Status: Active :-)

Girl I Know

Part Seven - Babysitting

“So what did Mr. Vengance say?” I asked Char wiggling my eyebrows at her as we sat on the couch watching the guys record. “He asked me to go out with him” she told me trying not to show her excitement. “Do you mind taking care of Liz tonight?” I looked her with fake upset on my face and broke in to a smile. “Of course not.” I smiled. “Its great to see back on the playing field” I told her holding her hand. “So how was your date with Matt last night.” Char asked wanting all the details. “It was good we went to dinner and then went to Hell for a dance, but I did bump into Chris.” Char's eyes widened when I said his name I soon felt guilt come over me from what I saw. “What was he doing there?” she questioned me. “Trying to get his leg over some girl, I know he doesnt really like me but seriously he accused you of sleeping around and of course I put him in his place.” I seen the hurt in Char's eyes. “Forget about him hunny look at what you have that he doesnt. You have a beautiful daughter, you will always have me and look at you, you have a date with Mr.Vengance over there.” I said giggling and Char couldnt help but laugh. “Mommy, Aunty Maddie look at me” we heard Liz call as she sat on Jimmys lap playing on his drums.

Matt came over and sat beside with his arm resting around my shoulders. “Oi lve birds we have children present.” I heard jimmy shout over at me and Matt. I couldnt help giggle. “Hey you want to come over and help babysit Liz with me tonight” I asked. Matt smiled and nodded, he really loves Liz but who wouldn't love my baby girl, she is like me and char in so many ways. “Hey Charlotte can we take Liz to the park?” Jimmy bouncing up and down. “How about we all go and make a day of it” I pitched in. “Lets go then” I heard Char announce.

We all went to the park and the guys messed around with Liz. I sat beside Char and smiled the first genuine smile she has seen on my face since the day Liz was born. “You like him” I heard Char sing. “Shut up Char it is to soon.” I told her. “Well he can't keep his eyes of you Maddie and maybe he is the one give him a chance.” she told me. “You know what I am like Char, I havent even told him about Cherry. I want him to like Madison not Cherry.” I sighed. “Madison Silver how can he not love you. Your the best girl ever your loveable, smart, funny and beautiful. Just dont leave it to long to tell him.” Char told me. “I will tell him soon but can I just have fun for now.” Iasked her. Char nodded and gave me a big hug. “So you excited about your date” “Kind of but I feel bad because I dont want to upset Liz, Chris is still her daddy.” I nodded in agreement and looked out at the guys playing with Liz. “Look how happy she is and the guys love her and no matter what no one will ever replace Chris in her life, Well besides me because I am that cool.” Char fell over laughing at my comment. “I am lucky to have you Maddie” she smiled. “Ok miss lets get you ready for your date.” I beamed at her. We packed up our stuff and matt carried Liz to my car and buckled her in. “I will see you later Miss.Liz” Matt smiled at Liz. Matt turned to face me as I pulled on my aviators. “I will also see you later Miss Madison” he said as he hugged me. “Anything in particular you want brought over?” Matt asked leaning against my car. “Just yourself and a lot of Ice cream and make it Ben and Jerries as it is me and Liz's favorite. “ I smiled up at him. “will do see you later” matt said and kissed me. “Matt put her down and let her drive us home, ou only have to be away from her for two hours” I heard Char laugh. Matt opened my door and i climbed in. “Bye” he said winking at me. “See you in a bit Liz” he said to Liz and she waved bye to Matt.

Finally home it was time to get Char ready for her date. I straightened her hair and did her make up. We got to her closet and I pulled out my favorite black dress she owned and black ankle boots to match. “Hey liz lets get you into your bed clothes before Matt gets here.” as I picked Liz up and carried her to her room while Liz got ready. After I got Liz changed, we went downstairs and got comfy on the couch. “So Liz what will eat tonight?” “Pizza” Liz said with glee. “Ok and what will we watch with Matt?” “Ehmmm can we watch Grease” she smiled up at me. “Of course.” I smiled down at her. As I got everything prepared and ordered the pizza, the door bell rang and Liz was straight there to answer it. “Hey Liz” Matt said picking Liz up and carrying her and a big paper bag too. It was the cutest thing I ever seen, Liz had her small arms wrapped around Matt as he carried her into the couch. “Hey Matt” I smiled wen I entered the sitting room. He put the bag and Liz down and came over to give me a big hug. “What's with the big bag” I asked him. “Oh just some sweets for Liz and a few things for me and you to eat” he smiled at me. “Well pizza is ordered and we are going to watch Grease ain't that right Liz” Liz nodded and smiled at Matt. “Maddie” I heard Char call me. I ran up the stairs and smiled at Char. “You look amazing hunny” I told her as Char gave me a twirl.”Thanks Maddie and thank you for taking care of Liz tonight” “Not a problem she is being treated Like a princess tonight by Matt.” I giggled.

The doorbell went again. “Hey dude” I heard Matt answer the door. “Are yu ready” Iasked leaving Char's room and going to the door. “Hey Zacky” I smiled. “No funny business mister” I said trying not to smile at him. Soon his eyes were fixed on Char coming down the stairs. I smiled at how hapy she looked. “You look beautiful Mommy” Liz said and Char bent down to give her a hug. “Now you be good for Aunty Maddie and Matt and go straight to bed when they tell you ok.” Liz nodded and gave Char a hug, “Go already and have fun” I bursted out. Char gave me a hug and left, we waved them off and soon the pizza had arrived. We had so much fun eating and singing to the songs of Grease soon towards the end Liz fell asleep on my lap. Matt picked her up and carried her to bed I tucked her in and turned on her night light. I went back downstairs and curled up beside Matt, we talked and watched tv for awhile. I soon fell asleep on Matts chest, he carried me bridal side to bed. He issed my foreead goodnight and I mumbled for him to stay with me. He got into the bed beside me and pulled me to his chest. I didnt even hear Char come in from her date that night.
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I know we post a lot in just a few days but we are having fun with this story and i hope you have fun reading it , Love you RandomEMo18 <3