Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Part Four-The Break-Up

Charlotte's Point of View:

I follow Maddie in our house with Liz holding my hand. I took Liz in he room and turned on Yo Gabba. "Honey stay in here for me please I got to talk to Aunt Maddie sweetie" I tell her kissing Lizzie's forehead. She nods and then climbs on her princess bed. I smile and shut Liz's door. I walk into Maddie's room and start sobbing. Maddie gets on the floor beside me and pulls me to her lap. I wrap my arms around his waist and say "Chris broke-up with me because he thinks I'm cheating on him" Mad shakes her head and asks the one thing she knows will make me feel better "Wanna curl my hair sissy?" I smile and nod real fast. We walk into the bathroom and plug in the curler iron. "Lizz wanna help mama make Aunty Maddie pretty for her date?" I scream out brushing Mad's hair. Lizzie runs over and then grabs the blush. She starts doing Maddie's make-up and I look at Mad then grab Liz's hand. "Like this baby" I show Elizabeth hoe and she copys what I did. I smile and then curl her hair.

We finish her hair and make-up then I go in the closet. I pick out a sexy blue dress and matching heels. I pick up a red thong then hand maddie her clothes. "I am not wearing this Charlotte Ann" I cover my eyes and fake sob. I hear Maddie sigh and hear the bathroom door close. I bring my hand down and smirk at Liz. She giggles and jumps off the bed at me. I spin her around and ask "How would feel if you only saw daddy on weekends or holidays?" She shrugs then wraps he rlegs around me. I laugh and kiss her cheek. Maddie walks out and spins around. I whistle and Liz giggles and says "You look beatiful Aunty Mad" Maddie smiles and hugs her. I hug both them and scream "My girls" They both start giggling and I can't help but feel like Chris should be here. I sigh and wipe my tears. The door bell rings and Liz takes off. Maddie looks at me and says "It isn't a date" I nod and I walk out of her room.

I see Matt swatting down talking to Lizzie. "Liz baby girl come one let's go take a bath and let Aunty Maddie go on her date" Lizzie smiles and "says "Okay mommy ohh I wanna watch The Nightmare Before Christmas" I nod and she hugs Matt bye then runs towards me. I bend down and pick her up. Maddie walks out and hugs Liz then me. "Bye!" We scream as she walks out the door. I lock the door hoping she has a key. I place Liz down and tell her to go get her pajams. I go in my room pick out my pjs then walk in the bathroom. Liz and I share a bath then get dressed. We go in my room and cuddle in my bed watching her favorite movie The Nightmare Before Christmas. I think this how it is suppose to be.
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What was your favorite part?
Mine was: "Bye!" We scream as she walks out the door