Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Part Five - The Dinner

Matt looked amazing in his black shirt and trousers. “My Lady” he gestures me into his car. “Thank you” I smiled. He walked around to the drivers and got in. Soon we were away. “so what is the plan for tonight?” I asked coolly. “Oh I was thinking dinner in the Hard Rock then maybe a bit of dancing later” he smiled that smile that makes me have butterflies in my stomach. “Sounds good to me” i said looking out the window. “ so cute id guessing Liz is Charlotte's after the little out burst she had at Johnny earlier. He asked focusing on the road. “yep and i am her god mother, i love that little girl t pieces be lost without the two of them.” I smiled thinking of how much i loved my girls. “So tell me a bit about yourself?” Matt questioned me. “well what do you know first off?” I asked him. “Not that much really hence why i asked you to tell me” he smirked. “ Fine” I said mockingly rolling my eyes. “ Well you know my name is Madison Silver, I was born and rared in Dublin till I was 12 years old, got my first tattoo at 15 and love to drink” I smiled at him. “Your from Dublin as in Ireland” he asked. “Yup” I nodded. “Hence my shamrock with Eire on it on my neck” I giggled.

“Here we are my lady” Matt said as he pulled up to the Hard Rock. He helped me out of his car and I notice him looking me up and down. “Like what you see” i winked at him. There she is out and about Cherry sometimes I cant control her. Matt offered me his arm and I linked it. We were seated and the waitress came over to take our order. It was obvious this girl was trying to hit on Matt but he didn't seem to respond like i thought he would. “What would you like?” the blonde waitress asked me snootly because she didnt get an attention from Matt as his eyes were on me. “Another waitress if you don't mind” I told her in a bitchy manner. “Hey aren't you that model who modeled for that website what is it called?” she pondered. “Why does it matter may i ask and can i have the southern fried chicken wrap and fries and Jack and red soda please.” I said trying to get her away from us. Matt laughed softly. “What?” I asked him. “Oh nothing it's just funny your accent ages when you get annoyed.” I blushed at his comment. “You can take the girl from Ireland but you cant take the Irish in her away!” I smiled at him. “So enough about me tell me a bit about yourself?” trying to avoid talking about myself all night. “ Well I am Matt as you know by now” he began. I pretend to do a shock horror look and he smiled that adorable smile of his that made me melt. We talked for ages over food and drinks. “Hey want to go dancing he asked.” Matt asked while taking my hand. “Sure” I told him. We went to the night club Hell it was a new hot rock club in town. As we walked in the song Killing In The Name Of by Rage Against the Machine was playing. “What you drinking Matt said into my ear. “Jack and red” I told him. Soon Matt was back with our drinks and Nine Inch Nails song Closer came on the speakers i dragged Matt to the dancer floor. How I love this song. Always will be a classic tune to dance to. As I moved against Matt I felt him run his hands over my body. I moved my body in sync to his getting lost in the music. We finally stopped dancing after a couple of songs and got more drinks. I was starting to relax and finally Maddie was beginning to show herself. Matt and myself had not stopped laughing maybe Charlotte was right maybe my luck is changing after all but this wasn't a date i told myself stiffening myself up.

Finally coaxed Matt into doing Jagerbombs with me and god was it messy but we were wasted soon after 5 of them. As i stumbled to the bathrooms I walked into a couple kissing near the bathrooms. “Sorry” I giggled walking past them to the ladies bathrooms. “No worries Maddie” I heard the male voice. I turned on my heel to see if the voice matched the person I thought it did. “Chris what the hell” I shouted. “ How don't go self righteous Maddie, and before you begin me and Charlotte broke up this afternoon she is probably fucking someone else by now.” He smirked. “Don't You dare talk about Char like that Chris for your information she is at home taking care of Liz. Something you should be helping her with.” I shouted at him suddenly feeling sober. I looked at the girl Chris was getting off with and she had a look of pure shock on her face. “You have a kid” I heard say before he stormed off. “ Thanks a lot Maddie, bet you wouldn't of done that if it was Char.” he said scowling at me. “Actually Chris I know my best friend a damn sight better than you do and she loves you and Liz and would never cheat on you. Also my opinion on you has been clear as day since the first time I met you. You were never good enough for Char and she will do a lot better now that you are not of her life and as for Liz she has me and Char and thats all she will ever need not a low life piece of scum for a father you make me physically sick.” they were the last words I spoke to Chris and went off to find Matt.

“Hey mind if we get out of here” I whispered in his ear. “Sure” Matt said as he followed me out of the club. “Hey wanna take a walk on the beach” Matt asked grabbing my hand. “Do i have a choice in the matter.” “ehhhhh..... NO!” he chuckled and dragged me to the beach. I took off my shoes an we walked by the shore. We talked and told funny stories about our jobs. “Maddie” Matt stopped me. “I am really sorry for the bad start we got off on and I am happy you gave me a chance to just be me tonight. I would like to see you again if I could or if you let me see you again.” Before i could answer he cupped my face and kissed me. The kiss was amazing, our lips moved perfectly in sync together as soon as we pulled away i blushed but avoided answering his question. “I better go home” I told him. “I have a girly day with Liz and Char tomorrow.” I told him. “How about you guys stop off over at the studio tomorrow and we can all hang out and i will get johnny to say sorry to Charr.” he asked doing the puppy dogs I can never resist on guys. “Ok I will see no promises” I told him sternly and he smiled widely. “Come on lets get you home” He said leading the way to his car. After a 20 minute drive back home, Matt parked the car outside my house. “Thank you for a lovely dinner and maybe I will pop by tomorrow” I told him. “ No thank you Madison Silver for giving me a chance.” Matt said leaning forward. We kissed again but this time it had so much passion than expected. Drunk or not drunk this felt good for me. I finally broke away and got out of the car, I walked up to the door and waved goodbye to Matt. I put the key in the door and let myself in, I tried to creep up the stairs and not wake Char and Liz. “Madison Silver are you drunk” I heard someone whisper from the bathroom. “Shhhhh don't tell anyone” I giggled and Char just laughed at me. “Go to bed we will talk in the morning.” Char laughed.
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So if its crappy but sure what the hell comment and thans for reading love you RandomEm18 <3