Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Save Me

When I came back around I didnt know where I was. My head was throbbing, I tried to move my hands but they were tied behind my back. "Nice to see you finally woke up Madison." Scott said with what I think was a smirk. "Why cant you just leave me and m family alone Scott. I dont need you hurting Matt Liz Gavin Zack and Charlotte." I whispered choking back the tears. "How did you find me anyways?" I asked demanding an answer. "The interet tells all great stories especially when you see pictures in Magazines or papers, of you and Matt Sanders lovey dovey and you made the wrong mood taking Gavin back here with you. oh but thats you Madison cant live with out her precious brother Gavin." Scott said kissing my neck. "Why do you wantme Scott? I love Matt." I began to cry thinking about what Matt is possibly thinking right now. "I love you Madison I always have even when we were kids. Your dark red hair blue eyes and your smile made my heart jump." Scott came behind me and kissed my neck which made me sick.

"I can't be with you Scott, I love Matt!" I was crying harder now. "Shut up you don;t love him Madison what connection we share is much deeper thats why I am taking you back to Ireland so we can live happily." Scott smiled and left the room. All that filled the room was the sounds of my tears. I just want to go home and be with my family. I want to be there for Liz and the baby. Remind Charlotte that she is a great mom but it is ok to ask for help. Gavin is probably clibing the walls ver me being taken and Matt I cant bare to think what Matt is going through. The door opened and Scott gave me a glass of water after that I dnt remember falling asleep.

Matt's POV
I searched everywhere but I cant find her. I went to ask Char had she seen Maddie. "hey guys have any of you's seen Maddie?" I spoke. "No man not since we went on stage." Zacky replied. I felt two arms wrap around my leg and noticed it was Liz. "Whats up baby girl?" I noticed Liz was crying. "Aunty Maddie was taken away by some men she told me to run and tell you guys but I was afraid. I dont want Aunt Maddie to be hurt." Liz sniffed and Char brought her for a nap. "I am going to talk to Gavin and see can he help us track Maddie?" I said and ran to the venue to talk to Gavin. "Gavin we have a problem." I said catching my breathe. "Whats up man?" Gavin asked. "Maddie has been kidnapped, Liz said men took her away." I was getting uncomfortable saying the words. "For fuck sake I think I know who took her." Gavin rubbed his temple. "Well come on we are going to te police." I ran to the bus and went to the police to inform them of my girlfriends disappearence.

After wat felt like hours in the station we all headed back to the bus. I sat on my bunk and only noticed a letter on my pillow. I ripped open the letter and read what it had to say. "Aren't you the unfortunate one to lose this beautiful girl. Madison is going to be mine and you will never see her again. I will make her my wife and bring her back to were she belongs. I will make Gavin pay for the money he owes me. Never met you but your ex girlfriend says goodbye." I closed the letter and put my head in my hands. That fucking asshole taking the girl I love away from me. Yes I said it I love Madison Silver wih everything I have. I had to wake the guys up. "Meet me in the living area now." I told them all. Each one of them came out with sleepy heads. " Whats up ?" Brian asked holding his head. "I found this on my bed " I held the letter up. The guys read the letter and Gavin spoke first. "He is taking her home to Ireland." he said before going quite. I stood there in shock, I have to get to the airport before he leaves with Maddie. "Gavin do you know if he knows people here or where he could be staying?" Gavin thought about and then he spoke. "His dad owned a house about an hour drive from here, he possibly could of brought her there." Gavin yawned while I told him to go get tom to drive us tere. Dnt worry Maddie I will find you
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love love love dont mind me im a bit crazy lately!