soon for tour with
everyone. I will tae his offer and spend a few weeks out with them on tour what harm will it be seeing the worl with Matt.
I came back to reality as the Zacky and Char Said their vows. I looked at Matt and he smiled at me I realized all my doubts wandered away and I soon heard the
words pass Char's lips. This is it and new era is about to begin.