Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Part Three - The Sorry

Maddie's P.O.V.

“ Probably one of your groupies” kept replaying in my head. “me a groupie” i told myself. Climbed in to bed and slowly drifted off to sleep. “Aunt Maddie get up” I felt someone shake me. I opened m eyes and there was my beautiful five year god daughter. “Lizzz” i said laughing. “ Mama told me to wake you up cause you wont be bold” Liz told me innocently. I cocked my eye and picked up Liz and went to get breakfast. “Like your wake up” Charlotte giggled. “yes very much so, but we don't have to be there til 10:00am and its only seven now” I told her. “Yeah but i thought we would bring Liz to school and head straight over and maybe get starbucks on the way” she smirked. “haha you had me at starbucks” I laughed and went to get ready. I looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't see Maddie Silver all I seen was her Cherry. My alter ego, she now can get what she wants, she is flirty with guys and always has some eye candy on her arm but lately since Liz was born I have been feeling quite maternal but at 22 its to soon now with my career and all. Of course Maddie Silver is the motherly type but Cherry is far from it, but everyone knows Cherry and assumes I am her all the time I just wish I could find someone who would love Maddie not Cherry.

Finally dressed and ready to go. “you wok auntly Maddie” Liz asked me sweetly. “Yeah fine Liz thanks for asking” I smiled at her before putting on my aviators. I felt to arms wrap around my waist. I looked down to see Liz was hugging me. I bent down to her level “ whats up baby girl?” i asked her taking off my aviators. “Just wanted to say your really pretty Aunt Maddie.” I wanted to cry Liz is just so adorable i gave her a hug and sad thank you and that she was so beautiful herself. After dropping Liz to school it was time to head for the photo shoot. We stopped at Starbucks and quickly grabbed our order to go. “Maddie are you ok?” Char asked while keeping her eyes on the road. “yeah why do you ask?” giving her a half hearted smile. “don't try that with me missy never worked I can read you like a book Madison Silver. Whats wrong babe?” she asked voice filled with concern. “I am 23 in a month and I feel like i have n direction Char, I want children, a family. A big house and a husband.” I started to trail off. “oh Maddie you will get all of those things you deserve babe, one day you will meet the right guy who will whisk you of your feet and you will get married, have babies.” Char cooed. I smiled weakly at her. We finally got to the shoot, Char parked the car and i got out to grab our bags. The shoot was for the guys upcoming self titled album. “morning ladies” the photographer Nick greeted us. “Morning were the models for the shoot” I told him casually. “Oh your Charlotte and Maddie the lads told me about you's” he trailed off. I looked confused towards Charlotte who just shrugged.

“Morning Maddie” the same voice that made me jump yesterday. “Morning Matt” I said coldly. “May I speak to you for a moment please?” he asked politely. “Sure you have 5mins go!” i looked at my watch then quickly glanced at matt's features. “I apologize for what Jimmy said to you yesterday he didn't mean to offend you in anyway.” Matt explained. “Please let me take you out for dinner to say sorry.” I hesitated before answering, has he not realized who i am? “So.....” he trailed off. “Ok but this is not a date agreed?” “agreed” he smiled and i felt like my heart was going 90. “Maddie and Matt we need you's to get ready now!” Nick told us hurrying us off to the dressing rooms. “So what did Matt have to say” Char asked as i entered the dressing room. “He is taking me out to dinner later.” I said so monotoned. “Oh my god Maddie maybe your luck is changing after all” Char told me in pure delight. “Hold your horses its not a date” i told her as Aimee did my make up. “Charlotte your needed now” the beautiful blonde called out. “see you out there” char said as see ran off. “So you and Matt! Aimee asked. “Its nothing Aimee he is probably asking Cherry out” i told her. “Oh hunny I doubt he is asking Suicide Girl Cherry Shadows out, Matt isn't the type.” she smiled. “Give him a chance” she asked. “Is she ready” the small blonde asked Aimee“yup just finished now” “excellent” the small blonde said as i followed her to the shoot.

The shoot went perfectly, I ran off to get changed I heard commotion outside. “So what if I have a five year old daughter” I heard Charlotte shout. “I am not saying anything” Johnny said hesitantly. “what is going on?” I asked calmly to Charlotte. “ He told Zacky it's hard to believe that someone at 20 has a five year old kid” char said in a huff. “Is this true”i asked with narrow eyes on Johnny. “Yes” Johnny said quietly. “Char go get ready we got to pick up Liz from school” Char listens to me when she is angry and went off to get changed. “Thank you” johnny said even quieter. “ hold n you have no right to talk about my family like that you hear me, your lucky i didn't let her punch you for the sake of her daughter.” Soon after char was beside me packed and ready to go. Matt came over to say goodbye and get my number. “I'll see you around 8 then” “sure” i replied with no emotion in my voice. In the car I drove back to Liz's school. “be back in a minute” Char said as she jumped of the car. She was soon back and i got out to give Liz a hug. She ran straight over to me with arms open wide. I looked to find Charlotte and there he is Chris Liz's dad. I am not the one with the problem with he just never liked me. I noticed they were fighting too, so i put Liz in her booster seat and strapped her in. Liz told me all about her day at school and how when she is older she wants to be like her mammy. I smiled at her cuteness. Finally Char got back into the car. “ we will talk about it when you get home” i told her. “thanks Maddie were would we be without you” char told me half giggling. Finally home and char got more excited by my dinner with Matt than i really was. “maybe you'll be the next Mrs.M.Shadows” she exclaimed and rolled my eyes at Char. That is jumping the gun.
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