Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Scott had planned his revenge

3 months 18 days 12 hours 23 minutes and 34 seconds I have been hme fro Ireland now I lay awake n a tur bus with Matt's arms tightly wrapped arund my waist as if afraid I am going to run away, afraid I am going to leave him and never come back. Something I dread to do leave Matt, Zacky, Charlotte, Liz or Gavin. I lay still on my side listening to the light snores of the people around me. I looked at a peaceful Liz sleeping and below her I seen Zacky and Char. Zacky held char close to his body protecting her and the baby. I sighed removing myself from my bed. I walked in to the front of the bus beside Tom the driver. "Everything ok Miss Madison?" Tom asked politely. "Yeah just couldn't sleep tTom, are you ok with me keeping you company?" I smiled at him. "No I like to have company when I drive through the night, well usually Matt does be here while you sleep but I am glad you chose to tonight." Tom smiled. We sat and chatted while Tom told me about is family, his wife and kids. "You know it is funny I miss the a lot when I am on the road but for every band I do I love seeing the love between the band members and their partners like you and Matt. You remind me of when I met my wife, you can see the love you guys share and I know Matt never wants to let you go." Tom sighed as I smiled at how I was finally happy again.

Myself and Tom chatted some more until I heard a shrill scream coming from the bunks at around six am. I ran upto the bunk area to see Char crying in Zacky's arms. "Please say nothing happened to her? Maddie where are you?" I heard Char between sobs. "Babe I am right here." I said sitting on the floor beside her. After Char finally calmed down she told me what was going on. "I had a dream they came for you Maddie Scott sent men to one of the shows to kidnap you cause Gavin is here with you as if as if they are watching us Maddie." Char sniffed." Char thats all over Scott doesnt know where me or Gavin are our families know nothing they cant be here they can;t case we got away it is over I promise." I told her. Everyone went back to bed but I stayed up I was a little shaken by Char's dream but I had to be the strong one something in my stomach told me that maybe Char was right with her dream, no not possible.

We arrived hours later at our destination and let TOm catch some shut eye before we leave after the gig to go to my Miami, tomorrow night is my last night with the my family so we will be going to dinner early and party it up later that night unfortunately I must stay here for work. As I sat back stage with Matt we talked abot when I will be able to meet them again on tour after this month I am free agent so I will be spending more time with them on the rest of the tour to my delight. I curled up on Matt and we rested up before he had to go stage. I went to side stage and watched as the guys gave each one of us a hug. Gavin gave Liz zackys guitar and helped him put it on I culdnt help but smile. Matt kissed me a headed out to preform. Half way through the show LIz started falling asleep. "He y Char why dont you stay and I will bring Liz back to the bus." "Are you sure Maddie?" Char asked she hasnt let me ot of her sights all day. "I am sure I am a bit sleepy myself so I will take care of her." I kissed char on the cheek and myself along with Liz walked back to the bus.

As we walked though the parking lot I got a bad feelingever feel like someone is watching you. "Liz dont let go of m hand ok sweety" I said sternly and Liz just smiled and nodded."Well Miss Madison Silver my god havent you grown up to be a beatuiful young woman?" I turned to see who was talking to me. "Lost for words Madison tat isnt like you and I didnt know you were a mom." I was frozen I couldnt move. "Scott dont hurt her please whatever you do dont hurt her." I pleaded. I felt someone grab me as Scott went for Liz. "No please let her go please let her go." I cried. "Aunt Maddie what are you doing with my Aunty." Liz screamed. "Liz like i taught you" I screamed before my mouth was covered. I watched liz run around Scott and run towards the venue. "Guess you will just have to do Maddie" Scott kissed my forehead and I felt disgusted. Nothing Lover boy can do for you Maddie I am going to take you back to where you belong and we will live happily ever after or until your brother pays up the money he owes me." Scott hissed at me. That was all I could remember from that night my world just went black please someone save me I beg them.
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